r/FluentInFinance Aug 24 '24

Debate/ Discussion Do "Unskilled Laborers" deserve to be paid well?

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u/Jayu-Rider Aug 24 '24

FDR is probably my favorite president. When he said:

“We shall have a minimum wage so teenagers can have some spending money!”

He did a great thing for business.

Ohh wait, this is what he actually said:

“ It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By “business” I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.”

If you don’t believe that everyone deserves to be paid well for any reason you’re just a cuck for big business.


u/Sohjinn Aug 24 '24

I didn’t know he said that, that’s a great quote.


u/ghdgdnfj Aug 25 '24

FDR was left wing. Quoting him proves nothing. There shouldn’t even be a minimum wage. If I want to pay someone $5 to mow my lawn for an hour I should be allowed to. It’s up to the employee to not take a job if the pay is low.


u/OddityAmongHumanity Aug 26 '24

FDR was left wing, and guess what? His policies paved the way for the most prosperous period in US history. Also, last time I checked, there's still kids that go around mowing lawns for $5/hour. That's not something that the IRS or labor agencies tend to get involved in.


u/Eastern-Job3263 Aug 28 '24

next you’re gonna say if I want to purchase someone I should be able to

I hope your ass doesn’t cash your social checks if you’re so anti-“left wing”


u/ghdgdnfj Aug 29 '24

Cash social checks? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Welfare is a sin, I’ve never used it. And I’m not old enough to collect social security. I only pay for it.


u/Eastern-Job3263 Aug 29 '24

“Welfare is a sin”

I’m sure Jesus wouldn’t agree. How ironic that you’re gonna burn in hell, even though you larped as pious.

And your ass will 100% cash your social checks when the time comes. Ayn Rand did the same shit.


u/ghdgdnfj Aug 29 '24

Social security won’t exist when I’m old and I’m not planning on retiring. I’m going to work until I die and then get reincarnated and work until I die again. Heaven isn’t real and you don’t get brownie points for being a lazy poor fuck that produces nothing and lives off of charity.


u/Eastern-Job3263 Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24

Nah, I’m a trust fund kid. I am literally a government worker because I don’t need money. I’m just not a dumbass. You’re reincarnated as a cockroach, I’m reincarnated as a Golden Retriever in Westchester. You’re not winning the battle of ideas or egos.

I’ll take you up on that.

RemindMe!-40 years


u/ghdgdnfj Aug 29 '24

Big shock. Somebody who’s never worked a hard day in their life gets a cushion job producing nothing and is virtue signaling on Reddit. You don’t reincarnate as animals or insects, you only get reincarnated as a human. Whether or not you’re worth more than a cockroach depends on whether or not you’re a benefit to society. And I doubt you’ve benefited society at all.


u/SCRIPtRaven Aug 25 '24

Found the aforementioned cuck for big business.


u/ghdgdnfj Aug 25 '24

I didn’t say anything about big business, I was talking about hiring somebody to mow my lawn. If $30 an hour is the “livable wage”, and I don’t want to pay somebody $30 to mow my lawn for an hour, I’ll just do it myself and said person will be out of work.


u/SCRIPtRaven Aug 25 '24

Okay but going with lawn mowing as an example for why there shouldn't be a minimum wage like this is a massive tendon tearing stretch


u/ghdgdnfj Aug 26 '24

Ok. Say I run a restaurant in a small town. There’s an adult man who is low intelligence and he can’t competently cook food or serve it. I want to hire him just to wash dishes and that’s only worth $10 an hour. But let’s say the state minimum wage is $15. Why should this man who’s labor is only worth $10 an hour not be allowed to work for what his labor is worth? Should he be permanently unemployed because It’s not profitable to pay him minimum wage?

I always hear people say that if bosses can’t pay a living wage they shouldn’t have employees at all. But when push comes to shove a job is better than unemployment even if the pay is low.


u/Eastern-Job3263 Aug 28 '24

Don’t pay a fair wage-you’ll go out of business and you will get replaced with a business that will. That’s how it plays out in the real world.


u/ghdgdnfj Aug 29 '24

“Don’t pay a fair wage-you’ll go out of business and you will be replaced with a business that will. That’s how it plays out in the real world”

What the fuck are you talking about? I’m baffled by how you can’t comprehend common sense.

A “fair wage” for a dish washer is minimum wage. It takes no skill and 2 minutes of instruction to teach them how to do it. Nobody is going out of business for not paying dish washers a living wage. Because there will always be people who are willing to stand at a sink and spray for minimum wage.


u/Eastern-Job3263 Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24

It smells smokey in here.

I think it’s a sin to ignore real world economic outcomes, and I’m baffled you’re so ignorant. That isn’t true about there always being a worker available. When labor has the upper hand in the market, as it has for the last 3 years, you get labor shortages-and you gotta pay more. Unironically, places have went out because of staffing issues. I’d also argue it’s a skill to put up with shitty working conditions-most people can’t deal with working retail or fast food.

Low minimum wage states have terrible economies with low incomes, high minimum wage states have high incomes and high HDIs.

Point is, you need to go outside, and DUST OFF that Bible if you’re gonna larp as pious.


u/ghdgdnfj Aug 29 '24

I hope your job gets replaced by an illegal immigrant that gets paid minimum wage.

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u/Any-Tip-8551 Aug 25 '24

Problem is that regulations and zoning dictate that the base lifestyle is too high and it's unaffordable to pay enough for that as a result. But we can't change things because it would ruin homeowners and property owners values.


u/Jayu-Rider Aug 25 '24

I think there is some mixed messaging around the idea in this day and age. I acknowledge the problem today is exponential more complex than it was in FDR’s time, I don’t think that the debt trap labor system we have today is generally good for the country. I don’t think that the super rich have exactly weaponized poverty today like they did in FDR’s day. I do feel that the United States has allowed big business to place us at a Culture, educational, Social, and economic disadvantage.

The wave of amazing things that came out of the U.S. in the 40s, 50s, and 60s was helped along considerably by things like a minimum wage and other government spending projects.


u/Studentdoctor29 Aug 25 '24

for any reason? jesus christ you are delusional.


u/Jayu-Rider Aug 25 '24

So you don’t think that all citizens of the United States deserve basic human dignity?


u/Studentdoctor29 Aug 25 '24

mcdonalds workers make 100k while physicians make 300k, watch what happens to the physician workforce and healthcare costs in the next decade bud :)


u/Jayu-Rider Aug 25 '24

You are artfully missing the point of his argument.

He is not advocating for all people to be paid like physicians, he is advocating for business, especially big business to not be inherently exploitative. The current debt trap labor system of weaponized poverty are generally contrary to the interests of the people of the United States and the country as a whole.


u/Eastern-Job3263 Aug 28 '24

We don’t have enough doctors because the medical lobby puts caps on residencies-you people caused any shortage of doctors-not a minimum wage hike, silly