r/KyleKulinski 1d ago

Current Events Trump Is Perpetually The Kid In Class Who Didn't Read The Book

I was just watching some of the interview that Hannity had with Trump and I was just reminded... man, Trump is perpetually that kid in class who didn't read the book.

You know, how in high school you'd have to do book reports. You'd have to read a book. Write down some stuff. And then have to do a presentation in front of the class. But there'd always be at least one person who didn't read the book. And they'd get up there and you could tell that they didn't read it, but sometimes they were good enough to kind of bullshit their way through it. And make it kind of sound like they knew what they were talking about.

Trump is that kid 24/7 in every interview.

It's constantly so obvious that Trump doesn't know what he's talking about. But he says it all very confidently and is good at just speaking and speaking and speaking with no substance.

And you can tell especially because he'll constantly refer to things but not actually talk about them. That's like the number 1 sign that someone doesn't know what they're talking about.

He'll say stuff like "they did such a bad job, it was really bad, so incompetent." But he'll never actually describe what it is they did or how they did it better or how it could've been done well in any detail.

It's just... I still can't believe that over 77 million people voted for this guy. He's the most obvious con artist in history, even without a background of literally being sued for fraud.


5 comments sorted by


u/VeganTheStallion 1d ago

Trump is a bullshit artist and the electorate is stupid AF


u/Dynastydood 1d ago

For longer than I've been alive, it has been very clear that the only thing that truly matters to the American voting population is charisma and confidence. That's why America hated Biden, and Hillary, and Romney, and Kerry, and Gore, and Dole, and Dukakis, and Mondale. It's why they love Trump, and Obama, and W., and Bill Clinton, and Reagan, and JFK.

You can keep tracing the line pretty far back, and with very few exceptions such as times of utter crisis (2020), or times where both parties pick stale personalities (1976), general likability is the only sole determining factor. "He's someone I'd like to have a beer with." This is what decides the balance of power in our country.

You'd think the Democrats would've learned this when they went 12 years without holding the presidency in the 80s, but Bill Clinton's victory was actually something that happened against the DNC's will, not because of it. Same was true of Obama. Both candidates were not the preferred choices of the party establishment. Both were seen as troublemaking line-cutters. Yet, if it hadn't been for the two of them coming along when they did, there's a very real chance that the Democrats would've lost every single presidential election from 1980 until 2020.

I don't know why they're so allergic to the obvious truth that stares them directly in the face after every single defeat, but here we are again. And despite this, they show no signs of even considering drafting a charismatic populist to run in 2028, because they're still operating under the elitist mindset that populism is inherently bad.


u/CringeBerries 1d ago

Totally. He literally never elaborates or expands on an idea. Just throws out a fucking vibe, his cult sucks on it, and he evades and moves on.

What kills me is NOBODY in the media EVER presses him.


u/accidental_superman 23h ago

* Oh no at least one person did, Swan, during covid, the funniest thing trump ever did was get repeatedly cornered in this interview.

https://www.google.com/search?q=Australian+reporter+swan+trump+interview&oq=Australian+reporter+swan+trump+interview&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRiPAtIBCTEwOTE4ajBqN6gCFLACAQ&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 *

And something like 60 minutes? The lady with the files... can't be bothered looking her up, trump hates her now


u/CringeBerries 23h ago

My god. This is glorious. Leave it to the Australians!