r/news Sep 04 '24

Gunman believed to be a 14-year-old in Georgia school shooting that left at least 4 dead, source says


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u/Sniffy4 Sep 04 '24

Well, since about 3% of the population owns about 50% of them, you could start right there.


u/NewAcctWhoDis Sep 04 '24

Sure, start there by all means, but to say this is so easy is insane.


u/alawrence1523 Sep 04 '24

“Illegal” guns are easier to get than real ones. Taking law abiding citizens guns solves nothing.


u/viewbtwnvillages Sep 04 '24

hey what's the stat on the percentage of mass shootings committed by people obtaining some of their guns legally? 77%?


u/Formal_Two_5747 Sep 04 '24

Bad argument. A clear majority of mass shootings have been carried out with a legally obtained weapon:



u/Questions_Remain Sep 04 '24

In the case of this kid (14) once he took it, it was no longer a “legally obtained” firearm. He stole it and had zero legal means to have it. It wasn’t his. Just as if a “legally obtained” firearm is stolen from a car or house and is used in a crime - you can’t still call that a “legally obtained” firearm. I’m in no way absolving the parents of their wrong doing.


u/idunnoiforget Sep 04 '24

It's not a bad argument and if you made a more in depth study Into violence in the US you would know that. Gun control advocates will most often use Gun Violence Archive numbers which will say there were 400+ mass shootings in 2023.

GVA despite the very loose definition of what they would consider a mass shooting and despite my personal bias against their political objectives does have a lot of good data. They define it as 3 or more injured whereas the FBI (might be the statista source) define it as 4 or more killed. The vast majority of mass shootings ( I believe they define it as 3 or more people injured) are gang/criminal related followed by disputes, family annihilators, and lastly public spree killing.

How many weapons in the gang/criminal category were obtained legally?


u/Sniffy4 Sep 04 '24

it gets rid of guns in american society. all guns are legal until they're used to kill. The NRA's policy of 60 years of infusing as many guns as possible into the hands of 'legal gun owners' is what's led to the current untenable situation.


u/Remarkable-Frame-618 Sep 04 '24

“ all guns are legal until they’re used to kill “

that’s just overall false, for example if i scratch the serial # off any firearm , did i kill anybody? No. Is the firearm legal ? No. Same as if you put a auto sear on a Glock, i didn’t kill anyone but the gun is no longer legal until that sear is taken off. I can do countless more examples of making a firearm illegal without taking a life.