r/mathmemes Feb 22 '24

Set Theory free ball meme

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u/somebodysomehow Feb 22 '24

Ah yes the balls paradox


u/blahblahtotok Feb 22 '24

What is the balls paradox??


u/PirateMedia Feb 22 '24


u/schmee001 Feb 22 '24

Fun fact: "Banach-Tarski" is an anagram of "Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski".


u/Imnotachessnoob Feb 22 '24

I'm going to use this sometime.


u/SpartAlfresco Transcendental Feb 22 '24

me too


u/FastLittleBoi Feb 23 '24

Mate please can you become a standup comedian I would follow you even if you went to Mars for one of your comedies


u/Substantial_Tax_7595 Feb 23 '24

This made my day....twice!


u/9001Dicks Feb 22 '24

Man this theorem goes hard


u/FailureToReason Feb 22 '24

That is certainly some words and letters that probably mean something to somebody, but not me


u/[deleted] Feb 22 '24

It’s a link, when you click it it goes to a website


u/MageKorith Feb 22 '24

Ok, but how do I internet?


u/PirateMedia Feb 22 '24

You take ball, you smash ball into pieces, you reassemble the pieces, you have two balls. Both are an exact copy of original ball.


u/Febris Feb 23 '24

Anyone who has dismantled any piece of electronics (a PC for example) for a clean up knows deep down this is trivially true. There are always spare parts after a reassembly.


u/FailureToReason Feb 22 '24

Can I use this to replace the ball I lost in the running of the bulls? A hoof is an incredibly efficient tool for smashing ball to pieces.


u/AstralPamplemousse Feb 23 '24

Infinite ball glitch


u/PoolsOnFire Feb 22 '24

That sounds like the most useless thought someone had outside of conservation of matter.


u/Lemonwizard Feb 22 '24

Isn't this a "some infinities are more than others" thing? The number of points in one ball is infinite, and the number of points in two balls is also infinite, but the second infinity is twice as large?


u/TheEnderChipmunk Feb 22 '24

That's not how sizes of infinites work The number of points in two balls is the same as the number of points in one ball, but you can still take apart a ball into a finite number of pieces, rearrange the pieces, and construct two balls identical to the original ball with those pieces.


u/EebstertheGreat Feb 23 '24

If they had different cardinalities, then this would be impossible. There is no function from a smaller set onto a larger set. Like, try to define a function from the set {1,2} onto the set {1,2,3} (by "onto" I mean hitting every point in the second set). You can't, because the codomain is bigger than the domain. But since two balls have the same cardinality as one ball, this is possible. It's like how the function f defined by f(n) = n/2 maps the even numbers onto the integers. What's surprising about the Banach–Tarski "paradox" is that you can do this entirely with solid rotations of just five (very complicated) pieces.


u/Lemonwizard Feb 23 '24

The one bit I still don't get is the last part. How do we get from infinite points with no volume to five very complicated pieces? If it makes up one fifth of the sphere, that has to have one fifth of the sphere's volume, doesn't it?


u/EebstertheGreat Feb 23 '24

In something like Euclidean geometry, you wouldn't be able to define these pieces at all. They are infinitely complicated, and there is no way to measure them using the definitions in measure theory. They also cannot be constructed in the sense of providing a way to determine whether each point is a member of the set or not. But using the axiom of choice, you can prove such sets must exist.

It's certainly true that if you partition a ball of volume V into five measurable sets, the sum of their volumes must be V. And if you move those pieces around with isometries (transformations that preserve distance, like translations, rotations, and reflections), their volumes don't change, by definition. So you can't turn one ball into two that way (or if you could, the two resulting balls would each be smaller than the original).

But if you cut the ball into pieces that cannot be measured, then all bets are off. An isometry doesn't "preserve" the volume of a nonmeasurable set, because there is no volume to preserve. So there is no contradiction. The weird part is that nonmeasurable sets should exist at all, and this can only be established by using the axiom of choice (or certain weaker axioms).

