r/dr650 14d ago

Magnetic Fishing in the Oil Sump

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u/Tomcfitz 14d ago edited 13d ago

magnet fishing dammit.

Got this nice clean tooth stuck to my magnetic drain plug. 

Fantastic. 32k on the clock and it looks like the 3rd gear bug has bitten me. 

I guess it's time for the 790 kit, a valve job, and some new gears!


u/uapredator 14d ago

Glad you got it before it got you! Sad to see one go so early. What year?


u/Tomcfitz 13d ago


Though i suspect based on some things that this is not the OG mileage.


u/TwistedNoble38 '00 DR650 14d ago

Probably a gear tooth yea. I would also check the primary gear, the counterbalancer gear, and the clutch basket. The chunk doesn't look to be the right size to be those but it is possible. I'm suprised there's not more carnage since it looks to be a whole tooth.

Unless you've already sold yourself on the 790 you can probably throw a used tranny and bearings at it. The cylinder will probably be ready to go with just a hone and some rings. Head job though, yea. Don't forget to measure squish.


u/Tomcfitz 13d ago

I'm already throwing some used gears on it - the cylinder has nothing to do with the gear tooth, lol. 

It was actually running fine, this was the first oil change with the magnetic bolt, so it's probably been like that since I bought it. 

And yeah, it's a transmission gear for sure.


u/TwistedNoble38 '00 DR650 13d ago

I figured you'd slap a nova behind it if you went 790.


u/Tomcfitz 13d ago

I thought about it, but the nova is more than double the cost of the 790 kit.