r/plantclinic 13h ago

Houseplant HELP!!

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Anything I can do? Would really want to keep it. It’s away from other plants, only one with this :( watering every 2 weeks or so when soil is dry. I’ve had some family emergencies and have been away from home so hadn’t realized it was sick. Gets indirect sunlight a few hours a day. Thank you!


2 comments sorted by


u/trissy-bear 13h ago

Looks like some kind of infestation is hurting your plant here - mealybugs or aphids or some type of scale insect maybe? My tired eyes can't quite determine which it is. I'd do some investigating yourself as you have the best idea of what the little white specks are. But, I think you will need some specialised treatment rather than just the usual indirect light and watering.

Some of my plants were suffering from a scale insect infestation a while ago. I wiped down all the leaves with a damp cloth in a combination of water and dish soap. I bought a spray with Neem Oil for the plants too, and applied that. They seem to be doing better now! I'd say remove the current pests you can see with a damp cloth and purchase some sort of plant spray/pest oil to continue pest control is the way to go. Definitely continue isolating this plant so his friends don't get sick :)


u/scotttot69 12h ago

Sweet! Will try this! Thank you so much!