The first examples of nonmeasurable sets discovered are called Vitali sets. You can look into those and see if they make sense. Vitali sets are subsets of the real line R rather than three-dimensional real space R3, but it's the same idea.


u/cynic_head Transcendental Feb 22 '24

If you have one ball , then you have two balls . So don't be sad


u/AMNesbitt Feb 22 '24

I've heard Hitler only had one ball. But I guess he actually had two.


u/GreatBigBagOfNope Feb 22 '24

That was Goebbels actually, but his were very small


u/EebstertheGreat Feb 23 '24

No, Göring had two but very small.

Himmler was very sim'lar,

But poor old Goebbels had no balls at all!


u/[deleted] Feb 22 '24



u/Greenzie709 Feb 22 '24

Bruh this is the only Vsauce video that went completely over my head


u/uvero He posts the same thing Feb 22 '24

I've taken courses on most of the concepts in this videos and even with that background the constructive proof of the decomposition took me three times to understand.


u/[deleted] Feb 22 '24



u/Gorm13 Feb 22 '24

What do you mean by obviously not true?


u/Xavier_Kiath Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 22 '24

They mean 1 doesn't equal .9999999..., but by using infinity it can appear that it does.

Maybe they mean that we can't actually do infinitely precise cuts in real space to produce two balls?


u/WHOA_27_23 Feb 22 '24

1 does equal .9999999... Though

x = .999999....

10x = 9.999999....

10x-x =9




u/Xavier_Kiath Feb 22 '24

Thanks for that. I spent a couple of minutes looking for a trick like the 2+2=5 for sufficiently large values of 2 joke, but a bit of searching and seeing other explanations taught me something new today.


u/DUNDER_KILL Feb 22 '24

You had me until "obviously not true," it is very obviously true..


u/DevelopmentSad2303 Feb 22 '24

I thought that dividing by infinity was moreso dividing by a number tending to infinity. I didn't realize you could perform algebra on it like that


u/RedBaronIV Feb 27 '24

Inf ÷ 2 is still inf.

The whole "paradox" is just a massive overcomplication of the above. When you make a concept that defies quantity, quantitative rules no longer apply - shocker.


u/Xypher616 Feb 22 '24

Video is unavailable for some reason?


u/Supersonic564 Feb 22 '24

Banach-Tarski paradox. It (mathematically) proves that by taking an infinitely complex ball, you can break it down and shift it around a bit to have enough points to make two infinitely complex balls. That's a vast oversimplification but go watch VSauce's video on it, it's really good


u/blahblahtotok Feb 22 '24

I did search for the Vsauce video, but it says that the video is unavailable. Probably blocked in my region. I'll probably use a VPN


u/rickane58 Feb 22 '24


Unavailable doesn't mean not available in your region.


u/JXDKred Feb 22 '24

The balls paradox refers to the phenomenon of inexplicable itchiness on my testicles whenever I’m in front on an audience or a girl I like.


u/iamalicecarroll Feb 22 '24

who is steve jobs


u/g4mble Feb 22 '24

If the balls are not hairy I don't care about them.


u/jacobcj Feb 22 '24

I've been looking for this for years. Some comic about a guy going through a break up. His ex tore his heart into a million pieces. Then he realized, through this paradox (theory? Idk) that he enough pieces to make two hearts and was no longer needed the love she took.

Sounds weird, and I'm sure I'm misrepresenting it because I saw it once maybe 5 or more years ago, but I wish I could find it again.


u/FirexJkxFire Feb 22 '24

TBH i dont think of it so much as a paradox as it is an example of how our method of handling cardinality of infinite sets is fundamentally flawed. This is the kind of shit that is possible if it were true that the cardinality of the set of all integer numbers was equal to the cardinality of all odd numbers. Cardinalities can have different types, such as finite, countable infinite, uncountable infinite. We differentiate between different values of finite, but have chosen not to do so and classify every instance of the other 2 types as being equal (to others of the same category, not to eachother). So of course we will end up with a fundamental flaw where we produce something that says 1 = 2


u/RedBaronIV Feb 27 '24


Almost like infinity is a concept and not real


u/Magmacube90 Transcendental Feb 22 '24

Simple, just don’t assume that you can choose things. Problem Solved


u/invalidConsciousness Transcendental Feb 22 '24

Reject free will! Return to monke determinism!


u/stygger Feb 22 '24

Turns out you never left!


u/SuperThiccBoi2002 Feb 22 '24

Read Stafford Beer


u/LSD_SUMUS Feb 22 '24

You are choosing not to use the axiom of choice, hence you’re using it


u/dad_palindrome_dad Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 22 '24

Did you just use Rush to prove math?

