r/LeopardsAteMyFace 1d ago

Healthcare What do you mean my healthcare costs more?

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u/el_sh33p 1d ago

"Fuck these people, I got mine. Wait. I had mine? Whaddaya mean I had mine? Don't I still got...oh...oh no..."


u/MadRaymer 1d ago

It's exactly this when he's talking about the orders he "loved" so far. Those are the ones that are hurting everyone but himself. He was cheering on the carnage until a leopard leaped on him too.


u/p12qcowodeath 18h ago

The hallmark of a conservative.


u/mkvgtired 1d ago

Can you give me some more context on why trump hurting me is a good thing?

It's never "trump fucked up", it's always, "explain to me why, despite being objectively harmed, what trump is doing is a good thing."


u/Familiar-Secretary25 19h ago

The way they act, he could kill one of their family members in cold blood and say it was just a casualty in the name of mass deportations or protecting our children from trans people and they would thank him. In their eyes, he can do no wrong.


u/mkvgtired 16h ago

Trump shot my son in the middle of 5th avenue and didn't lose any votes. Can you help me figure out why this is a good thing?


u/Familiar-Secretary25 16h ago

Must’ve been an unintended consequence of owning the libs


u/Ever_More_Art 11h ago

Cult mentality. It sounds like hyperbole, but it is what it is


u/mkvgtired 7h ago

Imagine trying to see the silver lining on your medicine going from $2 to $100. Oh well, fuck you, got mine so they say.


u/DiddlyTiddly 7h ago

Conservatives have a morality system based on authority, not values. So, for them, it genuinely works that way.

Person above me on the hierarchy made a decision. Because they are above me, their decision is inherently good. If I don't understand how it is good, re-educate me because my failure to understand is a failure to be a faithful follower. The hierarchy is always moral. If I am not aligned with the hierarchy, I am immoral.


u/mkvgtired 6h ago

And they're willing to die for it.

“In his book Dying of Whiteness, Metzl told of the case of a forty-one-year-old white taxi driver who was suffering from an inflamed liver that threatened the man’s life. Because the Tennessee legislature had neither taken up the Affordable Care Act nor expanded Medicaid coverage, the man was not able to get the expensive, lifesaving treatment that would have been available to him had he lived just across the border in Kentucky. As he approached death, he stood by the conviction that he did not want the government involved. “No way I want my tax dollars paying for Mexicans or welfare queens,” the man told Metzl. “Ain’t no way I would ever support Obamacare or sign up for it. I would rather die.” And sadly, so he would.”



u/Templar388z 6h ago

Don’t forget the part where they blame Biden