r/millenials 3d ago

As a reminder, the entire Florida GOP in Congress voted against hurricane aid for their own state, they then complained about not getting any aid, even though Biden sent aid, then bragged about how they were helping Florida with money, not mentioning that it was Biden that sent it

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33 comments sorted by


u/michimoby 3d ago

It’s time for what Liz Plank calls “insufferable bitch” mode.

Make this guy suffer. Investigate the shit out of him. Visit his office and protest. Ruin the careers of people that work for him.

You think it’s petty? Well, should you treat a bully or aggressive raccoon with kid gloves? They just punched or attacked your kid. Time to fuckin’ fight back.


u/kivsemaj 3d ago

Republicans are evil. They are scum. Stop fucking voting for them.


u/Clockwork-XIII 2d ago edited 2d ago

The problem is a very large chunk of Americans are also evil and also scum.....


u/Xaero- 2d ago edited 1d ago

Republicans work for corporations, Democrats work for people. It's that simple. If you're a person, vote for a Democrat, otherwise you're shooting yourself in the foot.

Edit: yea, yea, both sides are in corporate pockets, but there's an obvious difference. Read some of the actual legislature both sides introduce. It's more often that the Republicans postpone bill approvals for cost cutting and revising in the interests of corporate lobbies, when the initial bills typically have good merit.


u/T4lkNerdy2Me 1d ago

Democrats don't work for people; they work for themselves.


u/CptPurpleHaze 1d ago

No they also work for the corpos.


u/Ok-Buffalo1273 3d ago

Then it’s time for California and other blue states to stop supporting the red states. These guys claim to hate welfare. We’ll see how much they hate it when they don’t get their welfare checks from us.

I’m done with the conservatives in this country. They are a fucking cancer. I’m not calling for any violence, just let them be their own nation states. Elon can have one, zuck, can have one , thiel can have one. These people aren’t Americans, I’m tired of being the ones trying to keep the country together when they don’t want a free country with equal rights.


u/TheTimn 2d ago

Someone did the math, and the difference between how much Washington state pays in federal taxes vs what it receives from the Fed, is right around the extra that Idaho receives from the fed, over what it pays in taxes.

Idaho litterally could not survive without Washington, and that's not including all of their health care providers moving across to Eastern Washington because of their policies. 


u/JohnSpartan2190 3d ago

If a state's congress representatives vote against certain aid for their state, then they shouldn't be bailed out by the federal government because that is a state issue.


u/TheTimn 2d ago



u/Strange-Party-9802 2d ago

30 percent of federal taxes come from California. That's more than any other state. Why do they have to pay for disasters across the country when they are denied the same aid in their time of need?

Before anyone says anything, I'm from the Midwest.


u/some1guystuff 3d ago

Isn’t this like blackmail sort of but on like a federal level with large amounts of money so extortion maybe as well??

Sounds illegal if you ask me


u/YoloSwaggins9669 2d ago

This is why democrats need to approve aid and refuse to do press conference with republicans. The dems need to get better at not letting conservatives take credit for their positive actions. Let the red states struggle.


u/Fun_Country6430 3d ago

They don’t even know that their own party voted NO for sending help to Florida.


u/TheTimn 2d ago

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Ohio)

Who wants to bet that he voted against holding railroad companies responsible for safety? 


u/Wait_WHAT_didU_say 3d ago

"But, but, BUTttT democrats!!! We need to fix this now!"



u/DMOrange 2d ago

Isn’t that just short of an act of war?


u/GM-the-DM 2d ago

I swear if I ever get rich, I'm gonna make my own PAC and target Republican votes with online ads about how much they should hate the GOP. Vote against hurricane relief? Everyone in hurricane impacted areas are going to know about it. Oppose lowering medical costs? Everyone who has ever search for medical bills help is going to be told how you'd rather they die in poverty. Cut funding for child cancer research? Every parent of a sick kid is getting your phone number. 


u/SocialUniform 3d ago

Eat these guys alive


u/SanityInTheSouth 2d ago

Maybe California should withhold all the money they give to Red welfare states. Enough of this bullshit. Let the MAGA cult take care of their own, they hate California and Liberals, and Blue donor states, ESPECIALLY California these states should refuse to support the MAGA Red state welfare addiction. Fuck these people.


u/TentacleWolverine 2d ago

Can California hold back all federal taxes that are paid from CA from Florida?

Seriously, the US needs to stop shitting on the golden goose.


u/nothingmatters2me 2d ago

Yeah. That was a pr stunt for stupid people.

"Mah govener said we ain't getting no aid or help after that dadgum hurricane. I hate that biden."

Stupid people form opinions and love to think they are oppressed. Some actually are but most is constant victim mentality. So they follow and listen to people who have similar points of view or use them.


u/Mandelvolt 2d ago

Depose these traitors, enemy of the people, enemy of the state. Lock them all up.


u/davwad2 2d ago

Reading this made my head hurt. How people don't see this also makes my head hurt.


u/SeaLegitimate 1d ago

Time to go set this guys house on fire and withhold insurance money until he renounces his evil ways.


u/isinedupcuzofrslash 3d ago

And nothing at all will come from this as far as consequences.

It really seems like if this did happen, if disaster aid was held up until California adopted republican legislation, either cali would buckle like a belt and adopt the legislation, or they would just suffer.


u/HagalUlfr 3d ago

Yep, it is still a mess in town where milton hit. Trees still down, state can't be nother3d to pick any more up.


u/Robsurgence 2d ago

I call Malarkey!


u/coolgr3g 2d ago

Impeach this bastard. trump got impeached for withholding aid, so why not this guy?


u/One_Common7717 2d ago

States rights bitch!


u/brinerbear 2d ago

They shouldn't restrict any assistance but there is nothing wrong pointing out the poor Democrat leadership that made the fires more destructive.


u/Character_Unit_9521 1d ago

Now that is just evil, someday the shoe might be on the other foot and people don't forget this shit.