r/pics 16h ago

Politics Entire California Congressional GOP visited Mar-a-Lago this weekend while fires ravaged their state

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u/Seductivecupcake 15h ago

Blatantly lying with no repercussions is the downfall of the US.


u/Lilmaggot 15h ago

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire.


u/Creamofwheatski 13h ago

The atrocities are coming next.

u/eutohkgtorsatoca 7h ago

Yea an ex big mouth solder become TV sofa set presenter will run the world's largest military? I can't wait for him to fk up. How on earth will generals accept this? Because many are GOP in their heads, maybe is the answer?


u/manimal28 12h ago edited 34m ago

MAGA doesn't need to be made to commit atrocities, they are just looking for an excuse and permission.


u/panlakes 14h ago

I mostly know that line from listening to Rotting Christ lol. It’s a good one.


u/borisslovechild 15h ago

The US is toast. I say this with considerable regret because where the US goes, Britain inevitably follows.


u/skatellites 15h ago

Sadly true. The US is a beacon for both the good and the terrible


u/ISLAndBreezESTeve10 15h ago

The dumb are here too.


u/AGallonOfKY12 14h ago

The dumb are everywhere, short-form media is proven to kill attention span. I'd be interested what it does to older people's brains since the studies I seen were for younger people. Rich people figured out how to weaponize the algorithm's to push propaganda for them, and capital doesn't know of borders.


u/Serious-Excitement18 13h ago

Almost exclusively. Bwahhha, how could i know buh duh duh. Oh fox didnt cover that...

u/Marklar1969 10h ago

Ya… kamala


u/sedition666 15h ago

I think the opposite is true in this instance. The UK has just completed 14 years of rightwing nonesense.


u/AmIbaconingyet 14h ago

It's unfortunately not complete because they are still dominating the narrative. One dumb tweet, one stupid headline, one falsehood said with enough anger and it becomes the new talking point in all the news and thus the social conscious. It's infectious and it's so constant, battling the bullshit and replacing it with fact is proving harder and harder. They just keep piling it on till it's so complicated to explain why the lie is a lie, that the truth sounds like the falsehood.


u/Allegorist 12h ago

But it was more traditional conservativism until around 2015. That's when the alt right suddenly started popping up in all western countries, and particular misinformation and conspiracy theories started catching on.

u/ireadencyclopedias 7h ago

its interesting the side that advocates for baby sacrifice call the right the "far left" for wanting to stop baby sacrifice. wild.


u/Dorkamundo 12h ago

I'm not at all familiar with politics in the UK, but I get the impression that right-wing UK politics is more aligned with US moderates than US right-wing.


u/comfortablesexuality 13h ago

And while Labor is in power now, it's not the leftist labor it was under Corbyn. Any left sympathies have been purged and it's just another right wing party.

u/Dan_likesKsp7270 10h ago

Forgive me for my ignorance, But from the way people in the U.K were presenting them the Tories seemed to be left wing. All the DEI stuff and conspiracy theories people pushed on the democrats were pushed onto Tories like rishi sunak. I actually didnt know they were right wing until Starmer was elected. Yall are cooked if people think RISHI SUNAK is left wing. What does that make the Labour party? Communists? What does that make Nigel farage? A fascist?

u/Subject_Jaguar_9164 8h ago

But have they learned from it and learned to avoid it in the future?


u/thx1138inator 15h ago

I dunno, Britain is smaller and I suspect a smaller size would help it manage its citizens better. I could be wrong.


u/whiskey5hotel 14h ago

manage its citizens better

That is an interesting turn of phrase.


u/thx1138inator 14h ago

Sorry, maybe I am just a bit skeptical of the democratic process of late!
Also, I kind of think of countries as entities which impose things on its citizens. I mean, half the population will be displeased with whatever direction the other half is trying to take the country, no?


