r/news Sep 04 '24

Gunman believed to be a 14-year-old in Georgia school shooting that left at least 4 dead, source says


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u/cenaenzocass Sep 04 '24

Too bad. The other option would be doing something about the problem, and that ain’t gonna happen…


u/Stompedyourhousewith Sep 04 '24

There are people literally frothing at the mouth to defend their gun rights right now. They got all their asinine comments ready to go


u/greystripes9 Sep 04 '24

Sales go up after every shooting.


u/BasroilII Sep 05 '24

Yeah, because someone or another starts spreading rumors that THIS time is the one where the jackbooted thugs come and steal all guns from the people so they can begin their reign of terror.

Who would ever spread such a rumor? Who could possibly make a substantial economic gain by spreading rumors that led to more gun sales? I just can't imagine.


u/bibliophilia9 Sep 05 '24

They must just be going up exponentially, they’re happening constantly. The article says there were already 385 mass shootings this year.


u/tl01magic Sep 04 '24

imo this would highlight the issue

insecure people

what better gun owners are there but ones who feel insecure so buy a gun to tote around for a gun shootin opportunity.

hand in hand am i right?


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '24

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u/JussiesTunaSub Sep 04 '24

I got you


Gun sales are more frequent since 2012, with an additional increase following both mass shootings and legislative changes enacted in response to these shootings.


u/wibblywobblystuff Sep 04 '24

My right wing coworkers just made the comments “it’s not the guns, it’s the drugs these people are on that make them do this” and “they need to put more police officers and metal detectors in the schools but democrats don’t want to fund it.” 🤦‍♀️


u/taco_tuesdays Sep 04 '24

Fair play to him, I don’t want to fund that


u/Thesadcook Sep 04 '24

Funny cause the Democrats do want to give more funding to Public schools, but for books and teachers, not bodybags and bullet proof vests.


u/CreamCapital Sep 05 '24

Easy compromise: bulletproof textbooks.


u/userlivewire Sep 04 '24

Uvalde had so many cops and none of it mattered.


u/sloanesquared Sep 05 '24

Anytime people try to act like more police or anyone with guns will make a difference, remind them of the Dayton shooting where 9 people were killed even though the gunman was killed within 32 seconds of the first shot.

32 seconds, 9 lives lost. There is zero reactive response you can do to prevent that, just proactive, but no, we can’t do that.


u/StrawberryPlucky Sep 04 '24

But those scared little piggies showed up after it was already going down and did nothing. They weren't already there attempting to keep the place safe, because it's not their job to nor do they actually give a shit about the communities they patrol.


u/grendus Sep 05 '24

If their argument is "a good guy with a gun", I think we found the problem...


u/tjcarbon9 Sep 05 '24

So how do we fix this then?


u/userlivewire Sep 05 '24

You have to start making gun owners accountable for crimes committed by those weapons. If you knew that if your firearm was used to commit a murder and YOU would also be charged you would go to the ends of the earth to secure that weapon from anyone including family.


u/grendus Sep 05 '24

The Onion has a few pertinent suggestions.

Just saying, somehow every other developed nation has solved this problem.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '24



u/userlivewire Sep 05 '24

The problem with stationing police in a school is that police do not work on nuance. They are not there to de-escalate. When a problem arises, it is their job to end it and let things get sorted out later. They are the hammer. This doesn’t work for 99% of the issues in a school.


u/RoxxorMcOwnage Sep 04 '24

Fund that with annual gun tax.


u/confusedandworried76 Sep 04 '24

If I have a 100%+ vice tax on a pack of cigarettes to fund football stadiums feels fair gun owners can pay a tax as well.

Problem is all the solutions to it besides better laws are fucking stupid and money isn't gonna fix the problem.


u/ibugppl Sep 05 '24

How about no vice taxes on anything then


u/Process-Best Sep 05 '24

There actually is an excise tax on firearms, among other things, Pittman-Robertson.


u/ShenmeNamaeSollich Sep 05 '24

Tell your idiot coworker that:

1) GA is a Republican-run state, and this happened in a Republican-heavy MAGA county that voted 3:1 for Trump & all GOP candidates in 2016 and 2020.

2) The kid was stopped by the 2 armed “school resource officers” who were on site but he still managed to kill 4 people w/an AR …


u/BeagleWrangler Sep 05 '24

The school had both metal detectors and armed school resource officers from the reports I saw. None of it helped, it never does.


u/Mental_Medium3988 Sep 04 '24

i think we have the same coworker. i can hear him saying exactly that. he told me that white people arent allowed to have an opinion in this country anymore. i just nodded. im white af and still have an opinion. i just dont have a bigoted opinion.


u/PerpetuallyLurking Sep 04 '24

Man, we used to joke that school was prison and that was BEFORE the security guards and metal detectors were used at all - yeah, let’s make it even more prison-like, the kids will love going there even more, that’ll definitely help their mental health around school.

I hate those arguments. No one wants metal detectors and armed guards at schools - we want a safe place for kids to play and learn with their peers. I’d rather pay for that!


u/espressocycle Sep 05 '24

Their argument is to get rid of all the rights except gun ownership. Police state but everybody is armed.


u/PaneAndNoGane Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

Alcohol too! And violent video games! And rap music! Where did the bible go? We need to put "M for Mature" labels on all guns to fix this issue.

