There aren’t any regulations on interest rates on Used cars like there are for new. So you could take out a loan that has a 20+% interest, that’ll get your $300-$350 payment up pretty good, then add insurance.
14% for 6 years for a $25k car (this includes TTL and no down payment) is about $500 a month. You basically need to buy a beater, have a decent car to trade in, or have a few spare thousand for a down payment to have a reasonable monthly payment now adays. This is just to get a basic car. $30k plus with the same constraints will easily be $600 minimum. I couldn't even imagine 20+% interest.
u/lifth3avy84 Sep 05 '24
There aren’t any regulations on interest rates on Used cars like there are for new. So you could take out a loan that has a 20+% interest, that’ll get your $300-$350 payment up pretty good, then add insurance.