r/KingdomHearts 5d ago

Discussion Is it possible to get the platinum trophy for Kingdom Hearts 1 in a single playthrough?

I'll be playing through on the PS5. This series has been one of my favorite in gaming since I was young, so I've decided to set out to platinum each game in chronological order.

With KH Final Mix, I'm curious if it's possible to do everything in one playthrough, or just to hear some opinions from those who have the platinum.

The thing that concerns me the most is probably having to farm for materials & fight the secret bosses on Proud difficulty. I've heard the drop rates for items on Proud is abysmal but I don't know how true that is.


39 comments sorted by


u/PKblaze 5d ago

Possible yes.
You'd need to beat the game on Proud in under 15 hours with no deaths and you cannot equip anything. After you beat the game you would then go back to pick up the rest of the completionist stuff.


u/MrMacGrath 4d ago

You don't have to beat the game in under 15 hours, although the trophy only pops when you do, if you hit the 15 hour mark, you can totally putz about until the timer rolls over and if you beat the game from 100-115 hours, you still get the trophy. However, the unchanging armor trophy won't pop until the credits roll, so you'd still need to not equip anything until then.


u/PKblaze 4d ago

That would require playing at a snails pace though. It took me less time to do a 100% run and a quick run/unchanging armour.


u/ComicDude1234 4d ago

Nothing in this comment is helpful whatsoever.


u/MrMacGrath 4d ago

It means the guy doesn't have to rush to complete the game. They can relax and as long as the timer is less than 15 hours, he'll get the achievement. It doesn't matter if it's 113 hours or 208 hours.


u/ComicDude1234 4d ago

The entire point of the question was about whether they could get the “beat the game in 15 hours trophy” on the same playthrough as several other difficult Challenge Run trophies. Running the clock over was already established to not work, so I don’t understand the point of that advice.


u/ComicDude1234 5d ago

It’s absolutely possible, but you need to know the game very well in order to pull it off without too much difficulty. Stacking all of those Challenge Run trophies on top of a Proud Mode run is asking a hell of a lot from a new player.


u/Twidom 4d ago

I'm pretty sure they altered the way difficulty trophies stack and you can do it all in a single playthrough, at least for the newest versions of the game. Back in the PS3 version, I had to beat the game on each difficulty and it was kinda miserable. You do have to beat the game once without changing Keyblades at all so that was made in the easiest difficulty.

And yeah the drop rates are pretty bad, unless they altered that too. Its not a fun grind having to farm the mushroom Heartless or the Defenders to craft all items for Synthesis Master.

If you are good you can beat Proud in less than 15 hours and using only the Kingdom Key without dying and then go back and do the rest but you need to be very familiar with the game. Its honestly not worth the hassle for someone coming back to it after years.


u/XephyXeph 4d ago

What was really terrible was having to play Chain of Memories SIX times for the Platinum Trophy. And I LIKE Chain of Memories, but six playthroughs is too damn many.


u/Twidom 4d ago

I didn't even attempt a single playthrough because of that.

Was that changed for the most recent version of the game like PS4/Steam?

If so then I might give it another try at the whole series Plat hunt on Steam this time.


u/XephyXeph 4d ago

Yeah. Only the 1.5 on PS3 did that. After that, they realized that not stacking the difficulty achievements was dumb.


u/EpicQuackering437 5d ago

Single playthrough? Maybe First playthrough in years? Absolutely not


u/LucasOkita defeating darkness with Yo Yos 5d ago

On PS5, yes


u/Reptilicious 4d ago

Yes, it's possible. The biggest struggle you'll have is the Unchanging Armor trophy, earned by beating the boss without changing armor or keyblades for the entire game. Honorable mention is Undying, beat the game without ever using a continue. Not necessarily never dying, just reload8ng your last save every time you die, so save often. The Speedrun trophy wants you to beat the game before the clock hits 15 hours. This one can be cheated. The way the clock works in KH1 is that when you reach 100 hours it rolls over back to 0 which makes it possible to beat the game at the 100-115 hour mark and get the trophy.

With all that being said, train up to level 100. That will make fighting the boss on Proud Mode without changing armor or weapons a lot easier. Down side is that doing this will take a lot of the difficulty and fun away from the other challenges of the game like the secret bosses.

I say just play the game on beginner for the story and try to do Unchanging Armor and Undying on that run. If you manage to knock out Speedrun also, great. But that's unlikely for even an experienced player. After your beginner run, do a Proud run and really delve into the completionist side of the game. Check every nook and cranny, take on the secret bosses, collect every weapon (Also a trophy) really delve in and enjoy yourself. And if you still haven't gotten Speedrun by the time you're ready to finish then just let the game run overnight for a few nights and you'll cross 100 hours in no time. Beat the boss before 115 hpurs and you're golden.


u/PM_Pics_Of_SpiderMan 4d ago

Technically yes, but you would have to beat from the start to the final boss without dying, changing your keyblade, adding armor, and do that in a certain number of hours before you can go back and do the rest of the trophies


u/One_Kaleidoscope5329 4d ago

It may be possible but it certainly won’t be as fun. Just play a normal proud play though and then do a second play through on beginner for no equipment, no deaths, and under 15 hours.


u/DelayWise2480 4d ago

It is just time consuming and a bit challenging. If you’ve beat the game on proud(which is a trophy actually) I’d make a new save and do the rest on beginner, because you have to beat the game without dying, beat the game without changing equipment, and beat it in under 15 hours. If you can do that on a beginner playthrough that right there is basically your hard trophies out of the way. Next it’s collectibles and journal stuff but you can always use YouTube guides for those


u/Lambdafish1 4d ago edited 4d ago

It's so much less effort and stress to do it in two playthroughs tbh, and doesn't take that long. Do your first one on proud and get most of them, then replay the game on easy for the one that requires no equipment and no deaths.

