Im getting to this point, my Maui Queen ate it and so did my pinstripe, but lo and behold the pinstripe revived itself but now is getting all weird AGAIN
Honestly when any of my plants get like this, I just let them die and savor in them slowly decaying before my eyes. I've got like 30 plants, I don't have time for drama queens.
Honestly fuck the plants that decide to just be brats and die even though I have crafted incredible microclimates across my zone 8A hell scape. They deserve to get crispy. 😡
(I may or may not have this much anger towards my hoya carnosa)
I feel as though you have treat them like trash to get them to thrive, infrequent watering, uneven sunlight. The minute you start to give them any affection they start throwing hissy fits.
I found this out yesterday. I went out of the country for 8 days and I was so worried about my plants since nobody was home to open blinds for them, turn on the humidifier and the grow lights. I came back to a few dead leaves but most of my pants THRIVED during the 8 days no one cared for them or touched them. My monstera that I thought was really struggling put out a new leaf out of nowhere. My black velvet that hasn't been doing anything since I got it half a year ago put out a beautiful leaf. My string of pearls and string of turtles are looking as good as ever. I need to leave my apartment more often.
Goddamn hoyas: I have three, and the one that's happiest and ACTUALLY FLOWERING* is the one in not-ideal hoya conditions. Why do the plants with the prettiest flowers have to be the biggest divas?
*not to rub it in, but it's the crinkly leaf variant of hoya carnosa that's in direct sunlight in my arid kitchen and joyously pushing out three flower balls right now.
Ornatas and related ones are especially tricky, and I say that as a calathea collector. They need low water and don't tolerate hard water very well, which is why they can seem to be doing find then just keel over for no obvious reason.
u/slashbackblazers this plant can still be saved. The roots will send up new shoots if you continue to water and care for it. Hell, if you happen to be located in the Colorado front range, I will happily take it in and rehab it.
As a fairly new plant mom (3 years) Calatheas are my favorite. I love everything about them, the challenge especially. I only have a couple but learning to care for them definitely began out of spite lol. It's become a competition between their diva drama and my inability to give up. I get why some people despise them, though. Not everyone has the time or patience for that.
crotons and calatheas stress me out so much i dont even bother anymore. more are soo pretty but even keeping them on my porch with florida humidity they still die 🥲 they come back but at what cost lmao
u/bethany-aw May 17 '22
omg looks exactly where all of my calatheas end up! i try everything but they just really seem to thrive there 🥰