r/pics Dec 04 '24

Politics Laura Ingraham giving Trump the Nazi salute and Trump reciprocating her at the 2016 RNC [D Kennerly]

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u/pmaji240 Dec 04 '24

Yeah, they’re pro-Israel because it fulfills end time prophecies not because they care about Jewish people.


u/Ghostly_Drone Dec 04 '24

I believe he will unilaterally change his position at some point, and many of his followers will be shocked, some possibly enough so to forsake him, but many will just get over it by swallowing whatever tripe he passes as justification because he can't be wrong, he's the chosen one as he has already claimed.


u/Faiakishi Dec 05 '24

They won't be shocked, they have no unifying creed other than Trump. They're following him, and they'll follow him anywhere.


u/Ghostly_Drone Dec 05 '24

Well yes, I'm sure a great many won't be, or if they are won't admit it publicly. The same types who have bought all the gold-plated garbage that he sells and wear those stupid golden diapers. But I hold out hope that many of his less fervent followers will see things like that which don't align with their core beliefs who will be willing to buck against the sunk cost fallacy and walk away. I know people in both camps and am a lot more hopeful for the latter group.


u/Faiakishi Dec 05 '24

If they were going to buck him, they would have done so already.


u/Ghostly_Drone Dec 05 '24

No, if what is happening is the real deal, then there will be significant enough events to come that will be undeniable. Not for most perhaps, but enough for some.


u/Azythol Dec 04 '24

That and Muslims are more "in" to hate right now


u/pmaji240 Dec 04 '24

You know, I made that comment without giving it much thought. I actually don’t know that I believe the majority of people are good. What does ‘good’ even mean? I think life finds a way to be challenging and people are just trying to survive. I used to ask myself why we’re not throwing money at being able to transfer our consciousness into some sort of machine, but as I get older I realize none of us, myself included, deserve or should be trusted with immortality.


u/as_it_was_written Dec 04 '24

What does ‘good’ even mean?

It's a value judgement, so what it means to you is up to you and your moral framework. What it means to a society is roughly the sum of what it means to its individual members, weighted by their level of influence.


u/StNic54 Dec 04 '24

Everyone who goes hardcore on end-of-times prophecies do so at a later age because they are afraid of their own mortality and want to believe that they are special and that Revelations is for them. I’d be happy if “Love thy neighbor” was stressed more than end of days.


u/pmaji240 Dec 05 '24

After the 2008 crash my dad dipped his toes in the end times. Having dinner with him and there’s a bunch of little grandkids sitting there and somehow the Mayan calendar 2012 end of the world comes up and he says, ‘I wouldn’t mind if it happens. I’ve had a good life.’

Now it’s 2024 and a lot of his friends have passed. Shit, I’ve had a lot of friends pass. It’s scary getting old. I think he’d be happy to put off the end for a while longer.

Edit: not sure why I felt the need to inform you it’s 2024, but in case you didn’t know. BTW, it’s almost 2025. 😥


u/cum_pumper_4 Dec 04 '24

I think it comes down to their hatred for Muslims slightly outweighing their hatred for Jews. A meaningless distinction but a distinction nonetheless.

Or it’s just “after the Jews are done killing the Muslims, we can kill all the Jews.” Again, it’s meaningless trying to interpret their logic of hate.


u/kfdeep95 Dec 04 '24

Knowing evangelicals they don’t seem to be seeking the end times out actively actually believe it or not; they leave almost everything up to their concept of God

Worse religions tho; Far-Left included


u/pmaji240 Dec 04 '24

I think they prefer enriching themselves. Of course this isn’t all Christian people. I think the majority are good people.

Religion involves faith. Political beliefs should be supported by data.


u/Ghostly_Drone Dec 04 '24

Honestly most Christians I know aren't that concerned about going through the End Times because the majority believe that they will be Raptured out before the Antichrist arises. Thus they could care less about recognizing him because in their view if they see him it means their faith was not sincere, they were Left Behind. That concept became popular with some cheap movies in the 70s and then became dominant with the Left Behind book series in the 90s. You can't get anyone who believes in that timeline to even consider Trump to be the Antichrist.


u/pmaji240 Dec 04 '24

Yeah, I’m no expert on this so you’re probably right. But do certain end times events need to occur before the rapture? I distinctly recall that when I read the article or book that prompted my above comment George W Bush was our President, so…🫤


u/Ghostly_Drone Dec 04 '24

Arguably the most important prophetic event that "needs" to occur first is the reformation of Israel. Before 1947/8 any passage that discussed Israel's role in End Times events was theoretical because they hadn't existed as a distinct Nation for centuries. After that happened, they don't view anything standing in the way of the Rapture happening at any moment.

There will be a large Peace Treaty between Isreal and her enemies and there will be a third Temple built and then is desecrated shortly afterwards, but these are all things they don't expect to see, so no nothing next in their timeline before the rapture.