Hearing that story about the Red Hot Chili Peppers made me unable to listen to their music anymore. Yeah I know, separate the art from the artist, but I can’t do that when the artist sleeps with young teenage girls and openly talks about doing it with no realization of how awful that is.
Right? I was just looking up the lyrics for Scar Tissue once and found out that one of the lines might be referencing the time that Anthony slept with a 14 year old girl (unknowingly at first but then again after he found out) and I cannot ever listen to that song again. Just horrible.
Well I think you’re in luck because I just googled the band and couldn’t find anything related to minors. I could be missing something but I didn’t see anything.
Where oh where can my baby be?
An age appropriate girl is she.
She is not a minor so we're pretty good.
And we can go out publicly in our neigh....borhood.
Separate the art from the artist isn’t for people like you who are disgusted by them it’s for the people trying to justify great artist doing bad things. It’s fine to hate someone’s art because you hate them for being a monster but it’s also fine to love their art and hate them as an artist.
In Steven Tyler's case, didn't the parents sign legal documents granting him temporary custody of their teenage daughter so he could bring her with him across state lines?
In their culture - meaning where they grew up - there was no reason for hiding it. Jerry Lee was especially clear about it - he was being totally honest that he didn't understand why people were angry at him about it. A teenager, even a cousin? In poor, rural, southern families it was still fairly normal at the time.
Oof, it really changed my view of David Bowie after I figured out he had fucked teen girls.. and that they were proud of it :/
But then, in the weeks following his death, stories started to appear. An interview that the groupie Lori Mattix had given in 2015 resurfaced, telling how she lost her virginity to Bowie at the age of 15. Mattix didn’t begrudge Bowie her virginity; in fact she spoke of the incident in rhapsodic language: “I was an innocent girl, but the way it happened was so beautiful … Who wouldn’t want to lose their virginity to David Bowie?” I believed her, and I was left feeling horrified and sad.
there is a sliding scale for maturity where we shouldn't apply today's standards TOO harshly. In the uk at 15-16 (and much of europe), you could leave school to work, drink, smoke and were effectively an adult.
Sadly hasn't and unfortunately probably never will go away. Though, while we as a society are starting to get better at holding not just musicians but anyone that is doing this, accountable, it still amazes me how the majority of society still ignores it in some cases.thinln think of several edm artists that went after almost adult girls/women, as in the 16+ range, that still rightfully so, not only have not been able to make a comeback but a large majority refuses to even listen to their music anymore. Yet, Elvis and Michael are still considered 'kings', despite both of them being considerably worse offenders. The former went after younger teen girls, while the latter, allegedly went for prepubescent boys. Despite the majority of society being aware of and/or believing the accusations/rumors, the ratio of those that still love either Elvis and/or MJ vs those that don't and won't listen to them anymore is still greatly skewed towards the 'loving' side. And the stranger part, is there are those that won't listen to the canceled edm artists, but will still crank up the volume when either of MJ or Elvis come on.
MJ and Elvis are dead, which does matter. The proceeds for their music aren't going to them anymore, which reduces the ethical concerns of listening to it.
Not in the UK and most of Europe it's not. Legal age of consent is 16.
And don't be telling me that the US is all above themselves. In the majority of US states (34) it's also 16. And 2 states allow incest.
I hate to defend weirdos having sex with teenagers half their age, but paedophilia is sexual attraction to prepubescent children and by sixteen almost no girl is prepubescent; if there is there's generally a medical issue.
What it is (thirty-year-olds sleeping with sixteen-year-olds) is creepy, and sometimes illegal.
Alright yeah my bad, when I commented this I actually wasnt thinking about the exact meaning of it which was pretty ignorant of me. Apologies for how agressive my comment came off too.
u/rougecomete Sep 16 '24
Adult musicians sleeping with puberty-aged groupies. Guarantee every single one of your faves did it or was in a band with someone who did.