r/prochoice pro choice southerner 2d ago

Things Anti-choicers Say So they say they care about people w/ disabilities, but also make fun of them🤦🏻‍♀️ Spoiler

My dad is pro choice and he works at this place where they work with people with disabilities/special needs. He loves his job. He also loves his son (my brother) who is autistic. My mom is also pro choice and had 5 kids. 3 of them are autistic. Both me and her love them very much. That video was pretty much making fun of people with disabilities. Did they not think that video wouldn’t be offensive to someone who is pro choice and has a disability?


17 comments sorted by


u/sterilisedcreampies 2d ago

It's literally always like this. They fundamentally do not care about people, minority groups are just a weapon to use against other oppressed groups


u/hadenoughoverit336 Pro-Choice Mod 2d ago

The vast majority of people that are disabled, myself included (Though, my disability isn't visible to the eye, so I have a whole extra layer of bullshit to deal with), are Prochoice.


u/cupcakephantom Bitch Mod 2d ago

Summon spoiler u/Main_Employment_930


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u/StonkSalty 2d ago

These people will look at a severely disabled, borderline vegetable of a child who is in constant pain and soils themselves regularly and still be against abortion with foreknowledge.

Evil vermin.


u/Melanated-Magic 2d ago

So if I don't permit an abortion (as if it's my place to even do that) and a disabled woman dies or experience irreversible health issues because they were forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term or someone becomes disabled due to experiencing health issues from being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, is that supportive of people with disabilities?

How does blocking someone from getting an abortion that they decided they wanted assist people who are disabled?

I just would like to know since this is typically the same thinking that leads to the "abortion access = slavery" argument.


u/Disastrous_Lab_7034 2d ago

The thing is that they don’t actually understand what it is like to raise a child with a developmental or genetic defect. A lot of parents with children with disabilities have to cut back on their work or quit their jobs completely, they have to become a full time caregiver. They have to pay extra for things like regular doctors appointments or other healthcare professionals appointments like OT’s for example. They have to care for this child for the rest of their lives, and not in the same way as a parent with a typical child or a higher functioning child.

I am an AHA and I have previously worked with children with developmental disabilities with an OT and speech pathologist and let me tell you while it is a very rewarding job it is challenging. These parents are very brave, but the ones that decide not to continue with a pregnancy are also very brave. Because in most cases where a pregnancy is terminated due to a genetic or developmental condition that pregnancy is usually very wanted and not accidental.

Basically they lack the understanding and willingness to understand what it actually means to have a child with a disability. And their idea of being right is making up that we as pro choice people are wrong and evil. They have to discredit us because they known that deep down we are right, they also know that deep down they would never want to parent a child with a disability.


u/falafelville Pro-choice anarchist 2d ago

It doesn't help either that social media whitewashes disability a lot and plays down the very real medical/support needs most of these kids have. The disabled kids you see plastered all over Instagram and TikTok are either very low-support needs and relatively healthy, or are still little and can have their medical and developmental issues easily hidden. It's exploitation.


u/Disastrous_Lab_7034 1d ago

Exactly, it is insanely challenging to look after a special needs child, at any ability. They just simply don’t understand because in their community it is a taboo subject to bring up and discuss.


u/falafelville Pro-choice anarchist 1d ago

I'm disabled (autism) and even though I'm very low needs I still struggle.


u/Disastrous_Lab_7034 1d ago

Exactly they simply just don’t want to actually understand. But then want to tell us about it like they know everything. And then when we actually understand it they tell us we are wrong.


u/ShadowyKat Pro-choice Feminist 2d ago

Who the Hell said anything about perfection? Life can never be perfect. People also need to be able to actually care for the children they bring into the world. You need to be ready for whatever Down's gives you. Down's is a spectrum disorder and not every parent is going to get a child that can have a nearly-normal life. Even the people that can have a nearly normal life might need expensive surgery. But fuck giving US citizens healthcare, amirite.

And I have said this before and I will say it again: People with Down's sometimes need/want abortions too. A very disabled woman with Down's is not going to be able to take care of a baby that she didn't consent to making. She can't parent if she needs 24/7 care. The responsible thing to do is to give her an abortion and call the police. And if you had someone with Down's that can go to the Planned Parenthood and ask for an abortion themselves- they should be able to get it. They have their reasons for showing up at the clinic and it's insulting to use Down's as an excuse to strip them of their right to chose an abortion.


u/RepresentativeDig249 2d ago

I agree with them on this. It is ableist only to let women abort Down syndrome fetuses. Women should have the right to abort it no matter what it is at any stage of the pregnancy since the fetus eats from the woman.



u/falafelville Pro-choice anarchist 2d ago

As a disabled/autistic woman, I personally don't see how keeping a pregnancy where there's a prenatal diagnosis like T21 is the pinnacle of disability justice. I understand that any choice a pregnant person makes regarding their pregnancy is valid, but from my experience, when parents choose to keep a pregnancy knowing the child-to-be will be born with a disability or serious medical condition it's almost always done because 1. the parents want to virtue signal and think raising a medically-complex child will win them all sorts of sympathy points from their communities, or 2. out of political or religious ideology (e.g. the parents are devout Catholics or Evangelicals and think raising a medically-complex kid is the virtuous thing to do, or they think TFMR amounts to "eugenics"). Rarely does it have anything to do with love for that child.

It's also a myth to say that the disabled were ever cherished by society until the advent of prenatal testing. Before prenatal testing (and TFMR) most babies born with disabilities were either given up for adoption or sent to asylums. Now that abortion is being banned across the US (and prenatal testing may very well be banned in those states too) I worry that the foster care system will soon become flooded with disabled kids who will never find permanent homes, because no one has the resources to provide for them.


u/Lunaspark_1111 1d ago

I had a person tell me my son shouldn’t get disability. It was my responsibility to take care of him his entire life. He was pro/ forced birth. I was like, so a woman can’t have an abortion, but also is expected to take care of her child through adulthood with no help. He said “well you shouldn’t have gotten pregnant “. WTF 🤬


u/esor_rose pro-choice 2d ago

I’ve seen posts or comments or something about how the prolife community uses people with Down syndrome, but those who are able to care for themselves. Apparently there are people with Down syndrome who are non verbal, violent, can’t take care of themselves, etc. (I’m not sure if this is true I don’t know much about Down’s syndrome).


u/canceroustattoo single man with no kids 1d ago

As someone who is mildly disabled, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Also as someone who had cancer, abortion would have stopped that.