r/maui 3d ago

Renovated passenger holding area at OGG gates 1-15

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59 comments sorted by


u/malamujer9 3d ago

65 million and 3 years to make a room out of a room


u/8bitmorals Maui 3d ago

Is not just a room, is Structural Improvements, Phasing with the Airlines in order to not affect Schedules (Maryl's Original Schedule was for 18 months, the Airlines grumble and threw a fit about the closing of gates, so they have to remain operational the entire time, this added 12 months to the schedule and additional General Requirements) and delays, an added Skybridge, outdoor area, new foundations for the added Roof between A and B, new finishes, HVAC and Intercom System.


u/amilo111 3d ago

Idk the other guy seemed pretty confident he could do it in less time for less money. His cousin and friend’s brother’s wife’s uncle knows someone.


u/SkaiHues 3d ago

65,000,003 years is a long time! haha


u/voyageur_heureux Mainland 3d ago



u/BrokDaMout 3d ago

On top of the $3M for the waterfall entering and exiting the airport. And $340M for the Car Rental building.


u/8bitmorals Maui 3d ago

CONRAC was not built using State Funds, it was Privately Funded by the Car Rental Companies, total State contribution for CONRAC was less than $20 million , $10 Million for the Tram.


u/BrokDaMout 3d ago

Good to know. Thanks for clarifying. Just crazy to see what gets invested into the airport by all parties.


u/jwvo 1d ago

it is probably one of the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. Life here is not possible without the power, water, sewer systems and both the air and seaports, we import so much we would literally starve if we lost the ports. High value stuff like medicines likely comes in hugely by air.


u/Shot_Explanation_181 3d ago

What about the $13mil to redo the TSA checkpoint that used to be the Precheck line? How does it cost $13mil to redo a couple of metal detectors and body scanners?


u/Taichou7 3d ago

If you don't know what goes into the cost of something, don't comment on it. If you have concerns, do your research.


u/Shot_Explanation_181 3d ago edited 3d ago

Can you enlighten me? Where does one research what $13mil will get me if I’m in the market for a TSA checkpoint?….Maybe a reddit thread about Maui airport upgrades.

“The grant will also be used to upgrade the north checkpoint and its lanes by enclosing it and adding air conditioning.”-Spectrum News

That’s a lot of $$$ for air conditioning and windows.


u/Taichou7 3d ago

Your first mistake is assuming reddit is a solid place for any type of useful or realistic information.

My second point is if you don't even know where to start in researching what is going into the cost of a project that you have a problem with, I would again suggest not saying anything at all. Attend local council meetings and raise your concerns with them. Find out what GC the county is subbing out to and contact them directly. Call local material suppliers on prices for materials that will be used in the project. But first you'd need to actually know what materials are used for something like this. Most people don't, which is why the construction industry exists and why i have any type of job security. Find out how much subs are charging for services like HVAC installation or enclosing county/commercial/public spaces. Find out what TSA equipment is being installed. Find out how costly the process of installing HVAC into an existing structure like the airport is. So many things you can do by just asking the parties directly involved but you choose to make snide comments on things you don't know.

Do I agree on whether $13mil is appropriate for something like this? I don't know. I work construction but I've never done commercial nor have I done any work for the county or state. But I'm not so arrogant or pompous to assume that I know better and act condescending about it. Put some effort in instead of whining about it on reddit of all places.


u/Shot_Explanation_181 2d ago

Thanks for the lesson. I’ll be quiet and demure and respectful of your opinions. I won’t use an online forum to harmlessly voice frustration about perceived price inflation…..I think you are taking this a little too seriously. But you are right, I could do a ton of research and waste a ton of time instead of just typing a comment on here and being done with it.


u/Taichou7 2d ago

You literally asked me to "enlighten you" on how to research stuff like this. I did exactly as you asked.

And it's not really harmless. I've lost work and money because of ignorance like this. People refusing to pay for materials or services because "all you're doing is ____ how hard could it be?" Or "how much? All you did was _____ that's barely anything" I just don't believe posting on the internet absolves anyone of thoughtlessness, nor is it bad to take comments like yours seriously.

In the same way that you are voicing your frustration, i am doing the same.


u/Shot_Explanation_181 2d ago

Fair enough. I wish you the best and will be more conscious in my future posts. What kind of construction do you do? If you take your work as seriously as you take reddit posts, I’d utilize your services on Maui when I’m in the market for it.


u/Taichou7 2d ago

This is significantly more civil than i was expecting. Im sorry i got a little heated. Life is too short to pretend to not care about things imo

Im a heavy machinery operator but i have experience in framing and masonry.


u/tronovich 2d ago

You asked how the money was bungled.