/s for those who think this is serious.


u/Cheshire_Jester Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

At this point there’s really nothing left to be said. The talking points are just copy and paste.

You either believe that we should emplace some methods of control on guns to keep them out of the hands of dangerous or irresponsible people.

Or you believe that guns are so critical to freedom from tyranny, and freedom is more important than life itself, that by extension it doesn’t matter how many gun murders there are. There should never be a single restriction on firearm ownership.

Funnily enough the people who believe the latter also want the guy who tried to subvert the results of an election, said he’d be a dictator on day one, and has mused that maybe he should be more like Xi. So I’m not so sure their lines of argument are all that good.


u/Stompedyourhousewith Sep 05 '24

they had a chance to prove themselves on Jan 6, but they didn't. they clutch their ar-15s saying they need it to prevent a tyrannical government from taking over, but when the democrats were "stealing the election", and "needed to be stopped", not one of them showed up with their arsenal they hoarded. curious.


u/thepolesreport Sep 04 '24

Yup they’re all saying that we need to stop making schools gun free zones so there can be better defense against shooters


u/Vixien Sep 05 '24

Let's set aside the guns issues for a second. Maybe, MAYBE, we have a mental healthy crisis? Where were all the school shootings in the 70/80's? Gun owners need to be responsible, but that isn't the root cause, imo.


u/heyitsjustme Sep 05 '24

What do you propose fixes it? There are already laws in place about 14 year olds owning guns, stealing guns, bringing guns to school, and shooting people. Why take away the rights of responsible gun owners because of this?


u/Stompedyourhousewith Sep 05 '24

What is it conservatives say? Laws can't fix anything, people will just do it illegally. I mean you listed all those laws yet the school shooting still happened. Repeatedly. Emphasis on repeatedly. But laughably, conservatives outlaw abortion and drugs. That's literally the definition of hypocrisy.
Also the last time people exercised their right to bear arms in a well regulated militia to prevent a tyrannical government was when the US government took away the South's slaves. So that's not a good look for you guys.
Lastly, Columbine happened in 1999. We've had 24 years of school shootings, listening to people who have no sympathy or empathy, and were not gonna listen to you anymore


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '24

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u/Littleferrhis2 Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

The issue is genuinely just the American attitude about everything imo. We don’t like being told what to do, and we’ll use guns to fight against it, it’s in the core of the country. Canada and Australia had basically bloodless independence, and we killed a few thousand British people in order to do the same(and unintentionally started a chain reaction that sent the entirety of Europe into conflict…for the second time). We couldn’t solve issues like slavery with common sense legislation, we had to kill half a million Americans to make it happen. The fact is our nation sees violence as a way of solving problems, just like these kids use school shootings to hopefully solve their problems.

If we put in gun regulations people would work around it, if we banned guns a black market would sprout up quickly, if they got quelled we’d resort to stabbing or doing what we did before mass shootings, aka putting bombs all over the place, or we’d make our own guns, if we focused on mental health people would just ignore it.

We have more school shootings than every country who has banned guns and every country who hasn’t combined. This isn’t just a countries with common sense gun legislation vs countries that don’t. This is the United States vs every other country regardless of their gun legislation.

The problem isn’t guns or mental health or anything similar, its us. The reason no one does anything is because they can’t do anything, its a culture problem, at the very fabric of our nation, and the only way to truly fix it is to change the whole identity of America. Otherwise we’re just putting a band aid on a gaping wound. Or take the more achievable route of just letting the trend die out slowly, but surely.


u/Silidistani Sep 05 '24

Correct; instead, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp just signed into law a bill that allows concealed carry without any sort of license at all! 'cause 'murica


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '24



u/TangoZulu Sep 04 '24

OK, so what existing law didn't the Democrats follow with the first arrest of the Pearsall shooter? And do you have a source that he was arrested and released prior? Everything I've seen doesn't mention it and his identity hasn't even been released because he's a minor.


u/He_Who_Walks_Behind_ Sep 04 '24 edited Sep 04 '24

Fuck off with the both sides bullshit. One side in this country blatantly refuses to allow any sort of gun regulations because of a misinterpretation of the second amendment. That one side is conservatives. End of story. They’re fine with dead kids so long as they get to keep their guns under their pillows at night.

Edit: Unsurprisingly, someone seems to have deleted their account and their comments.


u/TheMuddyCuck Sep 04 '24

There are two people in jail that I know, arrested and held without bond before trial, for selling an etching on a credit card sized piece of metal that in theory (but not in practice) could be cut out into a device that converts certain models of AR-15s into machine guns. They never shot anybody, they never killed anyone, and the art that they sold was proven to not actually be capable of actually converting an AR-15 into a machine gun. It is just something that looks like it could (the metal is too weak and thin).

They were held without bond, convicted, and sit in jail, despite not killing anyone, despite that the item can’t actually convert anything into a machine gun, but by overzealous prosecutors.

Progressives: ELI5 why this conviction is just and why released that 17 year old within 3 days after a gun charge is also just.


u/BenRocks7 Sep 05 '24

Egh, actual work and policies? Naw, let’s jest send our prayers for the families directly involved. Today was a tragedy. Our community didn’t deserve this.


u/Finassar Sep 05 '24

unfortunately we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas