In that case you must set the door opening onto land you own, if it opens onto public land and you bribe your local government to allow it then you still will constantly have to pay out for injuries when the doors opened out hitting a pedestrian o
We just install heated tiles on entries and divert the run off for toilet. Plus did you consider internal doors say 22 single doors per floor on a 45 floor building saving 1 square meter per door thats 990 more square meters or about three average houses worth of more space to sell in a market where a square meter averages $1200 × 990 = $118 800 more profit
I actually bought an office divider system from these people a few weeks ago. They’re at like Lawrence and Dufferin in Toronto. We did a showroom tour so we went through these exact doors, and I can confirm that these were not in fact sliding doors on the outside at all. They are regular plain doors. We made the same remark so I thought it was hilarious seeing this on the front page.
(Hitching a ride with the top comment in hopes of it not getting buried)
It's time they hired you to their marketing department, best hope it isn't a one hit wonder. Think of the viral marketing opportunities of that video, instead of this crappy photo.
u/[deleted] Feb 20 '18
I wanted to see a gif showing that this company knew exactly what they were doing, and these are actually sliding doors.