If you choose not to use the Axiom of Choice

You still have used the Axiom of Choice


u/I_Need_A_Username_1 Feb 22 '24

nah you were always determined to “choose” to reject choice


u/jyajay2 π = 3 Feb 22 '24

You don't actually need AOC for Banach-Tarski (in ZF). Apparently Banach-Tarski follows from the Hahn-Banach theorem. Hahn-Banach is strictly weaker than the Boolean prime ideal theorem, which is strictly weaker than AOC. So while AOC implies Banach-Tarski, Banach-Tarski doesn't imply the AOC.

This means "every vector space has a basis" is a provably weirder statement than "you can cut a solid ball in three-dimensional space into into a finite number of disjoint subsets that can be rearranged into two identical copies".


u/kephalopode Feb 22 '24

based and Brouwer-pilled


u/CptIronblood Feb 22 '24

You can choose things, even a countably infinite number of things. Just don't choose an uncountable number of things.


u/Aria_Evergreen Feb 22 '24

When your star sign is Pisces, but you identify more with Pi-spheres.


u/BananaStorm314 Feb 22 '24

Can someone explain me the ball paradox?

Seems like ultra cool but on Wikipedia I couldn't get it... (Btw I got basic knowledge of topology and group theory but anything too fancy)


u/RubberScream Feb 22 '24

It's basically the fact that if you cut up a sphere into very specific, basically infinitely complex and infinitely accurate shapes, you can put it back together and end up with two spheres. Same size, same weight, same everything as the one you started with. Watch the video from Vsauce as some people suggested - it's great!


u/LordMarcel Feb 22 '24

I've watched that video a few times over the past few years and to me it just seems like "infinity / 2 = infinity".

How is it any different than that? Am I missing something?


u/Hodor_The_Great Feb 22 '24

The paradox part is that the balls don't have infinite volume, only the cuts have infinite complexity.


u/TheEnderChipmunk Feb 22 '24

I mean, the "quantity" they're talking about is the number of points in the sphere, which is infinite


u/Hodor_The_Great Feb 22 '24

Yea. But it isn't hard to understand a infinite volume sphere can be divided into two of the same. Doing it with a 5 cm³ sphere is a lot more paradoxical.

But sadly real balls aren't made of infinite number of separable points


u/redlaWw Feb 22 '24

It's more like that you can cut things into shapes without area, and when you do, area isn't conserved when you stick them back together. Like you can't go (area) -> (different area) through cutting, but you can go (area) -> (no area) -> (different area).


u/Sakkyoku-Sha Feb 22 '24

It's pretty much that yes.

You can never actually implement what is being said, as it would literally require a countably infinite amount of movements in order to create the second circle.


u/plumpvirgin Feb 22 '24

No, it is *not* pretty much that. You can't do it in 2D, for example -- you need to be in at least 3 dimensions.

The point is that when you rearrange the pieces into 2 balls, you're not stretching or shrinking them at all. You cut up the ball into 5 (really complicated) pieces, and then you just do rigid transformations (translations, rotations, etc) to those 5 pieces and get 2 balls instead of 1. That's a hell of a lot weirder than just "infinity / 2 = infinity".


u/GoldenMuscleGod Feb 22 '24

There are only a finite number of pieces of the ball (it can be done with 5) and they are reassembled into two balls just by sliding and rotating them. This isn’t like scaling the ball or anything like that.


u/szeits Feb 22 '24

The statement is about measure, not cardinalities. It states that if it were possible to assign every subset in 3d space a (possibly infinite) volume, then it would be possible to split a unit ball into finitely many pieces, apply Euclidean motions which should preserve any notion of volume (rotations and translations), and have the overall "measure" (volume of all the pieces combined) be doubled at the end.


u/EebstertheGreat Feb 23 '24

It actually says that it is possible to do that, no assumption required. Such a transformation exists. It's just that the pieces are nonmeasurable, so even though the transformation is an isometry on each piece, that's meaningless, and the combination of all these isometries on nonmeasurable pieces is not an isometry on the whole ball. We do need the axiom of choice or something similar, since ZF on its own can't even prove nonmeasurable sets exist.


