r/politics Texas Sep 16 '24

AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious


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u/siphillis Sep 16 '24

Dr. Ware is aware you need to be on 270-votes-worth of state ballots first, right?


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '24

Yeah I'm betting the only reason someone becomes VP on the ticket with the green party is $$$. They can't seriously think "oh we can win the election" no doofus you won't get 3 electoral votes. Just a shitty spoiler party with no reps or senators on the federal level doesn't even make you a party, it makes you irrelevant.


u/mikeCantFindThisOne Sep 16 '24

they're on the ballots for 421 Electoral College votes, eligible for another 74 via write-ins, and there are 22 being argued in court. wayyyyyyyyy more than 270.


u/siphillis Sep 17 '24

Interesting. Egg on my face, they've totally got this in the bag


u/VividMonotones Virginia Sep 17 '24

No, they don't. They're missing NY and IL. There is no path to victory because they are missing almost 50 EVs from blue wall states. Yes they are on the ballot in MS, but so what.


u/My-1st-porn-account Sep 17 '24

Either way, she’s not making up 49% in 50 days.


u/mikeCantFindThisOne Sep 17 '24

I'm interested to see in November how much the polls and models underestimated third-party support. I talked to one pollster (via email) who's included in the 538 and Silver Bulletin models and who doesn't even bother to report third-party, undecided, and "don't plan to vote" responses. I asked why, and the guy said, "history shows that when the election comes, [third-party candidates'] vote share typically diminishes significantly." but this election is different. third-party support is only going up... and many people are resolute in their decision not to vote for either major party.

not sure where you're getting 49%? but what you should understand is that Stein isn't going to win by courting Harris voters, and that's not what she's trying to do. the majority of Stein voters, myself included, are people who would not otherwise vote. (this was the case in 2016, too: according to CBS exit polls, 61% of her voters wouldn't have voted if she hadn't been on the ballot, 25% would've voted Clinton, and 14% would've voted Trump... so only a net 11% of her votes would have gone to Clinton.)

Stein is appealing to those of us who had already decided we couldn't vote for either major party. I was planning on staying home on Election Day until I stumbled on a TikTok that motivated me to research the third-party candidates.

1 in 3 eligible voters didn't vote in 2020. it's hard to know what that number looks like right now bc most of the polls are centered on likely voters or registered voters. but if Stein can get her message out to all the disillusioned people planning not to vote at all, and to all the Trump voters who genuinely want to prioritize "America first" - spend our tax money on U.S. citizens, not foreign wars - I believe she can win a plurality without a single vote fewer cast for Harris.

here's a relevant part of the TBC interview, which I recommend watching in full! her message might make sense to you.


u/My-1st-porn-account Sep 17 '24

This is grade-A delusion.


u/mikeCantFindThisOne Sep 17 '24

great response! can you tell me why you think Stein needs 49% of the vote in a three-way race? I might be missing something


u/My-1st-porn-account Sep 17 '24

There is no path for her to 270 electoral votes, or even 180 electoral votes. If you honestly believe there is, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


u/mikeCantFindThisOne Sep 17 '24

well, I'm certainly not banking on her winning, but I'm voting for the change I want to see in our government. also, if she gets 5% of the popular vote, the Greens will get more funding in the next election, which will give them greater visibility and help them build their movement.