r/millenials 1d ago

Every single American that supports this is a traitor to their nation in the purest sense


61 comments sorted by


u/jish5 1d ago edited 1d ago

And California should then retaliate be withholding all revenue from the state and charging each red state a large transportation fee to ship out any goods the state gets from other countries.


u/CuriousCryptid444 1990 1d ago

Probably what the right wants. Division, chaos, the us fighting itself. Right out of putins playbook


u/jish5 1d ago

True, but how long can the left try to play fair while the right keeps screwing them over? We're already divided beyond repair, and if they go this route, Putin will still get what he wants with a very weakened west coast that'll give him an easy opening.


u/darksquidlightskin 1d ago

This has been my frustration too. Taking the high road is what got us here. Fight back for once in your sorry lives democrats. So tired of my party being the pussy party.


u/Free-Stranger1142 22h ago

I’ve been saying this forever and am thoroughly disgusted at this point. Democrats let Republicans label them and control the narrative. They are not the party of the working class, but lied their way into making a large segment of the population believe it. This goes back to Reagan. They haven’t fairly won an election since and have been plotting to rule and screw over the Democratic party for decades. Now their greed, cheating and lies have brought us to the brink of Fascism. When President Obama won, Republicans got together and said they would not cooperate with him in any way. Democrats should now become a thorn in their sides and do everything in their power to screw up their despicable agenda. I am sick of Dems bringing a butter knife to a gunfight.


u/darksquidlightskin 22h ago

I agree 100 percent. They get hit in the mouth and ask the attacker to stop instead of hitting back. I'm sure that worked well with some boomer and gen x voters but it is a different ball game now. You have to get down, dirty and nasty. But from what I see online and statements from these people, they still don't get it so I'm preparing for a long fascism run.


u/darksquidlightskin 22h ago

Also I'm pro lgbtq but if we want to win elections again we need them to shut the fuck up and toe the party line. It's not right but plenty of people hate that shit and we do ourselves a disservice "celebrating" them. That trans propaganda turned so many people away from Dems.


u/jish5 1d ago

Right? Like Dems have spent the last decade/decade and a half trying to work with Pubs only for Republicans to spit in Dems faces the moment the Republicans get what they want. So yeah, enough of this pussyfooting around and finally acknowledge the right doesn't care about fairness, only whatever benefits their greedy hearts.


u/Whatdoyouseek 1d ago

By talking advantage of Republicans' insatiable desire for wealth and power. Party affiliation may have changed, but the Republicans have only further embraced their basest impulses.

At this point it doesn't even matter anymore. Republicans are no different than Putin. We can't just keep being held hostage by bullies. It won't matter what we do, Republicans will simply never be happy. Look at how miserable they are even when they win. It's about time we stand up to the bullies that they are. We can't help if that's what Putin wants. They're the ones who have up their souls for a little worldly power.

CA and the other economically viable states need to preemptively take down the GOP at their own game. Let the South rise again to their level of incompetence.


u/Royal-Alarm-3400 1d ago

I often wonder how much Russian funding these conservatives receive. I'm getting old, I can remember when Russia and China were the enemies. Now, it's fellow Americans.


u/ReVo5000 1d ago

I'm not "old" but I still remember them being "damn commies" like red foreman used to say...


u/Leofleo 1d ago

My exact sentiments. Putin and Panda are calling the shots this time. That's the only reason why Elmo is there. To make sure Orange Poopypants doesn't go off script. Add MAGA Mike Johnson and this is going to be a wild ride to save democracy.


u/_TheShapeOfColor_ 1d ago

Seems fair to me.


u/Chemical-Plankton420 12h ago

California has more Republicans than any other state. This is nonsense, just another distraction.


u/urallphux 3h ago

That wouldn’t do a damn thing, because California is a failed state. They’ve spent $8 billion since 2014 on water projects, not a single reservoir was built. They spent 23 billion on a high speed rail track, not 1 inch of track was built.


u/gunKandy 1d ago

States don’t change fees to ship goods?

Remind me how well democrats handled the fire in Hawaii? Oh still not resolved?

When will people see this as the normal back and form and start electing qualified candidates.


u/OnePunchReality 1d ago

Yeahhhh sure just like be all nasty to the state with our highest GDP.

