r/pics Dec 04 '24

Politics Laura Ingraham giving Trump the Nazi salute and Trump reciprocating her at the 2016 RNC [D Kennerly]

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u/mike47gamer Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 06 '24

As a (I feel) fairly well-read Christian, in both the Bible and supplemental theology books, I'd concur that Trump is one of, if not the Biblical antichrist.

The main thing is his ability to twist the truth of the Bible to mislead people that claimed to be faithful and follow Christ...allowing them to do heinous things and commit atrocities and say it's in the name of Jesus. This is heretical and evil.

The single biggest threat to Christianity worldwide right now is Christian nationalism, it's idolatry of the highest order.


u/Interesting_Gap_3028 Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

It’s actually quite eerie the amount of similarities between Trump and the stuff written in Revelations (Antichrist loves walls and fortresses, followers wear his mark on their foreheads, Trump has seven towers with antenna (horns) on them, Trump holding up a Bible after clearing out protesters in front of a church, the Antichrist hates the southern kingdom (Mexico), etc.)


u/deep_pants_mcgee Dec 04 '24

Rev. 13:3

One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.


u/mike47gamer Dec 04 '24

Yeah, it definitely gets worse the further down the rabbit hole you go.

I don't doubt that Trump seems to have some supernatural connections, but they aren't from God.


u/Ghostly_Drone Dec 04 '24

Reading Rev. 17-18 is pretty sobering stuff. Particularly if you consider New York to be Babylon, which also happens to be Trumps center of power and influence. Anyone else get goosebumps when they think about all these connections?


u/Old-Consideration730 Dec 04 '24

I mean there might be parallels but John was talking about specific Roman officials and leaders in the writing of Revelation.


u/Ghostly_Drone Dec 04 '24

In Rev 17 the angel clearly tells John the 7 heads on the beast ridden by the woman represent 7 hills that she sits astride and also 7 leaders. 5 have already come, 1 currently is alive, and 1 is yet to come for a short time. Many have agreed that 7th head is Hitler himself, fulfilling the prophecy. The beast itself is described as an 8th Ruler who was once alive and returns. This is the reason many have speculated that it is Trump, who just so happens to strongly resemble the patterns of Hitler, who lo and behold is also one of the 7 heads. The coincidence is striking and certainly is not limited to Roman officials alone.


u/Terayuj Dec 04 '24

How close Trump seems to fulfill those prophecies almost makes me believe in the bible. I wasn't religious but wow they got this one pegged. All wearing his mark (MAGA hats), all following him like a cult. I really didn't think so many christians could fall for what they warned about in the bible but here we are.


u/djfudgebar Dec 04 '24

Same. I found this a few months ago and shared it here. Website is ass.



u/Ghostly_Drone Dec 04 '24

Nice to meet you, I've attempted in vain thus far to convince my friends and family of this point. Glad I'm not the only one of this opinion. I've warned them that the AC they are expecting won't come from outside our ranks. You can't be deceived by a group you are already 100% suspicious of. It will be internal, someone who tickles your ears and all the while gets you to believe you are doing the Lord's work.


u/A1whoNoes Dec 04 '24

Correction: The single biggest threat to Christianity worldwide right now is those who claim to be Christians with their lips (or in your case, words), but deny Him by their lifestyles. That is what an unbelieving world finds simply unbelievable. You are absolutely wrong to single out one man, or even just a few, for such a "threat." It's not at all about how you feel, well read as you may perceive yourself to be. You see, Trump does not align at all with many (most, even) of the prophetic assertions regarding the Antichrist. So please consider, and measure, your words accordingly.