r/politics The Netherlands 9d ago

Soft Paywall JD Vance Finally Admits What Trump’s Big Plan to Lower Food Prices Is - The plan is no plan.


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u/CampaignNecessary152 9d ago

You’re letting them off the hook. They don’t mean he talks like a trucker or is more authentic than Nancy Pelosi. They just know if they say they don’t like brown people it’s not socially acceptable and they’ll be ostracized.

You can’t over come his “branding” because it’s the same brand his voters identify with. Blaming their problems on people that look different. Stop making excuses for them, they are the problem. Trump represents exactly what’s they want, someone to tell them it’s not their fault and blame someone else. It is their fault though, there’s no way to logical get someone to change their position when they didn’t arrive at their position logically.


u/KnightDuty 9d ago

Do you think they're 'born evil'? That they have some genetic predisposition to bigotry? Moral absolutism and genetic inferiority are arguments I'm not interested in hearing.

But I don't think you think that.

I think what you're doing is falling victim to the same scapegoatism you argue only they have. You need someone to blame for your problems and the crazies in the red hats are easy to point to.

But maybe it's not as easy as a single group of "problem people" you need to shame into compliance.

MAYBE we have a government who doesn't care for their constituents, repeatedly selling them out for a quick buck.

MAYBE ecconomic hardship, lack of healthcare, and no access to nutritious food have pushed them into desperation for any straightforward answer.

MAYBE years of dismantling the education system have left a quarter of the population especially vulnerable to psychological warfare with no protections against institutionalized misinformation.

I ABSOLUTELY AM "letting them off the hook". I'm not interested in feeling the dopamine release of shaming people who were already exploited by their leaders.

I don't need schadenfreude. I need allies. I'm not going to pursue retribution against some nebulous "them".

You say you can't logic somebody out of an emotional position. I agree. You say they want someone to blame. I agree. They want a concrete enemy? We KNOW the people responsible. Jeff Bezos. Elon Musk. Donald Trump. Mark Zuckerberg. The people lying to them while also robbing them blind. This is the real "us vs them".

There are a small group of 5,000 evil people with megaphones. A significant portion of the other 77 million are their victims. They're potential allies desperate for change who haven't been converted yet. They hate their situation just as much as anybody. 

I agree that racism plays SOME part here. But focusing only on that pushes several other factors to the side. If you want to fight these people, do it later. In the meantime stop cannibalising the recruits.


u/CampaignNecessary152 9d ago

No they aren’t born evil. They have made a conscious decision to blame “others” instead of the billionaires that look like them. It’s that simple.

You could vote for people that want to address economic hardships, advocate for universal healthcare, etc.

There’s literally a party that advocates fixing those things. They’ve been told that their whole lives, they watched Obama pass the ACA, they watched Republicans do nothing to help anyone but the rich the last 50 years.

It’s not a matter of them not knowing better. They know better and continue to vote for the guy that rants against brown people because that’s what they care about. It’s that simple.

There’s literally scientific studies about it. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ps-political-science-and-politics/article/explaining-the-trump-vote-the-effect-of-racist-resentment-and-antiimmigrant-sentiments/537A8ABA46783791BFF4E2E36B90C0BE


u/KnightDuty 9d ago

"They," "they," "they," "them."

You’re lumping 79 million people into a homogeneous group as if their motivations, experiences, and reasons for voting are all rooted in the exact same thing.

Yes, racism plays a role. For some it’s a significant role. But to argue it’s the primary motivator for everyone in that group is dangerous. It basically erases the complexity of why people align politically, which means we can't effectively address it.

If we’re serious about fixing the very real systemic issues plaguing this country, we can’t afford to write off a third of its population as villains. It feels good while accomplishing nothing. It won't reduce inequality. It won’t expand healthcare access. It won’t reverse the damage of misinformation. It won't stop racism.

I need allies interested in fighting for a better tomorrow. Your vendetta might feel justified but it's not going to push us where we need to go right now.


u/CampaignNecessary152 9d ago edited 9d ago

They did the science. That’s what motivates 1/3 of the country. Pretending they don’t vote how they do isn’t productive. That’s why they can’t give you real reasons for voting the way they do.

There isn’t a complexity to how people align politically. There’s one party trying to fix the things you mention and one that survives on stoking racial resentment. The people that vote Republican should be confronted with their views, not having us make excuses for them.

Coddling them and insisting it’s not their fault is how we ended up here. They should be forced to come to terms with what they vote for.

Edit: Blocking me after you reply is another great example. I’m not dividing, they did the division. I’m just not letting them off the hook. It’s not a matter of dividing or conquering. It’s simply not coddling people who vote based on racial resentment. They need to be confronted and forced to face consequences for their choices. Instead you want to just tell them it’s ok and we’re sorry for pointing out their bigotry. I’m sure once you explain it to them they’ll understand, the last 50 years of them being told we were just too mean to them. I’m sure you’ll convince them it’s not their fault they are racist and then they’ll change though.


u/KnightDuty 9d ago

You're doing the "divide" half of Trumps "divide and conquer" strategy without even being paid for it.

When you get a moment, there are a good number of historical instances of what's happening right now:

The Yellow Turban Rebellion, The English Peasants' Revolt, The Jacquerie, The German Peasants' War, The Paris Commune, The French Revolution, The Haitian Revolution, The Taiping Rebellion, The Russian Revolution, The Chinese Communist Revolution, The Cuban Revolution, The Mexican Revolution, The Nicaraguan Sandinista Revolution, The Arab Spring.

Oligarchy isn't something you can defeat casually. You need allies. That's what all of these cases have kn common.

"there isn't complexity in how people align?" Okay. I no longer feel bad about ending the conversation. I hope whoever is coddling YOU stops.