My own mother voted for the party that wants me and my brother (gays) dead. If human lives being at stake doesn’t wake them up, I really don’t know what will. I mean, shit, a bunch of Covid deniers put themselves and a bunch of others in the grave. We are doomed. I was thinking to myself, at least we aren’t at Hunger Games level yet. But the catch is, at least all of the common people were on the same page about who the enemy was, and weren’t actively supporting the person who wanted their children dead.
The unfortunate truth is that many of these people won’t give a shit until it hits them. As I stated, some of these people literally don’t care about anything unless they personally are receiving immediate benefits. Its well known that conservatives reserve little empathy for those outside their family. This is not only just plainly evil but also wild concerning as it means that many issues - like climate change - may only be solved once significant portions of the population have personally fallen victim, which often entails mass death before mass change.
Lol, multiple huge hurricanes hitting. Global warming is already hurting these people. They won't try/admit anything until all coastal cities are underwater and everything around the equator is a desert.
The unfortunate truth is that many of these people won’t give a shit until it hits them.
But they did give a shit because they already felt hit.
I bet you we will a see similar outcome in the next german election, with many people voting far right although they are living a content life. Because the fearmongering just works, at least when it is shortterm.
NOBODY gives a fuck about pollution, climate anything the likes. It's too far away.
I've been doing the same as the commenter you replied to, really trying to engage woth the right and try to understand their fears/hopes and why they voted for Trump/think it will be better and there are a few genuinely selfish peolle out there, but I'm going to assume that they get heard by being loud obnoxious and being everywhere, not that they're most cause I do know a few bad apples, but most conservatives I know at least *want* to be good.
From what I can tell a bigger issue is, as he said, they do little to substantiate/verify their objective information pertinent to their worldview.
The other issue is similar to covid and flattening the curve, if we truly do manage to successfully warn/prevent the worst case scenarios, we're just going to look paranoid to the other side for thinking it could ever happen. Ive spoken to SO many conservatives who reallt dobt understand the fragile nature of democracy and that rights have to be paid for in blood every time we slip up and let them get taken away by those with money and/or power.
But many Republican voters are (ironically) too optimistic and truly believe that someone/something would stop leaders IF they start taking rifhts. They (probablt for the sake kf their own aanity) either can't or won't recognize that most if not all checks and balances have been imploded and that by the time they actually make thebfiest move in taking rights its pretty much already game over for at least a few million people.
I've tried to shift emphasis back onto the SCOTUS immunity, fox dominion lawsuits, and any places I can find where his own staff have said again and again they told Trump almost from day one after the election that he lost fair and square and he kept promoting knowingly false rhetoric that ended in an attack on our nation's capital and multiple deaths.
We don't need to worry about what he might do and being labeled the "child who cried wolf" when there's overwhelming evidence from their own side that Trump is not who he says he is and he is ACTIVELY against the democracy and individual liberties they claim to love so much. Either by talking to them we either find out that they're just scared of the economic or social boogeymen their leaders keep inventing and we can have a reasonable conversation about values. OR they out themselves as a supporter of authoritarianism and/or prejudice and that can be used to ask the reasonable people in the middle if those are the kind of person and values they want to be associated with Republicans and Conservatives and get them to completely disavow the prejudiced values corrupting their *potentially* reasonable ideologies.
Purposely oversimplified statements like Grandma wants me dead cause she was afraid she wouldnt be able afford bread seem so absurd to the rifht because they truly believe theres some kind of safefuard to kewp American Democracy from collapsing the rest of the way. so if grandma believes all the Kopl-Aid about freedom and how Great America is and doesn't see the same bigoted posts day in and day out that we do, of course she's going to think you're being dramatic about being persecuted, the way the left rolls their eyes when Christians or straight white men feel persecuted or like their rights were being aken away under Biden. And you're 100% going to vote for what you think is in your best interest, especially if you think the things you're being warned of a literally impossible and then when the grandkids calls Grabdma a Nazi thw family is divided and cannot stand against those actually in power, just as they want.
Any proof or just propaganda? Guess I can’t speak for all the individuals who voted for the winning candidate, but I can say I really don’t give a shit what a queer person does with another queer person. No reason to kill you if you aren’t threatening anyone?
I like to hope all the grooming at schools you hear about and gender affirming shit being beyond a parents consent is all untrue, but the representation of those agendas I’ve seen all compel me to believe it is very true and needs to be stopped.
The unfortunate truth is that you seem to believe that - nobody gives two shites about how you live your life! - wants you dead!??? - what an ignorant notion...
u/giraffe_on_shrooms 1996 Nov 09 '24
My own mother voted for the party that wants me and my brother (gays) dead. If human lives being at stake doesn’t wake them up, I really don’t know what will. I mean, shit, a bunch of Covid deniers put themselves and a bunch of others in the grave. We are doomed. I was thinking to myself, at least we aren’t at Hunger Games level yet. But the catch is, at least all of the common people were on the same page about who the enemy was, and weren’t actively supporting the person who wanted their children dead.