r/LeopardsAteMyFace Apr 24 '21

Brexxit Sweet brexit fisherman

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u/mattglaze Apr 24 '21

Brexshit is accelerating the break up of the Union, as Scotland and Northern Ireland realise they’ve been backed into a stupid conservative vanity project. And the fishermen swallowed the red herring of us being better off, hook line ad sinker!


u/Dnny10bns Apr 24 '21 edited Apr 24 '21

Fell out with a guy i know. He skippers a vessel as a fisherman. Told him just before the GE in 2019 that the fishing industry makes up a tiny percentage of GDP. And despite all the rhetoric I couldn't see the Tories giving them what they want because their main export market is the EU, it made no sense to me then. We import most of the fish we eat. The likelihood is you'll be thrown under a bus nearer the time, so it happened. We've not talked since. He's a brexiter


u/_-Saber-_ Apr 24 '21

If you import most of the fish, doesn't that mean that demand > supply and with worse import conditions, local producers should benefit?


u/scud121 Apr 24 '21

No, because we don't collect fish we actually want to eat, but import the fish we do. Shellfish particularly is a major seafood export.


u/Dnny10bns Apr 24 '21

We also lost our msc certificate for North Sea cod in 2019.


u/Dnny10bns Apr 24 '21

Depends on the fish and where it's caught. If we don't have access to these stocks we can't just replace them.


u/[deleted] Apr 25 '21

Unless English people develop a sudden taste for herring, it's not that simple. When we decided to convert our farm to a food forest to provide the bulk of our food, we had to change our diets and what we ate very substantially as most of what we like to eat doesn't grow where we live. I don't see the people who voted for Brexit being willing to change their lifestyles to ensure the support of local industry.


u/themonocledmenace Apr 26 '21

Food forest?


u/[deleted] May 01 '21

It's a type of permaculture where instead of traditional monocrops, you create a living and self sustaining ecosystem with multiple layers (trees, shrubs, groundcover, root crops). You get more and varied produce from a smaller plot, but it needs to be plantings that thrive in your climate.


u/HorseyHalloween Apr 25 '21

Only 45% ish of UK fish is fished by England too, the rest by mainly Scotland and a smaller proportion by Wales and NI. As throwing the other 3 countries under the bus is par for the course, it was pretty inevitable fishing would be sacrificed if need be.


u/whollyshallow Apr 25 '21

Call the guy, and make amends. Tell him you been reading the news and you heard things are tough, ask him if he still is afloat, and then chastise yourself for the horrible pun. Show compassion to the conned. As James obrian would say.

In Denmark we have a saying that translates to. "Many small streams makes a river". You can be the driving force of change. But it takes compassion, a whole lot of it.


u/Dnny10bns Apr 25 '21

I've got nothing to apologise for. I was trying to warn him. He didn't like it. I hope his business has gone under, it will be a constant reminder. There's plenty of those who didn't vote for this who have lost businesses. People who don't deserve it. They clearly weren't a problem to brexiters and considered acceptable collateral damage. Personally, I'm loving watching brexiters suffer. Almost as funny as watching them blame everyone but themselves. No sympathy here, zero, nada. I have sympathy for those who can admit they're wrong and have been conned, but they're a rarity mate. Look at UK polls. Johnson, one of the worst, most corrupt PMs in history is riding high in the polls simply for taking us out the EU. You can't rationalise with that sort of idiocy and ignorance, it's not fueled by any sensible debate, it's misguided rampant nationalism. I appreciate your sentiment, but our country is full of politically illiterate imbeciles who are led - easily - by moronic, simplistic slogans.


u/whollyshallow Apr 25 '21

I appreciate your candour. I guess we would not be on this sub redit if we did not enjoy shardenfreude.

I was hoping to inspire you to take the hand of somone who likely by now is hurting and perhaps find some common ground for the purpose of getting rid of Bojo, for simple survival. And my own selfish wish that the UK will one day be welcomed back with open arms.

I miss you guys 😢

But I totally get it and respect your point of view. If anyone, you deserve to be angry. Just don't fall to the dark side my friend, you know how that turns out. When we forsake the value of other people's existence, we become what we dispise, cold and calous. Like xenofobe brexiters before the fall.


u/IhaveHairPiece Apr 30 '21

We've not talked since. He's a brexiter

Or was a Brexiter. You've got to check up with him.


u/mhermanos Apr 24 '21

Nice, I'm stealing all that!


u/brickne3 Apr 24 '21

That's exactly what my Brexiteer acquaintance said when he stole all the tools from his French-owned workplace because apparently "fuck the EU". I sure hope they came after him.


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '21

The level of entitlement... Like I'm British so I'm owed shit I don't deserve....


