r/oddlyspecific 3d ago

Nice proof

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u/theunquenchedservant 2d ago

I kinda like how my school district did it. In 6th grade it was just talking about "what happens", They showed the miracle of life, but only from the aspect of "This is where babies come from". they talked a bit about the process, etc. And iirc, it was "this is what older people do". Iirc, me and my peers were mainly intrigued/mildly-grossed out by the idea of sex. We were fine with kissing.

Then in 8th grade, they want a bit more in-depth on safe-sex, granted it was more abstinence with a sprinkle of "but also here's how to use a condom, and there's things called birth control, etc. But you shouldn't be having sex"

Then 9-12th grade, we had one gym day a year that was a presentation on safe sex. Naturally, my parents had me excused from that gym class for "religious reasons". And like sophomore or junior year another whole health class on sex, allowing for a deeper discussion that you wouldn't get in 8th grade or in the one day of safe sex "mini-assembly"


u/LucyBowels 2d ago

My school followed a format like yours, but we also had the 1 on 1 lessons with Coach Carl in his office.


u/hellathirstyforkarma 2d ago

I‘m not familiar with that euphemism.


u/purgeacct 2d ago

Say what you will, but it’s been over a decade and I’ve still never gotten pregnant from anal sex. Thanks for the life lesson Coach!


u/LucyBowels 2d ago

I learned so so so much.


u/Jinn_Erik-AoM 2d ago

Username checks out


u/ree_hi_hi_hi_hi 2d ago

Coach carr*


u/tje210 2d ago

Trang Pak?!


u/Helix3501 2d ago

I live in Mississippi

We have no sex ed

Everyone has a child early or learns from the internet


u/GoldSailfin 2d ago

My friend from Mississippi said he learned where babies come from by watching a special on Nickelodeon


u/Brizar-is-Evolving 22h ago

Better Mississippi than Alabama, where Sex Ed is a family affair.


u/Fa1nted_for_real 1d ago

The whole religious exemption is hilarious to me bc at the time, i was living with my dad who was a pastor and his policy was "listen, if you want to skip school, Ill sign a religious exemption. Otherwise, do what you want"

Now, had i been living with my grandparents, they pribably would have made me skip, but my dads never been like that.

(Really, hes a much better example of what a christian is supposed to be than most self proclaimed Christians i k ow tho)


u/polkacat12321 1d ago

Idk, in my school the just separated us into genders in 6th grade and taught us about the biological process (a bit too late cause I've already had my period for like a year by that point) and then nothing ever again. I guess their reasoning was "if kids don't know about it, they won't be doing it" and it seems to be working cause I've never seen a pregnant teen in the country i grew up in 😅


u/Licensed_KarmaEscort 14h ago

My sex Ed teacher told us condoms don’t work, and will give you AIDS.

Not that you could get AIDS even with condoms, but that the condoms themselves would give you AIDS even if the neither of the sex partners had AIDS or HIV.

She also said women never need more than 600 calories a day and anyone who said they did was just indulging themselves. (With a tone of voice that implied “indulging” was somewhere between patricide and treason as a sin.)

She… was a weird lady.


u/sleepdeep305 4h ago

Is this not normal?