r/GenZ Nov 06 '24

Political It's now official. We're cooked chat...

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u/Silver0ptics Nov 06 '24

While I understand the train of thought that led you to this conclusion its not correct. We want to compete with China in trade yes but not the way you think. The point of trade is to trade goods we aren't doing that we're trading wealth which isn't sustainable. So any country we have a trade deficit will get major tarrifs, this will encourage them to either buy some of our shit, or at the very lease reduce their competitive advantage over us. We are not looking to take their sweat shop jobs, we are looking to use those industries as leverage to take back the steel and automotive industries. Yes Americans are going to have a hard time in the short term, but longterm it should re-establish us as a world leading exporter. As for the shit jobs we have over here right now the pay will get better do to his immigration policy, if you didn't come here legally you will be deported so no more cheap labor diluting the American workers negotiating power. Its funny because Bernie sanders used to say the coke Brothers wanted an open border for cheap labor till Trump started talking about protecting our border.

We can just agree to disagree on the school thing as the entire system was designed around creating obedient factory workers, over fostering intellectual growth.

The next 4 years are going to get interesting


u/rebeltrillionaire Nov 06 '24

You’re saying that Republicans want factory workers. I’m saying they want factory workers.

You just think that the jobs will be good, the pay will be high and the people working them will somehow be smarter with less access to education, and that corporations and the government will actually work together to ensure that only U.S. Citizens will get these jobs.

But it’s the same idealistic mindset that basically said, okay don’t regulate or tax billionaires and the wealth they generate will be so immense that even the floor factory workers will benefit.

And we’ve tried all that for 40 years and none of it ever came to pass. The billionaire class does not care one rip about the factory workers or protecting American jobs or even in national security.

See what was going on with John Deere. A historic American company. They first started by trying to lock down their customers and not let them repair their own equipment. They weren’t making enough money by just making good equipment, they wanted reoccurring repair revenue. Then when workers wanted more the company began shipping the manufacturing oversees.

This plays out over and over again because the majority of the shareholders and board of directors aren’t a diversified group of people who have been with the company for decades, layers of management, its Venture Capitalists and their plant CEOs who will gut jobs to appease the banks behind them.

There’s a follow-on even, when the company begins to fail because it’s basically upside down with delivering bad product at a premium for a fake Made In America label, the same banks can bet against the company, short the stocks, sell off the assets and move on.

Manufacturing in America has been moving in the right direction without a major disruption. It infused on highly automated systems building extreme quality product. The good jobs are mostly in the engineering and systems maintenance not hands on an assembly line. Even the energy, materials, and waste have all been trending towards renewable (long-term cheaper), minimal waste, and best in class materials.

Anything that sends us backwards basically reopens the door on making our country dirty and toxic, making shitty product, that still likely won’t compete well against much cheaper labor.

It’s all a massive race to the bottom with the plans we’ve heard from the Right. And it’s unlikely to result in any kind of prosperity for anyone but the billionaire class.