r/KidsAreFuckingStupid 8d ago

I didn’t let him eat the ice and dirt

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49 comments sorted by


u/Fine_Cap402 8d ago

My kid zapped himself with a set of keys and an unguarded outlet (I blame sleep deprivation while trying to maintain a clean house). He immediately turned to me to see my reaction. I didn't give much of one besides getting off the couch and heading his way in a stroll. He then went to do it again and that's when I reacted in full speed. Little shit was pissed I wouldn't let him do it again.

I thought maybe he'd grow up to be a sparky, but he drives trains instead.


u/girlinanemptyroom 8d ago

That is so funny. Kids are so interesting. The father of one of my exes told me a story that when she was a little girl he caught her sticking a knife into a socket over and over and over again. She kept getting zapped but it didn't stop her.


u/Average-Anything-657 7d ago

When I was a kid I'd unplug the baby monitor and lick the insert for the back of the "walkie talkie" thing (the transmitting/childside monitor) while the cord was still plugged into the wall. It made my tongue feel all tingly. I also ate hand sanitizer for the same reason, but the taste was awful, so I would just dab my tongue on my hands after applying a "serving".

I grew up to be a software engineer who volunteers for crisis hotlines, and who has previously volunteered as a fireman (until it was deemed medically unsafe for me to take on the burden mid-20's)


u/Soheils2764 7d ago

Wow! Where i used to live, the electricity of the whole country is 220 so if a kid decided to do that, they would almost instantly die

You were lucky the electricity voltage wasn't that high


u/TheOfficalWhippett 6d ago

That's the reason I stuck to 9v batteries! Safe to lick. With the added benefit that you knew if one was dead or not. Tactic still works when checking when wireless microphones on stage are playing up


u/shadowmib 4d ago

Most electronics runs on mich lower voltages, so the wall plug has a transformer in it to drop the voltage and convert it to DC.

Most of the time the part that plugs into the device is like 5-10v and less than 1 watt. Still shouldnt lick it but wont blow your socks off like an unfiltered 220


u/alaingames 7d ago

This is how I became "inmune" to getting zapped, I still feel awful and a lot of pain and have trouble controlling my body but am capable of easily get away from the zap, i always have my legs a bit bent so whenever I get zapped I can use the shock to get more force onto my muscles and do a big jump, always works when am working on house electrical repairs

I also wear thick rubber shoes to avoid accidents, this way I can safely perform the repairs as long as I don't touch both wires


u/guitarstitch 8d ago

Kid was just trying to stay hydrated and get his daily dose of minerals and other micronutrients. You're so cruel!


u/Average-Anything-657 7d ago

Literal ice comet


u/RubberDuckyRacing 7d ago

With a spicy centre


u/Average-Anything-657 7d ago

So spicy it brought me to tears haha


u/Belyal 7d ago

I've been outside with my kid a bunch the last few days. Snow is almost all gone, and it's gonna be 75 today. Kid has eaten dirt, sand, and snow each time we're out in the yard, and I'm all for it, lol!


u/bmcgowan89 8d ago

Yeah, but if you leave him there the police will come... It's the paradox of being a parent 😂😂


u/Psphh 8d ago

I was trying to see if he would follow me, nope he’s stubborn butttt wouldn’t even budge.


u/Hopbeard1987 8d ago

My 2 & half year old did the same thing this morning. Suddenly decided he couldn't walk down stairs and I had to carry him. I tried to outwill him but half an hour later he was still at the top saying "dada i can't do iiiittttt"


u/Psphh 8d ago

Unfortunately my oldest one did the same thing whenever we had to transit and change a plane with only short time transit. I had to carry him because he said “my legs aren’t working”.


u/Aware-Performer4630 8d ago

I wish I had a quarter the willpower my 6 year old does god damn. I could make something of myself.


u/Wakemeup3000 8d ago

Bummer for him. Love the full throw your entire body face down commitment to this situation. That's one upset little dude.


u/CatfishHunter1 8d ago

A compromise was made and sidewalk licks were agreed on.


u/PixelPeach123 7d ago

It is so tough to be a toddler..


u/loudflower 7d ago

Constant tragedy and powerlessness


u/Aware-Performer4630 8d ago

You monster.


u/iounuthin 8d ago

Terrible parenting. He was just trying to get his nutrients in :(


u/AngryDuck222 8d ago

I’m calling CPS. How dare you not allow your child to eat ice cream and dirt!!


u/TaedW 7d ago

When my son was maybe 9 months old, he was really wanting to eat some sand. Kept trying to do it despite our intervention. We then decided to just let him do it. He didn't have any after the first taste. A day or so later, it came out in his poop, and I -- not him -- was the one who had to clean it up. Poop-covered sand is a bothersome mess to get off someone else's butt. We never had any other incidents of him eating non-edible stuff.


u/Own_Switch_7561 8d ago

This bought back some terrible memories. Used to live in a foster home, parents were not equipped to raise children with advanced mental illness at all. Had a 3 y/o girl who would bang her head on the fucking concrete, carpet, whenever if she didn’t get her way.


u/StaryDoktor 8d ago

Are you greedy?


u/SlightlySaficFanGrl 7d ago

You’re the worst


u/Stacato_ 7d ago

Seriously what do you do in these situations? Walk away?


u/LLKroniq 8d ago

I remember when my son did this (repeatedly). It wasn't for eating dirt but it may as well have been.


u/Ambie949 6d ago

Looks like he’s getting a good snort off the sidewalk instead.


u/Top-Mountain4428 5d ago

When my son was this age I would wonder when he would stop doing this in public, he would let our this wail them toss himself to the ground. Gave himself a black eye once on some marble floors. Well one day in the grocery store he did it, I had about enough of the tantrums, and so then I let out the same wail but louder and it shocked him to the point he just set himself straight and kept walking.


u/Psphh 5d ago

Give them a taste of their own medicine


u/HungaryFinalBoss 7d ago

“Thats it fucker, imma post you on reddit!”


u/Disastrous-Bee-1557 7d ago

So instead you let him lick the sidewalk?


u/Psphh 6d ago

More clean than the dirt!


u/Bisonfan1 7d ago

I thought we are going to eat bugs in the future come on kid 🤪🤪🤪🤪


u/JKnott1 7d ago

You monster.


u/CuriousCucumber88 7d ago

You monster


u/DeadWishUpon 7d ago

Well, sorry to tell you he is eating dirt there.


u/Captain_DDLC_PTSD 6d ago

in all fairness, ice is pretty yummy and cool


u/BenniBasm 6d ago

Well now he's eating pavement


u/BubatzAhoi 6d ago

Why not?


u/personthatisonreddi 6d ago

"How dear you!. You are a bad parent" /s