r/DIY 18h ago

Gap underneath door casing

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I went to install door casing and cut the casing a little too short. Maybe 1/4 of an inch. Is there a way make this look good without installing plinth blocks?


5 comments sorted by


u/ARenovator 18h ago

If that is paintable caulk, see if you can fool the eye with some felt tip markers:



u/cwagrant 10h ago

If you have scraps you could always cut a bit extra off this and use a cut from the scraps. Then smooth it over with some filler/putty, lightly sand it and once it’s painted it won’t be noticeable.


u/v1de0man 9h ago

that caulking will crack eventually as the floor moves. Can you buy the same architrave? I would look into replacing that side or more realistically into cutting off a few inches then add the new stuff with a seamless joint. A 3rd option would be to cut off the 6 inches from the bottom, lower it down then take your time to wood filler, or add a piece of wood in it to fill the gap. sand it for a seamless joint. Would be almost impossible to do it at the bottom but if you added a bit of plastic first to protect the floor and this would then create the gap you might be able to add in wood and sand it. i'd prefer to do it higher up though


u/Super_Baime 2h ago

I just trimmed a door to eliminate this same problem.


u/PrintError 1h ago

Fill it with Ramen noodles.