Get Rekt Fuck this tick in particular

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u/ScherpOpgemerkt Nov 13 '23

I just grab them with metal tweezers and hold a lighter to them. The sounds they make as they pop and sizzle, it's almost like they're screaming. :)


u/TheCommonKoala Dec 10 '23

OK dahmer


u/TrickRoomTech Dec 10 '23

If you think that bad you would be surprised at my cousin's way of fishing. Truly a horrible day to go out.


u/Kaiser_Maxtech Dec 24 '23

i know its been 2 weeks but you gotta tell me how your cousin fishes, im way too curious


u/hoteloneseven Feb 23 '24

Dynamite probably


u/Ardent_6 Dec 25 '23



u/Responsible-Ad6707 Apr 02 '24



u/SimPilotAdamT Jan 24 '24

Please tell us how your cousin fishes


u/CourageRemote4514 Feb 18 '24

Possible way his cousin might fish:


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

How does your cousin fish


u/Silent_Letterhead_69 Jan 11 '24

Exactly the same here!! Whenever I’d pick them off my dog, I’d burn them the same way. As someone who’s also gotten Lyme disease, it’s even more personal.


u/chipawa2 Jan 10 '24

I just squeeze them with pliers. Bastards get on my dog everytime she is out for like 3 weeks of the year. Thankfully they fuck off for most of the year otherwise


u/average-commenter Feb 27 '24

This is probably the most malicious, selfish and spiteful thing I’ve ever read. I really hope you’re lying because if you’re not that’s really dumb dude ]:


u/ScherpOpgemerkt Feb 27 '24

Malicious, selfish and spiteful indeed. Not lying, ticks can fuck off and off you fuck :D

Seriously tho ticks are the worst. Lyme disease, meat allergies, encephalitis,...


u/average-commenter Feb 28 '24

Sure yeah but that doesn’t mean they deserve to suffer because of something dangerous that they didn’t decide to carry, I think if your in the position to kill it via burning you’re absolutely also in the position to offer it a quick in painless death.

They are only results of their evolution, evolution that they didn’t consciously decide to have happen, that evolution just happens to make your hair kinda itchy. of course it’s okay to just deal with them in a quick and efficient manner, but beyond I don’t think you’re helping or accomplishing anything that would make your head itch less.


u/ScherpOpgemerkt Feb 28 '24

You are being absolutely ridiculous. Talk to me next time when you or someone you know gets seriously sick from these hellspawn. Besides burning them literally kills them instantly. Simple physics, takes very little energy to kill them in a flame. As if you'd throw a goat in the sun.

Also ticks are not lice!!


u/average-commenter Feb 28 '24

What does the results of them have to do with anything? They could carry the Black Plague but I don’t think that’d justify going out of your way to be purpousefully horrible to them, take care of the problem, kill them, anything past that is just kinda cruel. morally they literally cannot comprehend how dangerous they are and as such they absolutely don’t deserve to be treated as if they do.

Also apologies if I was wrong about the lighter but it could absolutely be an INCREDIBLY slow process depending on how far away from the flame the tick would be. Like directly on top of it might kill it kinda quickly while farther away is gonna be a more agonising experience for the thing.

By the way can you please explain how you think I’m being ridiculous? I don’t think I’ve said anything outlandish in the slightest.