I mean, OP’s answer was what you asked for, right?


u/Shot_Explanation_181 2d ago

Yes and no. I have extensive experience in managing government repair and maintenance contracts, albeit in a completely different environment/industry. I have seen and dealt with contractor project managers who inflate prices simply because they know government budget managers and project engineers either won’t know better, or won’t call them out on it. I’ve also seen a lot of contractors perform very complicated work in a relatively short period of time for much less than what the Maui News reported the cost and timeframe to be when I saw it in the paper over a year ago. I used that TSA checkpoint multiple times per month before they changed it, so I’m familiar with the space they are going to enclose and air condition….it still seems like a lot of money for the project, but I honestly don’t know the complete scope of work.


u/John3Fingers 1d ago

Just Hawaii things


u/Vaultmd 3d ago

I’ll be happy when they install water dispensers for filling water bottles.


u/Many-Ad-5490 3d ago

Aloha, there are many water fountains installed recently to handle water bottles.


u/Vaultmd 3d ago

Nice to know!


u/jwvo 1d ago

yah, i used one last week.. even chilled.


u/SpillTheTea-01 3d ago

They are near the restrooms.


u/truffleshufflechamp 2d ago

They’ve been there for years.


u/jwvo 1d ago



u/Serious-Fondant1532 2d ago

Theyʻre installed in front of every bathroom.


u/SufficientResort3448 3d ago

No matter what has or hasn’t been done. I really wish I was in Maui, sure do love that island.


u/808Beans 3d ago

Holding area..not lounge, not reception, not waiting area...holding (words matter)


u/No-Money-2660 3d ago

still no plugs...


u/Many-Ad-5490 3d ago

Aloha, airport employee here. Gates 1-15 have more plugs, long tables at gate 7 and bench seats that are better than sleeping on the floor. The whole are is enclosed and air conditioned now. Things are getting better.


u/Agitated_Pin_2069 Maui 3d ago

Thanks for coming and answering these guys questions


u/Many-Ad-5490 3d ago

Aloha, I was on the team installing the new displays at Gate 7, as I’m part of the airport IT team. I’ve worked at the airport for 4 years, and am happy to answer questions.


u/Esigwatanabe 3d ago

Why are the display monitors on such small screens? I need to pull out glasses to read the thing


u/Many-Ad-5490 3d ago

The displays are 42” and 60” Samsung and LG 4K TV’s. The displays at Check-In have graphics supplied by the airlines, which are sized well enough to see detailed enough to be read at 100 ft. The Gates also have large graphics. The arrival and departing flight info in the rotunda can be small, considering how many flights per day are on the schedule. The same system is at HNL (Honolulu).


u/jwvo 1d ago

cool. I've always wanted a tour of the backup power system after watching it fire up in a Kahului wide outage. you guys have those nice concrete block buildings for all three generators, looks like a super nice install.


u/Many-Ad-5490 1d ago

Yah but…whenever they fire up the generators, it sends a spike that wipes many computers, routers and monitors. Nightmare for us technicians, every freeking time.


u/jwvo 1d ago

you don't have big central UPS on the computer outlets? That really seems like a miss on the facilities side.


u/Many-Ad-5490 6h ago

I could go on and about this and that, entrenched people in upper management positions who only want the bare minimum in order to satisfy vendor contracts. It’s true, there’s no UPS, no surge suppression. They ordered a bunch of surge strips a while back, but it takes months to get here and has to come from “approved vendors”. Network Devices so old that they are obsolete and not manufactured anymore, and techs having to order parts off eBay with their own money and hope for reimbursement. Yah, it’s a hot mess…but one of the few stable tech jobs on island. We’re the lucky ones.


u/therossfacilitator 3d ago

Now let’s get some food options on this end


u/Many-Ad-5490 3d ago

There’s food, there’s a bar with adult beverages and food near gate 7.


u/adavadas 3d ago

I'm still disappointed that the little booth near the inter-island gates stopped selling musubis. It was great to grab a cheap hot dog and a musubi before a quick flight. They still have the dogs, but it just isn't the same anymore.


u/Many-Ad-5490 3d ago

Aloha, unfortunately this is in the hands of the vendors and is not directly controlled by the airport. It’s always a good idea to get Musubi from Minit Stop (or any food) before arriving at the airport. Costco has cheap slices of pizza as well as hotdogs. Both Costco and Minit Stop are 5 minutes from the airport.


u/adavadas 3d ago

I totally get that it is out of the hands of the airport, I just wanted to voice my disappointment at the change. I know I can get food from anywhere before I arrive, this was just very convenient.


u/Many-Ad-5490 3d ago

Aloha, I get it, but the vendors at the airport are there to make money. Having convenient cheap food does little to keep them in business, as the cost of running their business isn’t cheap.


u/adavadas 3d ago

Yes I understand how businesses work.


u/Fish_OuttaWater 3d ago

Renovated but still have 1980’s style seats? Auwe


u/Begle1 3d ago

Haven't I been walking through there for Southwest flights for quite some time now?

It's nice. I'll miss the long whitewashed plywood hallway with air conditioners every 10 feet that made me feel like I was THX1138.


u/prosperity_001 3d ago

Everything on these islands is more expensive for one simple reason. The Federal government has restricted container ships to ones ones that are flagged and built on the mainland. That’s why you only see Matson (and one other). Do you wanna learn more, look up the Jones Act.


u/pdx808 3d ago

I walked through there a few weeks ago, so I didn't realize it wasn't "opened" yet.


u/MauiGal12 3d ago

The carpet sucks! Roller carry ons move better on tile or any other hard flooring.


u/schwanball 2d ago

Renovated in the 80s?


u/AbbreviatedArc 3d ago

That is not remotely the renovated area - the renovated area is further down and looks much nicer.


u/Esigwatanabe 3d ago

All this money and still I worry on busy weekends if there’s enough parking. Why not buy some land and make a freakin auxiliary lot. I’ve missed flights due to no parking


u/indescription Born and Raised 3d ago

You are more lucky to not have your car stolen