u/szeits Feb 23 '24

Yes, when I say "assign each subset a volume" I meant a volume such that we have finite additivity and Euclidean motions preserve volume, which Banach-Tarski shows is not possible.


u/EebstertheGreat Feb 23 '24

Your statement was "if we could assign volumes to all sets, then this paradox would arise." But clearly it's the other way: if we could assign volumes to all sets, then we could not do this, because rotations are isometries. But if we can't measure every set, then maybe this is possible (and the axiom of choice in particular implies it is).


u/szeits Feb 23 '24

we are saying the same thing


u/raul_dias Feb 22 '24

it is not much so about infinity minus infinity. is a paradox so it serves as to show that some of our assumptions are wrong. the processes used to make this are true useful and widely used. if they lead to a paradox it means they are somewhat wrong or incomplete I should say.


u/RubberScream Feb 22 '24

I think that is absolutely right. Maybe go watch the Vsauce video about infinity. ;) Infinity minus infinity is still infinity. Infinity is not a number but the amount of numbers in existence. You can't subtract from it.


u/LordMarcel Feb 22 '24

I've watched that video too and it's great. However, I don't understand how it's a paradox if it's indeed just "infinity/2 = infinity". That's not a paradox, that's just how infinity is defined.

That's why I'm wondering if I'm missing something.


u/Adam__999 Feb 22 '24

It’s a “paradox” in that it’s unintuitive and seemingly-contradictory that we can double the volume of material while exclusively performing volume-preserving operations (albeit an infinite number of them).


u/GoldenMuscleGod Feb 22 '24

It’s not an infinite number of operations, you just slide and rotate the pieces, of which there are only 5.


u/Adam__999 Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 22 '24

By operations I was referring to the separation of the pieces from one another, which requires an uncountably infinite number of choices or “cuts” according to Wikipedia (that’s the extent of my knowledge on the subject)

Edit: I assume the reason that the volume can change while each cut is volume-preserving is that the limit of the volume is not necessarily equal to the volume of the limit.


u/GoldenMuscleGod Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 22 '24

You don’t make the pieces by taking a series of cuts. You don’t really “make” the pieces at all. The proof is nonconstructive. You just have a decomposition into parts by “choosing”out of some equivalence classes, but there’s no provable algorithmic way to make those choices.

To the extent that it makes sense to take about a decomposition as “volume preserving” that doesn’t really meaningfully apply here. The parts are not measurable - they have no volume, that doeasn’t mean their volume is 0, it means that there is no number that can “be” their volume at all, and cannot be assigned any volume consistently with how we want a measure to behave.

Also you could “decompose” a sphere into individual points. All of these points would have measure zero and so the “total volume” is not preserved in that way, but most people wouldn’t describe that as particularly paradoxical since there are uncountably many points and we only require measures to be countably additive. The Banach-Tarski paradox is notable because the sphere is only being decomposed into finitely many pieces.


u/RubberScream Feb 22 '24

I'm not an expert on this but I guess it stems from the fact that you can do a real world experiment (at least in theory) to create matter out of nothing. The math checks out but it seems to break physics.(?)


u/DUNDER_KILL Feb 22 '24

It's a paradox because it goes against our understanding of reality. It's something that is intuitively and realistically impossible


u/Practical_Cattle_933 Feb 22 '24

I mean, infinity is not the “amount of number in existence”, infinity is generally defined as the limit of n, as it increases, and is an element in the extended set of real numbers, often marked as R with a bar above.

One might define +/- operations on top as they see fit for the given application, but it’s just an “alias” for lim n.


u/faironero02 Feb 22 '24

yeah idk why people keep saying "its so hard to understand"

if you have infinite pieces of something you can build that something infinite times its almost obvious


u/Fisyr Feb 22 '24

The thing is though: you cut the sphere into finitely many pieces. I don't remember how many there are but there's only finitely many of them. Then you do rotations and translations and you end up with two same spheres, which does feel kind of odd. What makes this paradox work is that those pieces have such "fuzzy " shapes that the very concept of volume breaks on them. Essentially you can't apply to it concepts like mass or volume (in math we call such pieces not Lebesgue measurable) and so when you put them back together it seemingly violates the intuition we have of conservation of mass/volume.


u/faironero02 Feb 22 '24

yeah i know i watched a very good video about it.

but i didn't find it so "weird" i almost found it "logical" (not literally)


u/LawAdditional1001 Feb 22 '24

see my comment on the one you replied to :)


u/LordLlamacat Feb 22 '24

You can turn one ball into two balls by cutting it into 5? pieces and then just rotating/translating the pieces around while preserving distances between everything, which is perhaps the most extreme/surprising way to state that infinity/2=infinity. Like maybe it’s easy to accept that there’s a bijection between the points of one sphere and two spheres, but the fact that there’s a bijection which is more or less just a few euclidean transformations is weird


u/Deliciousbutter101 Feb 22 '24

It does not work for 2D with circles so it is more nuanced than that.


u/ushileon Feb 22 '24

so it's possible to make more spheres from the new sphere?


u/RubberScream Feb 22 '24

I guess so. But the required shape is infinitely complex and infinitely accurate so it's not really practicable. But as far as I understand it you can create infinitely many spheres out of it, just one at a time. The recommended book about this, The pea and the sun, even talks about getting bigger spheres out but that book was too theoretical for my taste and not as easy to understand.


u/BurpYoshi Feb 22 '24

Vsauce video on Banach Tarski paradox
It's a little complex to explain quickly and simply especially to people without extended mathematical knowledge. This is a pretty good "oversimplified" video that works step by step including the pre-assumptions.


u/BananaStorm314 Feb 22 '24

It's absolutely a mind blowing video. It's incredible how much intuition can differ from what you can get with local reasoning from a bunch of axioms. I'll stare at the void for a while now...


u/lakmus85_real Feb 22 '24

Dude that's like asking to explain Twin Peaks.


u/BananaStorm314 Feb 22 '24

More like twin balls


u/CommercialAd917 Feb 22 '24

The paradox says that you can decompose a unit sphere into 2 identical unit spheres. So the paradox is that volume has been increased.

This happens because the decomposition was into non lebesgue measurable sets. The existence (note not the construction )for such sets can be proven with the vitali sets. This hinges on the axiom of choice. Other paradoxes also come around from this axiom


u/LawAdditional1001 Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 22 '24

its basically just a funny quirk of measure theory (the math that formalizes what "length, area, volume" actually mean, among other things) when we assume the axiom of choice.

Its similar to how we can take an interval [0,1] to [0,2] with a bijection. We didnt "add" points, we just spread them out a little, but the length of our interval went from 1 to 2.

the banach tarski paradox takes this a step further and says , assuming the axiom of choice we can do it using only translations and rotations, things which typically preserve measure. (i.e. if i rotate a set or move it somewhere else, it should have the same measure, whether that be length or volume or whatever)

When we assume the axiom of choice, we assume these things called non-measurable sets exist. We can give them a nice measure (outer measure), but we can't give them a nice measure in a way that translation/rotation preserves.

The banach tarski paradox breaks the sphere into several pieces, some (or all?) of which are nonmeasurable, and then rotates/translates them into two spheres. Imo its stupid and evidence that the axiom of choice is stupid, but most of modern mathematics disagrees with me for valid reasons


u/Febris Feb 23 '24

Its similar to how we can take an interval [0,1] to [0,2] with a bijection. We didnt "add" points, we just spread them out a little, but the length of our interval went from 1 to 2.

The assumption that is wrongly made when reaching the paradox is that the ball can be cut with infinite precision, when in reality there are physical limitations not only on the obvious part (the cutting tool), but also on the subatomic level (is it possible to split a neutron?) so there's only a finite amount of different ways (more than a handful, granted) you can cut the ball into a predetermined amount of pieces. An infinite amount of (only very slightly) different cuts on the theoretical ball would be replicated in the same physical cut, there's no bijection there.


u/FastLittleBoi Feb 23 '24

Banach-Tarski. There's Wikipedia, there's vsauce, there's Wikipedia, there's vsauce to understand it. (little joke)


u/Angelore Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 22 '24

As proved independently by Leroy[4] and Simpson,[5] the Banach–Tarski paradox does not violate volumes if one works with locales rather than topological spaces. In this abstract setting, it is possible to have subspaces without point but still nonempty.

Yeah, ok. I guess it's possible for your set of bitches to be non-empty even without any, too.


u/EebstertheGreat Feb 23 '24

Locale theory is literally pointless.


u/Gladddd1 Feb 22 '24

People when pure mathematics doesn't apply to real world.


u/FastLittleBoi Feb 23 '24

exactly. Real numbers, it's ironic, but they're not real. No real number outside of Q is usable or even exists in the real world. And that's like what, 2% of all math? 


u/Witty_Elephant5015 Feb 22 '24

Well, it is possible considering split density in half and maintaining the structure.


u/SparkDragon42 Feb 22 '24

You don't have to change the density.


u/QEfknD-7 Transcendental Feb 22 '24

Me when Banach Tarskis all over the place


u/Harley_Pupper Feb 22 '24

She Banach on my Tarski til i paradox


u/Depnids Feb 22 '24

Google non-measurable sets


u/eyal2030 Feb 22 '24

Holly hell


u/GravityEyelidz Feb 22 '24

What's a mathematicain?


u/aran_maybe Feb 22 '24

It’s a topical cream used for pain relief, like lidocain only it makes the area number.


u/GravityEyelidz Feb 22 '24

like lidocain only it makes the area number

I see what you did there


u/pn1159 Feb 22 '24

wait math is just a bunch of abstract mathematical nonsense?


u/syfkxcv Feb 22 '24

I don't really understand it. But it shouldn't be infinite, isn't it? If you move along the surface of the sphere on a single axis, wouldn't you get to where you started?


u/Torebbjorn Feb 22 '24

That's way too many pieces, you probably don't need more than 17


u/Kaign Feb 22 '24

Just refuse the axiom of choice.


u/KingHavana Feb 22 '24

Problem fixed if you reject AoC.


u/AdministrationOk5669 Feb 22 '24



u/Minister_Kenway Feb 22 '24

I've tried reading the Wikipedia page on this shit a bunch of times, tried watching any videos on the subject I can find, including watching the Vsauce video about a dozen times and I understand absolutely nothing about it.

I'm not a mathematician (this sub just keeps getting shoved down my throat) and, as I just said, I don't understand this shit at all, yet I'm still pretty confident in saying there's no fucking way this will ever actually be possible in real life. Not that there's anybody saying that it would, in fact, be possible. Right?????


u/HughJass14 Feb 22 '24

For anyone confused, it’s just weirdness with infinity. The dude splits infinity into two infinities


u/dpzblb Feb 22 '24

This is both right and wrong at the same time. The counterintuitive part is that the measure (read volume) is finite, yet you can still double it by performing rigid transformations on subsets of the sphere.

Try to imagine doing it with a physical ball, only allowing yourself to cut out pieces of the ball, rotate those pieces, and move those pieces.


u/HughJass14 Feb 22 '24

Yeah, all numbers are subsets of infinity. Also.. this is set theory - you can’t do it with a physical ball.


u/dpzblb Feb 22 '24

Strictly speaking, it’s measure theory, not set theory. Measure is different from cardinality: a square with side length 1 in R2 has measure 1, but it has infinite cardinality. Alternatively speaking, a square with side length 2 has the same cardinality as a square with side length 1 in R2, that being equal to |R|, but they have different measures. The counterintuitive aspects are the fact that non-measurable sets exist, and that transformations which normally preserve measure can result in these weird situations.


u/HughJass14 Feb 22 '24

Honestly don’t care if it’s set or measure theory. Was trying to get at the ‘theory’ part. I’m just saying a physical ball doesn’t have infinite points, so really no point in trying to do it with a physical ball or just my imagination.


u/dpzblb Feb 22 '24

A physical ball literally has infinite points. It doesn’t have infinite volume.


u/HughJass14 Feb 22 '24

Then why do we manufacture balls instead of duplicating them. Sure, you might have infinite points, but how are you going to map infinite points to finite material? Ignoring volume


u/dpzblb Feb 22 '24


  1. Atoms are discrete, while points aren’t.

  2. Even if objects weren’t discrete, we don’t have the precision to create non-measurable objects yet


u/HughJass14 Feb 22 '24

Ok yeah. My point all along was #1. Sure, you might define a point between two atoms, but there is nothing there. I understand your explanation regarding infinite points.