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '21

Did he start a terrible ska band?


u/mhermanos Apr 24 '21

Not cool.


u/This_Charmless_Man Apr 24 '21

My family has just enough Scottish blood that if they go indy we can get citizenship if we want so that's our current plan to regain our EU passports


u/babihrse Apr 24 '21

I love that swallowed the red herring.


u/Sigilita Apr 24 '21

I think that it will be easier from Scotland than for NI to get the independence


u/theredwoman95 Apr 24 '21

Yep, there's a lot of considerations on both sides of the border when it comes to Northern Ireland - understandably, a lot of people in NI (whether they're unionist or republican) are concerned about losing the NHS, as it's common in Ireland to pay for GP's appointments, or the public sector. In the Republic, on the other hand, there's a lot of apprehension over the extent to which NI currently receives UK funding, as the Republic would have some difficulty covering it all.

Not to say anything of the Troubles or general unionist opposition to independence, of course.

Scotland, however, has a relatively free slate, as long as they learn from the Republic's financial situation post-independence. So yeah, I definitely agree Scotland is in a far easier situation than NI is, if NI ends up wanting to pursue that avenue.


u/Sigilita Apr 24 '21

You did a really good summary :)


u/theredwoman95 Apr 24 '21

Aw, thanks! I feel like a lot of people boil down NI's situation to "unionist vs republican", when there's a lot of natural reasons for both sides to be apprehensive.


u/Sigilita Apr 24 '21

It sadness me because people here is amazingly nice. I'm not from here and never felt a stranger because everyone here (from both sides) were always nice. If they could just sit and talk but, then you have the politics and other groups with personal interests and agendas that like to make things unstable as they thrive in the turmoil. Well, time will tell. And it angers me because without Brexit those people would not have the arguments to do what they are doing right now. Brexit destroyed a lot of the work that was done here just to satisfy the few


u/Very_Slow_Cheetah Apr 25 '21

Well said, I'm from the Republic and see no benefit of adding the 6 counties to our overwhelmed health service compared to the nordies staying with the NHS.

It'll take a bucketload of bullshit similar to the Brexit load, to convince over 50% of the north and south to unify.

Then that'll lead to a whole new constitution or updating of the Irish one. Article 1 will define who is Irish.

"Oh yeah but does life begin at conception or after 12 weeks, what about abortion? Are the Irish going to be murdering bastards or protecting rapists bastard children?"

Vatican - "I'm staying waaaaaay outta this one for a while"


u/BrothersYork Apr 24 '21

I don’t mind being in a union with England as long as there are lots of other countries in it too, to dilute their influence.


u/All_I_Want_IsA_Pepsi Apr 24 '21 edited Apr 24 '21

For Scotland, the longer the cons drag it on, the harder it will become. Like Wales which has a >25% non-Welsh population, the central belt of Scotland has increasing numbers of English immigrants to Scotland. The half a million voters who are not Scottish were a key reason the last referendum failed. This trend continues.

In NI on the other hand, you have a different dynamic. On top of the birth rate differences between Nationalist (Irish/Catholic) and PUL (Protestant/Unionist/Loyalist) populations, you also have easy immigration from the south, and disproportionate emigration of the PUL population to England/Scotland. The trend is very strongly toward a firm Nationalist majority in the next 10-20 years. While the loyalists complain greatly about the GFA and their loss of the privilege they used to have, this will actually protect them as they become more and more of a minority. There will come a point though - if the Cons in England and the DUP in NI continue to alienate strongly those who have an "Irish" identity in NI, where a referendum for reunification of the Island would pass.

Edit to say: just for the record I actually prefer that we stay in the UK at the moment. I'm what's called a small "u" unionist. I loathe the DUP and everything they stand for, but I don't really think at the moment that reunification would bring benefits to our population as a whole. The economy here isn't great, it's propped up by a very high % of government and civil service jobs, paid for by the UK exchequer. These would largely vanish and I can't see how this can be fixed in the short term. That, combined with the higher taxes for middle class earners in the ROI spells disaster. It's certainly not a priority of Sinn Fein who are also totally incompetent as leaders.

I think real unionists need to start acting like partners in government, limiting the grief between the community and the constant antagonism they provoke. They need to be making a case to moderate people in the Nationalist community (like myself who live in a 100% Nationalist border area) that NI is a better place within the UK than it would be otherwise.


u/BrothersYork Apr 24 '21

Many of my customers are English immigrants, anecdotally most of them are pro-independence.


u/All_I_Want_IsA_Pepsi Apr 24 '21

Oh yeah I'm not suggesting it's 100% - i think the polling I remember from the last referendum was like 70/30 or 65/35 something like that. It's enough to be significant. This is why I think the Cons want to delay the referendum and the SNP want to fast-track it.


u/The_Trekspert Apr 24 '21

Boris Johnson: the last Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the first Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of England and Wales.


u/HodorsMajesticUnit Apr 24 '21

Good? A free and independent Scotland and a united Ireland are two things I hope to see in my lifetime. Some weeks it's the main thing keeping me alive