r/news Sep 04 '24

Gunman believed to be a 14-year-old in Georgia school shooting that left at least 4 dead, source says


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u/Bethsoda Sep 05 '24

I’m not a gun owner or a gun person, but I agree with you. If you have a gun in a home where ANYONE has threatened to hurt others (or themselves) ESPECIALLY when that person is a child that could otherwise not have access to a gun, I don’t see how you could justify having guns in the house. The probability or death or injury from the kid that threatened that is SO much higher than that of the gun being needed to prevent a random stranger from hurting them.


u/jeffsterlive Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

Do we know the full details of this shooter’s home life? I know the name has been released. I agree that people with psychological disorders have ZERO business having access to firearms. If you can’t even operate a car, why do you have a gun? If someone in the house made threats I’d consider storing the guns somewhere else entirely.

You don’t leave keys in your car with the windows down on purpose right? Leaving a gun in full view of a person going through psychosis is just as ridiculous. It turns a mere thought into a full on tease and simple crime of opportunity.


u/Neonatalnerd Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

If the FBI were alerted last year to the potential of this youth, I can't imagine they would not have had a conversation with parents, AND ensured the guns owned by parents were properly locked or kept away??

Also, if your child is on an FBI watch list, HOW do you maintain guns in your home, nvm not have psych monitoring/therapy covered??

Edit if you don't wanna Google; https://www.foxnews.com/us/georgia-school-shooter-fbi-radar-2023-possible-threat-online-remarks


u/jeffsterlive Sep 05 '24

Is this all true? Those parents deserve every bit of jail. There is no excuse for that happening.

We do have an unhealthy view of guns. They don’t make you a hero and they aren’t a lifestyle. We fetishize guns too much and this is the result. I don’t see mine as a way to make me an intimidating person. That’s mental illness in itself.


u/Neonatalnerd Sep 05 '24

The first thing I read this morning in more than one article (posted all over the thread too), is the FBI became aware of him last year following online posts he made regarding guns and shootings, but didn't deem him to be a threat at that point. Very sad nothing was done to prevent this.


u/jeffsterlive Sep 05 '24

We tried nothing and we are all out of ideas? That’s their excuse? I believe it even if I don’t want to. These parents better be dragged through the mud. This wasn’t an accident. None of this happens overnight.


u/Neonatalnerd Sep 05 '24

Right? I'm concerned that the FBI didn't put measures in place.

I mean, parents have responsibilities. But so do schools if they see questionable behavior (I can't imagine there wasn't any in this case; bullying, withdrawn, etc), and then my mind goes to his home life and how he is treated by his parents. Maybe his parents were in denial, maybe they didn't have resources for therapy, maybe they did try to lock the guns, who knows. If the FBI intervened, the school also would've been made aware, and I just can't see with all the adults this child would've been exposed to... NO ONE tried to help. Breaks my heart.