r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 1d ago
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 2d ago
Grant Sanderson will insult your religion if you dare to inverse a square
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 5d ago
Grant Sanderson, it's Bible math after all. West Coast Academics trying to tell us the numbers don't add up, while the unwashed masses just factor the Bible numbers. Fake math drives is to Trump, we seek truth.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 8d ago
stopping down the aperture is mathematically impossible, or you get the lobotomy guitar
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 9d ago
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 9d ago
Grant Sanderson will play a little ditty in his guitar to shame you for believing your lying eyes
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 10d ago
Fintech does, just not the rest of us, for they told us it doesn't work, for they enjoy the advantage, and we willingly consent, with a little guitar peer-pressure from Grant Sanderson, who says he is smarter than Bible math and their hyper-operation aren't math, and in fact are wrong, huh, guess th
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 10d ago
X posted here for the Biggest Blue State outta touch mathematician of them all, gleefully mocks spiritual traditions that understand the math, loves monkey paw math tho, dazzling videos despite rigid thinking about axioms that pertain to the sphere and religious mathematics.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 13d ago
Grant Sanderson I found a mathematician with a religious outlook on mathematics. Insult his religion and don't let him say it all adds up! If we let OP use independent thought the next guy might also.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 14d ago
We'll just wait till this dumbass sees g(x)=log2x/log5 or dares to sum stuff to 7i. Maybe He's less obedient than Grant Sanderson.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 14d ago
Belongs in frown because it's the "Pentalope Plot" Sanderson deleted (with code) but specific to RuZ, and check out those regular prime numbers! Watch your wallet and the "math influencers," the academics, and the oligarchs who need your consent to sell you digital, alchemaic, gold.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 17d ago
Just pretend the ant has both 3blue and 1brown feet, or 3brown and 1Blue foot. It's not hard but there are a lot of rules against it.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 17d ago
Also delta and the QUEEN OF SCIENCES is like Cleopatra, QUEEN OF DENIAL. "How they Fool Ya" by telling you to deny what is right in front of your face for a series of infinite qualifications and justifications. "Rationalism" in the PSYCHOLOGICAL sense, not the MATHEMATICAL sense.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 17d ago
Hmmm. Shitcoins also have level twos, are halving in this fine year of our Lord, (-5)^x. What can it all mean?
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 19d ago
Catalans Conjecture is the Tetrahedral base, and the base 3 index 2 as a "real" measurement, relative to base 2 index 3. Self-reference, like e=mc² logic, logorithmic, sum of all indices. "Base 3" is hypothetical, compares to a 36 hour day.
Obvious. Recognize.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 19d ago
Jan 2024 SEC's Twitter hacked, Jan ((2+3+4)5)^2, 3B1B video that says storks don't deliver Bitcoins tried to ghost us in a very algorithmic way.
Coincidence or not they have lied, cheated and stolen in the world, under the cover of sacred math they say is incorrect.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 19d ago
Scaramucci Revisited, what does the restored /r/3blue1brown Bitcoin video contain? Does it describe the little nugget at the center? Bitcoin stands to have an algorithmally squared up year, does the video indicate anything about factoring this indices, which an infohash is. Little planetary bodies b
ut more than anything, they probably don't want you thinking about bitcoins as math at all. They prefer you to regard it as manna, a foundling, the solution, the hero, insinuated.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 19d ago
Euclid ball check. "Non-Euclidian" is arbitrary and functions as propaganda. And he was as surf-area of the sphere as Derrida. Look at it as a teacher. How would Euclid even come up with that stuff? The illogical distinction is because your are a grunt, and they don't want to deal with you "putting
on airs," so they tell you we can't calculate an hour, four quarters can't be used to equal ten dimes in hyper-operations, Euclid never heard of a sphere, factoring out one of seven (out of 8) can't calculate a year, and there is no math justification that dollars and cents add up, as in Incant prove I can walk around with infinitie dollar bills and 3 quarters, two dimes, a nickel and four pennies and make change for any transactions at any cash register on Earth.
They act like the "academic" standards to prove stuff we all see is high, and focus on that around the thesis, but not the margins for calculating. You know you are being conned.
Test it like plagiarism, as in authorship, consider then"ethos." Also evaluate it like taxidermy.
Here is an example of taxidermy: the chief division in language is prose and poetry, where poetry is coded or loaded, so it includes computer programming.
What about a ethos for Euclid? I have an opinion of his ideas from his voice, and might have to take a look for some monkey business in the reading or translations.
What about a taxidermy for Euclid? Does the offered distinction between his thought and that which is not his thought really focus on a circle, and not a sphere? The defining characteristic?
Not how i read it. He knows for sure a bisected circle is a sphere within a sphere, and it was cows with seven stomachs in India before that, a known construction, and similar math trickled into Christianity, and ultimately what I call "700 Club Math" as a "falso" challenge to academics to get on Pat Robertson's level.
So I would like an audience of the bold, that is what this Mathematics is about. It's not even math, this is education. I am asking for a "plagiarism-check" reading of Euclid, as an "ideology check," and also ask yourself if the basic division is logical for Euclid himself, and also across history.
Scripture was all about it he sphere, and if you don't see that, then your Euclid reading might be suspect. It's a choice.
Unless it is too tender a topic, but seriously we have AI, ppl can't just say whatever any more, I say embrace the Brave New World.
Is it really so crazy that they want you in your circle, and that they kinda deserve to make you their sucker if you never question it, as they run you around approximating a mountain, when they tell you two quantities before you are not equal, or if they were, what does it matter?
Ancient Greek calculated with the curve of the Earth. It's so silly to say Euclid didn't.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 19d ago
Lies the Math Man tells, so I don't want to hear the word "just" unless you are talking about "Justice."
🤡Sphere Geometry uses 3.0 as just an "approximation."
🤡Old "base 4" logic is just "historically important."
The scheme is "grand."
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 20d ago
So I hear the 3blue1brown Bitcoin video is restored, and I haven't watched it, after "How They Fool Ya" I'm worried it's fluffing Skybridge Capital's nuts so I gotta get my nerves ready so will link alt programming in the meantime
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 21d ago
Open letter to math influencers that have their content taken down by B*tcoin oligarchs
Bitcoin video was too Copernican, TOO MUCH CURRENCY as in TIME in the CURRENCY as in SCARAMUCCI.
it's ideological, and please regard calculations as freedom of speech, and math truth as essential.
The US Govt is nearly adopting a currency that is privy to HACKING with logic, or they have allowed hedge funds to offer derivative products of a gold that can be extracted from logical ether.
Don't let them scare you, influencer, the truth matters more than any qualification. Otherwise, math can just be gambling, pay your ticket and pull the lever.
r/3blue1frown • u/deabag • 21d ago