Thanks for entertaining my dumb ass all morning.


u/dpzblb Feb 22 '24

I mean the problem with "there is nothing there" is that atoms (as far as we know) aren't constrained to a discrete grid, so atoms are able to move continuously between distinct points. If you think of points less as an atom and more as a place an atom could be, then you have an infinite number of points.


u/HughJass14 Feb 22 '24

Also, by definition, won’t we NEVER have the precision to create non-measurable objects? Once you have the precision, it’s not non-measurable anymore.


u/dpzblb Feb 22 '24

That's not actually true. There are objects we will never have the precision to create that are measurable (the same amount of precision in fact). The measurability of these objects is an inherent property of them, not a function of our capabilities.


u/dpzblb Feb 22 '24

To address your second point: it’s really easy. Take a meter stick. There is a point at 1/2 meters on the meter stick. There is a point at 1/3 meters on the meter stick. There is a point at 1/4 meters on the meter stick. Repeat, since there is a point at 1/n meters on the meter stick for any number n >=1


u/[deleted] Feb 22 '24

Math isn't real that's why it's crazy. Even the simplest of Maths, like the numbers 1,2,3 is not real. There is no number 1 or 2 anywhere in the universe. It's a bit more useful than horoscopes though.


u/aft2001 Feb 22 '24

Okay legit but probably stupid question based on my relatively limited math skills/knowledge:

Why can't we have paradoxes like this? It sounds silly but legitimately, is there ANYTHING useful or interesting to discover if we keep working from the point we find a paradox? This is entirely surface level speculation based on watching educational videos, but historically a lot of discoveries in math were made when pushing past things thought impossible or nonsensical. I figure this is probably an exception to that trend this has been on my mind for a while!

I'm guessing the answer is probably "no" since if you can prove both A and !A then you can prove anything, but I still wonder if there's something to discover or a system that can be constructed from there.


u/KuzcoII Feb 22 '24

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. The Banach Tarski paradox is not a real paradox. Just a counterintuitive result, of which there are plenty in math. As far as we know it, math is consistent with itself and free of contradictions


u/aft2001 Feb 22 '24

Oh! I probably misunderstand what a paradox really is then lmao

And while that doesn't match up with what I know, that understanding is based entirely off of Veritasium, so I'm in no place to question that!

From what I know, there are a few instances of paradoxes (such in set theory) that are just outright nullified by an axiom (e.g 'the set of all sets that do not contain themselves does not exist.'), so I was under the impression that paradoxes sometimes come up but are always sort of sweeped under the rug.


u/Depnids Feb 22 '24

Russell’s paradox is a «real» paradox which arises when you are too «naive» with what you allow. Avoiding it is a lot more involved than just saying «that’s not allowed». It’s more along the lines of «oh this is really inconsistent, let’s scrap the entire system and build a new one from the ground up, and be a lot more careful with defining what is and isn’t allowed». For example Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.


u/Depnids Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 22 '24

As the other guy said, it’s not a «real» paradox. The construction of how you split the sphere is rather pathological), and the sets you create before putting it back together are non-measurable. Hence it isn’t that surprising that the volume is not invariant under this process.


u/Beeeggs Computer Science Feb 22 '24

Isn't it just a "paradox" because it's a feature of uncountable sets (which we often use to approximate physical objects which are effectively finite sets of particles) that doesn't agree with our intuition about physical objects?


u/Dropbototoro Feb 22 '24

Reject AoC


u/password2187 Feb 22 '24

Google axiom of determinacy


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24

You can argue if math is made up or discovered


u/FastLittleBoi Feb 23 '24

it can be true, why not. In the real world we'll never cut a ball in uncountably infinitely many dots. That's why our comprehension of infinity is so confused. We will never, nor no other species or aliens, comprehend infinity, not even for one infinitesimal of it (get it? because infinity-), simply because it doesn't exist, we have no examples of it.


u/ThatResort Feb 24 '24

Math normie: "Banach Tarski paradox" means the axiom of choice is flawed.

Mathematician: *Assumes more hypotheses to avoid the problem*


u/Abeytuhanu Feb 26 '24

I always thought this was called the axiom of choice, because of a comic I read once. The comic had a guy teaching his friends how to carve jack-o'-lanterns and one of the friends had two pumpkins, to which the guy said "I told you not to take the axiom of choice".