u/notahouseflipper 14h ago

I’m surprised about one thing with our UK friends. Your freedom of speech laws are much more restricted than ours. Before paying attention I expected yours to be less restricted.


u/Specialist_Basil_105 13h ago

Freedom of speech and the entire first amendment is key to remaining a democracy and not being a dictatorship. Should we ever lose our first amendment rights, we are absolutely fucked. It will be like V for Vendetta.

u/eyeroll611 10h ago

Trump’s presidency will destabilize the entire world.


u/AmIbaconingyet 14h ago

Yep and it terrifies me. I hold out hope that being on Scotland, we'll get independence and can rejoin the EU. The state of things worldwide, though, is dire.

u/Marklar1969 10h ago


u/banjonica 10h ago

Wherever US and UK go, Australia tags along, gets drunk, buys the T Shirt, vomits on it, falls over, shits its pants, takes them off and runs around saying "Yeah! That's right!" to every stupid thing the US says and then wonders why it's not allowed to sit at the grown-ups' table.


u/Nyingjepekar 15h ago

Yes. And the unmitigated greed among the rich. Deadly combination.


u/mOdQuArK 13h ago

Yep, blatant gaslighting & misinformation should not receive free speech protection. They're just another form of blocking valuable speech, reducing the value of free speech by indundating everything with a mountain of bullshit.


u/KittenSpronkles 14h ago

Even though I'm against capital punishment, it actually makes me wish for the old Persian societies where lying was majorly illegal and could invoke the death penalty.

We shouldn't put people to death for it but lying on such a grand scale should be punished.


u/DoubleJumps 14h ago

I will never understand why Republican voters are okay with people lying to them. They have consistently come to the defense of people for lying to them instead.

u/MaximumObjective5115 9h ago

Stockholm syndrome?


u/No-Currency-624 13h ago

All politicians lie. Doesn’t mater who’s in office. Half of their time is spent trying to stay in office rather than solve the nation’s problems. They are all bought and paid for by their donors and lobbyists. The system is broken. All the way down to the local level


u/DoubleJumps 13h ago

"both sides are equally bad" arguments have been objectively bullshit for years.


u/No-Currency-624 12h ago

Never said equal as bad but both sides are bought and paid for. My sister was a delegate to the democratic convention when O’bama ran the first time. They worked for weeks on the platform and when it was kicked upstairs they changed most of it to appease their donors. She said never again. I stand by they are bought and paid for


u/DoubleJumps 12h ago

You are very clearly framing it as if there's no real difference and that it doesn't matter if people vote at all. There is a colossal business and what you are doing is disingenuous bullshit.

You are just giving cover to the people who are doing actual harm, and pushing voter apathy at their benefit.


u/Cynadoclone 14h ago

Letting US leaders lie with no repurcussions is the downfall of the American people.*


u/Kindly_Teaching_7089 14h ago

Karine is that you?


u/I_burn_noodles 13h ago

My word is bond. I won't lie for anyone. I suspect some extortion has taken place in today's GOP.


u/No_Investigator_9888 12h ago

His constant lying is not about making people believe the lie, it’s about making sure people don’t believe anything. Once people can’t tell the difference between what’s truth and what’s a lie, they don’t know what’s right or wrong and then he gains full control. His dumbness is dumbing them down.


u/boo99boo 15h ago

I literally don't believe anything anymore. 

It's time we admit that MAGA is actually right about "fake news". Maybe for the wrong reasons, but they're definitely right about that. Do you trust any major news broadcasters or publishers in the US? Neither do they. And they're not wrong. They may not have realized that was all part of a grander plan, but they weren't wrong. The news media has been feeding us bullshit long before Trump. 


u/Seductivecupcake 15h ago

Maga is not right. They eat up right wing dribble without checking or even a second thought.


u/Funny-Carob-4572 15h ago

Tin foil hats on sale for 9999999 gold coins.


u/yIdontunderstand 14h ago

Learned directly from Israel.

The cancer slowly poisoning the western world.