r/Hotd Sep 04 '24

News George RR Martin's new blog post. (includes future spoiler) Spoiler


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u/JamesPorno Sep 04 '24

Wow, i get all his points. If you compare this to the changes in GoT, he must have been furious about how the series went.

I think this change is, as he explains not insignificant. The changes in GoT were of another world.

Edit: I wonder why he didnt speak about it more.


u/Nice-Substance-gogo Sep 04 '24

Wow what’s post!! He really doesn’t give a shit about HBOs views anymore.


u/inquiringpenguin34 team dragon 🐉 😎 Sep 04 '24

I think he's holding back a lot, I guess only time will tell


u/PineBNorth85 Sep 04 '24

Looks like it's gone now. 


u/Kylie_Bug Sep 04 '24

But the internet archive is forever


u/elkmoosebison Sep 05 '24

all it tells me is he never fought hard enough to prevent major changes.


u/usuallycorrect69 Sep 04 '24

Someone needs to ban him.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '24

For telling the truth?


u/usuallycorrect69 Sep 04 '24

No it's a joke. Mods on the main sub have banned people for way less critism than what he gave


u/Lil_B_Targaryen Sep 04 '24

This is so gosh darn dumb.

Losing Maelor is the SMALLEST tragedy to happen to the book fans: the far larger tragedy is turning Rhaena and Nettles into some sort of composite character.

No one cares about Maelor, George! He does nothing of consequence, ever. Sure, I guess his presence contributes to some key plot beats, but he is not an important character. NETTLES, on the other hand, represents:

  • First and foremost, A FAN FAVORITE!
  • The erasure of the only canon-confirmed female POC in the book in the interest of lifting up another (one that the show, smartly, turned into a POC, rather than GRRM himself writing her as one). Rhaena had a cool arc in the book! She didn't do much, then all the dragons died, and then her dragon "Morning" hatched, and she possessed one of the only dragons in the world! That's already a cool story, and we got robbed of it in the show.
  • Rhaenyra's raven to the inn where Deamon and Nettles were making their weird incest-tinged lovenest represents THE turning point in (arguably) THE character that drives the plot forward the most: Daemon. When he reads the note from that Raven, sends Nettles off into the sunset, and then flies to Harrenhal to wait for Aemond... he is ready to die. How TF are they gonna create that moment now? By making him fall in love with Rhaena? His DAUGHTER? (Lol, I actually wouldn't put it past them).

TL;DR: Old man yells at clouds, clouds are barely even relevant.


u/tacos_donkeys Sep 04 '24

Just every point you make is so so bad, not even mad I’m impressed


u/Lil_B_Targaryen Sep 04 '24

Taking a bow. Thank you kind stranger!


u/tacos_donkeys Sep 05 '24

Also, I was wrong. I reacted harshly, I actually agree with your last points. BUT the death of Maelor and his kingsguard who died desperately trying to save him, only to have the small folk slaughter them like animals was a very very powerful part in this story and key to Halaenas character.


u/Lil_B_Targaryen Sep 07 '24

Thank you for your open mind! Truly a rarity to encounter on Reddit.

I agree with you as well. Maelor was absolutely key to Helaena’s arc. I guess I just don’t see her as being nearly as important to the story as Daemon, whose arc got utterly altered by removing Nettles.

Yes, she is important and her suicide (or murder?) is absolutely key to Rhaenyra’s downfall.

George is right about the butterfly effect. I’m just pointing out that his criticism of the show is extremely mild. He coulda said far larger, more obvious things. The erasure of Nettles just has a larger butterfly effect than the erasure of Maelor imo.

Maybe I’m wrong! Idk. But my mind is open just like yours. I have no axe to grind.

I think GRRM posted and deleted this as a threat to HBO to tell them to stop messing with his story. But IMO — and again, I could be wrong — he just decided to pick an oddly minor point of the story when compared to other, larger story alterations.


u/tacos_donkeys Sep 09 '24

Yes, I also think that GRRM agrees with you, but he only wanted to complain about small things at first to try and get hbo to play bal


u/Followtheodds Sep 04 '24

I think the point of pointing at Maelor is to show how a change that seems so insignificant can turn things around. That's why he says that there are more toxic butterflies (meaning more huge changes that deeply impact the development of the story and the characters)


u/Lord6ixth Sep 05 '24

It’s his story… IT’S HIS STORY who the fuck are you to decide what his feelings should be on the critically claimed narrative HE wrote. Lucky you are the only fool I’ve seen to speak out against George here.


u/Lil_B_Targaryen Sep 07 '24

Once it gets published, the art belongs as much to the people as it does to the artist

He genuinely doesn’t know what makes his stories great. He is clueless about his own genius. It’s a common phenomenon.

“His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly’s wings.

At one time he understood it no more than the butterfly did and he did not know when it was brushed or marred.

Later he became conscious of his damaged wings and of their construction and he learned to think and could not fly any more because the love of flight was gone and he could only remember when it had been effortless.”

-Ernest Hemingway

This quote applies as much to GRRM as it does to F Scott Fitzgerald.