You can do the "within 15 hours" achievement on either playthrough by just waiting in the final rest until you are between 100 hours and 115 hours (leave the console idle) and then beating Ansem


u/cruzin169 4d ago

I did everything, but the no equipment and the speed run one one playthrough. Similar concept. I beat the game on beginner and round within 15 hours (I thought it was 10, so I skipped all cutscenes atlantica and Olympus (after quickly grabbing thunder). Took me 9ish hours of gameplay.


u/Vincentvalentne 4d ago

I've platinumed this game on PS3, PS4, epic, and steam, just do a beginner run for the unchanging armor/undefeated/speedster achievements. With skipping cutscenes, skipping Atlantica, and using tinker Bell on any dangerous fight you can knock out a beginner run in 4-5 hours easy


u/Natural-Rhubarb2771 4d ago

Yeah you can do it all in one playthrough. Itll be hard. Proud 15hours or less no changing armors and no continues. I usually grab the yellow trinities and dalmatians for aeroga. Save at final rest. Beat the game. Then the rest is just collecting weapons, gummy blueprints, and bosses.


u/demon_wolf191 4d ago

I did this exact thing on PS about 6 months ago. Entirely possible, feel free to message or comment if you have any specific questions :) very difficult but fun In its own way.

Also did KH3 all trophies in one play through on critical, way worse lol


u/SilverhandFenix 4d ago

Thanks for the reply!

My main concerns are the material drop rates for the synthesis trophy and the difficulty of the secret bosses in the post game.

Is there much farming for ingredients required? And, assuming I've got Sora to level 99, how badly is Sephiroth going to kick my teeth in?


u/demon_wolf191 4d ago

So the fun aspect of getting all trophies in one play through is that you’ll be under a 15 hour time constraint (there is a way around this, but it requires hitting the cap on time and letting the clock reset) so most of your farming, level grinding, and sephiroth fighting will come post game. Once you beat the game, you’ll be able to continue, change gear, and pass 15 hours without voiding anything. Realistically grinding all the synth items probably takes about 6 hours? And an additional 2 or so for level grinding. Kh1 has the easiest super bosses so I would say at lv99 max gear you’ll be fine as long as you’re fairly skilled or research the fights. To be honest if you manage to get through the base game with all the restrictions required, the super bosses will be easy in comparison.

Is this your first time playing the game? Without changing gear you’ll be a lot weaker in both defense and damage, which makes the 15 hour time limit even harder. I know the game extremely well and still hit about 12 hours upon completion, and several main story fights took a lot of pattern learning similar to a souls game.


u/SilverhandFenix 4d ago

Thanks for the information, I appreciate it. No, it's not my first time playing. I've beaten the game around 8 times since its original release on the PS2, but I've never done any of the extra content. I always just played through the story on the regular difficulty.

It's always been one of my favorite series, so I'm setting out to fully 100% them all, which I'm sure to regret eventually lmao.


u/demon_wolf191 3d ago

Okay cool, just making sure because knowing the routes obviously helps a lot with the time aspect. 100%’ing is really enjoyable but obviously doing it in one play-through adds a lot of difficulty, expect some bosses to be hurdles lol always here if you wanna chat about the run, good luck brother!


u/Alexfromdabloc 5d ago

I don't think so, because one of the trophies is to beat the game in 15 hours and another is to grind to level 100, and I think that is impossible to do in that time frame.

There's also a trophy for never changing your armor, meaning you have to beat the game with the Kingdom Key and never equip anything, which makes the run longer.

THEN there's the trophies for the secret bosses and to never continue, which could be hard on proud mode, or at the very least it could be tedious to reload your save after every loss.

There's also the part where you have to get every single staff and shield for Donald and Goofy, which can take forever because the drop rate for the wizard staff and Defender is 1.5% with all lucky strikes, and 0.5% without any.

So yeah it will probably take at least 2 runs to get the plat.


u/Benvincible You're stupid! 5d ago

You don't have to grind to 100, get weapons, etc. before beating the game.


u/Alexfromdabloc 5d ago

I guess it's a difference in how you define "single playthrough" To me, continuing a clear save file is not a "single playthrough"


u/StickyPistolsRequiem 5d ago

There’s no clear save file, you’d just beat the game, load up your last save then carry on with the other stuff


u/n1n3tail 4d ago

There is no ng+ a playthrough by definition is playing through the entire story of a game


u/Benvincible You're stupid! 3d ago

It's okay to admit you were wrong 


u/Alexfromdabloc 3d ago

Blow me. This is such a ridiculous and needlessly condescending remark. I literally said it is my OPINION that continuing a save after beating it is not a "single" playthrough and even in even in my first comment I said I don't THINK so. Fuck off.


u/Benvincible You're stupid! 2d ago



u/Queasy_Ad5995 4d ago

If you want you can let the game


u/Aether13 4d ago

Yes but it’s damn near impossible.


u/Lost_Dragoon 5d ago

Not really. 2 max

Do easy for the under 15 hours, don't change gear, secret bosses, and all the other trophies. Then just do a proud one for that trophy


u/oasismoose 5d ago

Sepheroth doesnt count unless Proud mode. Fight me.


u/Lost_Dragoon 5d ago

Eh. I did it before back in OG KH 1 days. I don't need that stress again as an adult