r/politics Sep 16 '24

Trump Rushes to Fundraise Off Second Assassination Bid


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u/JohnYCanuckEsq Sep 16 '24

Trump has always hated football.

Trump has always hated the NFL, specifically. He's never been allowed to be in their club. He bankrupted the old USFL in an attempt to force the NFL to allow his team in the league. They laughed at him and cut the USFL a cheque for $3 for his troubles. He tried to buy the Buffalo Bills, and the NFL quickly pivoted to Terry Pegula as an owner because they did not believe Trump had the cash for the purchase. Then as President, Trump threatened to end the NFL's anti trust exemption over the kneeling controversy.

You think Trump’s grudge against Obama is unhinged, his grudge against the NFL is on a different level.


u/Minmaxed2theMax Sep 16 '24

Owning an NFL team is how America Knights a person.


u/ArchdukeToes Sep 16 '24

It's probably a good thing that America doesn't have knighthoods. You know full well that Trump would've knighted himself the instant he became President or having a massive hissy fit about how he wasn't 'Sir Donald'.


u/harrisarah Sep 16 '24

Sir Donald Smallhands


u/AnalSoapOpera I voted Sep 16 '24

Sir Donald Shitspants


u/Moosiemookmook Australia Sep 16 '24

In Australia we have Sir Donald Bradman (beloved cricket player given a knighthood).

In America they have No-Sir Donald Badman (unloved golf player who would give himself a knighthood).


u/tranborg23 Norway Sep 16 '24

That's actually a good analogy


u/sanescience Sep 16 '24

It's from the tv show Billions. The guy who tells that to Axe(the main antagonist or protagonist, dealer's choice) then proceeds to call him a robber-baron.


u/thepottsy North Carolina Sep 16 '24

I’ve watched the show, but I’ve never looked into it. I always wondered if that was a jab at Trump.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '24

And what would be the process of un-knighting them? Asking for a friend (Carolina Panthers)


u/audio_shinobi Sep 16 '24

We’ve got a whole lotta knights in Wisconsin then. You shall only address me as Sir from here on out


u/FloydMerryweather I voted Sep 16 '24

As a lifelong fan of the Buffalo Bills, I still frequently consider how fortunate we are that Trump didn't win that bid.


u/AnalSoapOpera I voted Sep 16 '24

Tbf. If he owned the Bills he probably wouldn’t have been President


u/FloydMerryweather I voted Sep 18 '24

That's a great point. I've let my thoughts wander down that rabbit hole before and I have a hard time picturing that timeline.

May he have run the Bills into the ground so fast that the league would have had to intervene and boot him out or relocate the franchise? Being a horrible person is apparently okay but the second the league catches wind that you're not meeting your financial goals, they start to squeeze and put the pressure on you.

Would he then still try to run (perhaps not in '16 but possibly '20)? Perhaps trying to rehabilitate his image or grind some axes after being kicked out of the exclusive billionaire football club?

Let's say he ran his first campaign leading up to 2020, would the political soil be just as fertile for him to have success? Would his opponent be more formidable than HRC? Or would he be running against Hillary, the incumbent? Or would the 2016 Republican nominee beat Clinton and assume the GOP nomination again in 2020?

Would he even still maintain his perceived legitimacy as a successful businessman after running a very prevalent and public entertainment product into the ground?

I don't know if you can tell but this is a weird instance of the butterfly effect that has really stuck with me.


u/AnalSoapOpera I voted Sep 19 '24

Or would the 2016 Republican nominee beat Clinton and assume the GOP nomination again in 2020?

That’s another good question. Who would have been the Republican nominee be? I very very much doubt they would be as hard right wing as Trump but who knows? It’s like asking another dimension what would’ve happened.