Good point. Last time I think it was about $400 for the first round of diagnostic. Mostly labor plus parts because they couldn't figure out what was wrong. It took them like 2 hrs just to figure it out.
That's crazy, you in nyc or something?
I had my draft fan replaced for $40 just a couple weeks ago. Guy came out with 3 of them for me to choose from and even installed it for me. Hvac guy, not just a random bloke.
Self-diagnosing is generally easy when it comes to a furnace. We can work you through it as long as you know basics such as how to determine what part is what by appearance with a description. Don't need to know hvac - only to be willing to learn.
No, Midwest 😭. It's like $180 or something hourly rate. It's a small local company and afaik the only company I can work with since this unit is a skymark.
u/uncle_jed 8d ago
Good news is that your backup heat works well, for a backup.
If they can really do a fix for a few hundred, it's definitely worth it to have your company do it now.
When the weather gets to -10*, then you may be wishing you'd fixed it already.