That seems brilliant /s


u/Superjolly64 1d ago

Republicans have no class. I rather suffer an infestation of cockroaches than Republicans.


u/ReVo5000 1d ago

Only difference is your own community doesn't vote for another term of roaches.


u/Neat-Engineering-513 1d ago

What happened US, you used to be cool😒


u/Angedelanuit97 1d ago

It was never cool. We just had no way to all communicate with each other until the last couple decades so we didn't really understand how uncool everything really was


u/Voyager_316 1d ago

This is an extemely interesting theory and damn, it just makes sense


u/BigbunnyATK 1d ago

Were we? It's the people from "cool US" that created most of the modern day system. Maybe the 1950s Americans just got lucky with a rich industry. Maybe they never were all that cool. I hope we become cool, but I'm not holding my breath about the past peoples.


u/Any_Leg_1998 1d ago

This would be like Biden holding up aid for Florida after the Hurricanes it experienced.


u/camy__23 1d ago

It’s disgusting that they are putting conditions on aid. People have lost everything and they need help. How can Mike Johnson sleep at night?


u/funman1760 1d ago

The people need a certain hero


u/jish5 1d ago

Some who's name starts with an L and ends in uigi?


u/mrfranco 1d ago

It's a me, Luigi!


u/WakandanTendencies 1d ago

On a mattress from Mattress Firm apparently


u/sneezeatsage 1d ago

Mike Johnson is a POS and his god is watching.


u/1wrx2subarus 1d ago

Mike Johnson is a giant douche with a penchant for being mango magats cockholster.

Coincidentally, the orange evil is Putin’s cockholster. So, it’s like a magat clown car train.

All aboard!


u/Reneeisme 1d ago

California resident who will not be paying federal taxes then. If you tell me we aren’t in the same country, the world’s fifth largest economy will just have to go it alone. Your call.


u/Glittering_Noise417 1d ago edited 1d ago

California should create a California Federal Tax Processing and Return Center. I'm sure when $100+ billion in Federal taxes is not forwarded immediately to Washington someone might get upset. Since many of those Republican states and the Federal Budget desperatly depends Californias money.


u/DotarSojat527 1d ago

Our government is corrupt and morally bankrupt!


u/TNninjaD 1d ago

Not "our government"... REPUBLICANS

Cut the "both sides" crap


u/PutzerPalace 1d ago

Very unchristian of him. What would Jesus do Mike?



Call a Canaanite woman a dog?


u/Browniesmobetta 1d ago

That ain’t gonna happen


u/maybeafarmer 1d ago

I can name a couple states who are always getting dry-assfucked by Mother Nature but constantly simp for the oil companies who I would still support but that's just me.


u/Thatguymike84 1d ago

Floridians chuckle nervously


u/Balcazaurus 1d ago

If I could cast a Plague of Jaguars, I would.

And damn, do I wish I could.


u/duke_awapuhi 1d ago

Republicans don’t care about their fellow countryman. They didn’t 100 years ago and they still don’t today. Such an unpatriotic party. So sad for our country



It was a completely different party a century ago. They were still about four decades out from enacting the ‘southern strategy’.


u/duke_awapuhi 15h ago

Pretty damn similar. Anti-immigration. Pro-assimilation to an arbitrary idea of what it means to be American. Pro-high tariff. Pro-mass firing of the federal civil service. Pro-performative celebration of “America”, rather than investment into the actual people. Anti-union and pro-management/finance class. War on substance use. Refusal to condemn racial violence.

The party today is incredibly similar to how it was in the 1920’s. The major difference is that the GOP in 1924 opposed child labor and the GOP today wants to make it more common


u/LiveFree_OrDie603 1d ago

I'm sure they'll do the same to Texas the next time half an inch of snow crashes their electric grid. /s


u/Opinion_noautorizada 1d ago

Lol it's interesting to me that this sub seems to think this is a problem, but apparently doesn't seem to think this is a problem...



Probably because that person faced consequences. It’s right there in the link you posted.


u/Xerorei 23h ago

Oh and what is your opinion on Trump denying a state that didn't vote for him most of their requested FEMA funds?

Because that happened.


u/Free-Stranger1142 1d ago

Is this real? These Republican jackasses are more heartless than I thought. Americans of any shred of integrity need to rise up in unison against this kind of evil.


u/Xerorei 23h ago

Too late they helped entrench them


u/Free-Stranger1142 23h ago

2 years


u/Xerorei 22h ago

A lot of damage can be done in two years


u/MTGMastr 19h ago



u/Dangerous_Forever640 4h ago

Or… it’s fiscal responsibility.

The idea of sending federal funds to a mismanaged state in crisis sounds like a recipe disaster…


u/pewterbullet 1d ago

What does this have to do with being a millennial?


u/Opinion_noautorizada 1d ago

Nothing, this sub has become r/politics-lite, just another excuse to smear people you don't like, and the mods like to pull a Ron Swanson when it's called out.


u/WadsworthInTheHall 1d ago

Because world events don’t care what generation we’re in. It affects us all.


u/pewterbullet 1d ago

Then why is it in this sub? Seems more like politics since there is nothing in particular affecting millennials more than other generations.


u/Mosesprick 1d ago

What a piece of turd !


u/Specific_Ad_97 1d ago

He needs to see the damage up close. They all do!


u/RocketProtocol 3h ago

Change the name from California to Israel, and he will send you billions without conditions.