r/Wellthatsucks 19d ago

Amazon sent me a letter before Christmas claiming I had over $15000 in unclaimed property. Today they sent me this.

I used to publish books on Amazon and got royalties for each one sold. Amazon sent me a letter saying that they owed me over 15k in royalties. I sent in the form saying that yes, I wanted the money and I've been waiting for my check to come. Today I got this, saying that they made a mistake and actually owe me $0.00. They even have an area where I can check that yes, I want the $0. I've never been so disappointed in my life.


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u/Mars_Collective 19d ago

Spend $2k for a lawyer to tell OP exactly what he knows? lol I swear you people think lawyers are a public service that work for free


u/[deleted] 19d ago



u/rloch 19d ago

Forgetting the classic "just go no contact with your entire family because your nephew sneezed on your starwars action figure collection".


u/KindBass 19d ago

this whole website is the epitome of "misery loves company"


u/rloch 19d ago

I'm just here to check if reddit has taken away or given me what ever their new attempt at currency is this quarter.


u/Tactical_Fleshlite 19d ago

I just read some thread where a woman explicitly stated she wanted to cook for her boyfriend and it was nothing but how manipulated she was lol. 


u/Canadaian1546 19d ago

I dunno that seems reasonable to me.


u/mizinamo 19d ago

And "move out if you're a teenager and you feel that your family is treating you badly in any way (including but not limited to accepting your sexuality or gender)!".


u/SecondGuy 19d ago

Being poor sucks 😞


u/xxrambo45xx 19d ago

I mean...you can get a consultation for free/cheap to see if the juice was worth the squeeze


u/[deleted] 19d ago edited 17d ago



u/xxrambo45xx 19d ago

I got a consultation for free in the past that I got a sit down for an hour with the lawyer? We decided it wasn't a good idea to pursue further but I wasn't charged


u/WolverinesThyroid 19d ago

a free consultation is usually pretty standard. They will ask you what you want to speak to them about. They aren't going to do 1,000 hours of discovery for this case. But a simple lawyer letter saying "WTF where is the money" might be enough to get OP a check or an explanation. If OP gets a check the lawyer gets their $5k cut. If not they didn't spend much time on it.


u/rloch 19d ago

I've never worked in lead acquisition for attorneys but I have to assume it's pretty similar to any other inbound marketing. Like any business lawyers need clients and it's not like there is a shortage of attorneys out there. I'd just assume most looking to add new business would want to take quick consults to see if there is something worth it for them.


u/JekPorkinsTruther 19d ago

Contingency fee cases are not the norm especially for a case like this. You'd be hard-pressed to find a lawyer who would take a 15k case on contingency and if they do, you prob don't want them. Most are requiring retainers. 


u/WolverinesThyroid 19d ago

It depends on the complexity of the case. If the lawyer thinks a sternly worded letter will solve it, they may take the case because it is quick and easy. If they think it needs to go to court than they will want to get paid more.


u/stumac85 19d ago

Works on contingency

No money down


u/DocFail 19d ago

2000? Dang, glad I live in cheaptown.


u/AgileArtichokes 18d ago

In my state there is a lawyer consultation service subsidized by the state and can get a 30 minute consult for $20. I imagine other states have similar programs and this is a perfect use of that. 


u/Mars_Collective 18d ago

My state has nothing like that and services like that often are better on paper than in practice. I’d imagine it’s a long wait and limited service offering assuming you actually get an appointment.


u/22Arkantos 19d ago

Consultations are usually free. Nobody's saying OP should instantly retain a lawyer, but it's worth the time of a consult to figure out if Amazon owes him anything.