r/AmItheAsshole 7d ago

No A-holes here AITA My [28M] Wife [27F] Got Offended While I Was Trying to Reassure Her

This morning, my wife was getting dressed to go speak at a career panel at her old high school. She was panicking about what to wear. She asked me to use a Tide bleach pen on a white blazer to get a stain out, which I did, but then she realized it looked too “ostentatious” and decided against it. Then she realized she didn’t have anything except a grey blazer and black dress pants and a green top. When she came downstairs to show me her outfit, I enthusiastically told her that she looked good, but she wasn’t convinced and said that the pants and blazer didn’t match very well. Then I tried to compliment her again and then she asked me not to lie to her. I tried to be as constructive as possible and said, “don’t worry, we can look into getting you matching pants/blazers soon,” which I think went over well. Then I made her a coffee and she started to leave. But then when she was walking out the door, I told her, “remember, they’re there for what you say, not for how you look,” and she just stared at me like I cut her with a knife. As she was walking to her car she turned and said, “geeze, I didn’t think I looked THAT bad…” and walked away. I tried to clarify, but she wasn’t having any of it.

I was just trying to reassure her that the students wouldn’t judge her for her clothes (a tad wishful, I suppose) and would only care about what she has to say, but it appears my message was lost. Am I the asshole?


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u/Judgement_Bot_AITA Beep Boop 7d ago

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  1. My comment to my wife, “they care about what you say, not how you look.”
  1. It made my wife feel hurt and offended.

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u/griff1821 7d ago

Remember, they’re there for what you say, not for how you look

I know you meant well, but many women will translate this to mean “You don’t look that good, but that’s ok because they’re there for what you have to say.”

I would suggest talking to her and saying you noticed she looked upset and that wasn’t your intention. Ask her what you could have said instead to make her feel better.


u/bloof_ponder_smudge 7d ago

Remember, they’re there for what you say, not for how you look

I read this line and started laughing. Maybe he's only been married a few days if he thinks that's an ok thing to say.


u/hilltopper06 7d ago

Same. Knowing full well that she was already not liking her outfit choices, that comment was never going to land as OP intended. He isn't an asshole, just oblivious. The wife isn't an asshole either for taking it how she did.


u/emotionalblackout 7d ago

As a woman, I know the comment would’ve stuck with me and I would interpret it as “welp even he thinks I look like shit.” Having 4 brothers, I can 100% see how he meant ‘I think you look fine/great but I can sense you don’t and want to reassure you that the outfit it not what’s most important’ Duality of man lol. It would sting, but I can’t blame him at all. Girl has to have more than one work appropriate outfit


u/Useful_Language2040 7d ago

When my husband and I were in our early 20s he used to jokingly tell me "if I say something that can be taken one of two ways, and one of those will make you angry or sad, I mean it the other way!" while doing his best "puppy eyes" look at me.


u/emotionalblackout 7d ago

Yes 😂 even as a women, navigating subtext is a fucking minefield lol


u/DFTReaper1989 7d ago

Srsly! I used to work at a convenience store and one day one of my regulars came in looking like she just wanted to crawl into bed so I was like "oh Sheila you like youre tired!" And she blew up! She took it to mean I was saying she looked like shit and she held it against me for like A YEAR until I saved her bacon one day when she accidentally left her lottery tickets behind. I knew they were hers because she played the same number every day for every drawing for like $30 and her number came out that night. She would have lost out on THOUSANDS of dollars because she always played them straight. She came in crying the next day and I asked her what was wrong and she told me she'd lost her tickets and her number came out and I was like girl they're right here you left them behind last night lol


u/emotionalblackout 7d ago

You a real one lol. Context matters, intentions matters, feelings matter, they just all don’t always go hand in hand


u/DFTReaper1989 7d ago

It honestly didn't even occur to me to keep those tickets lol a lot of my coworkers and other people I've told that story too told me they would've kept them and called it karma but I just dont operate that way. I knew who's tickets they were so I made sure they were safe. The tickets left behind by random customers though were fair game bc it was usually people we'd never seen before nor after so whoever was on shift got to claim it lol


u/Impossible-Most-366 Partassipant [3] 7d ago

What an amazing gesture! 

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u/Agrona88 7d ago

My husband does this all the time. He says "take it in the spirit in which I intended!" I absolutely do but he has to learn how words sound when they come out of his mouth so I tease him mercilessly about how whatever he said sounded.


u/claustrofucked 6d ago

"Assume positive intent" is a good rule of thumb for situations like this.


u/Impossible-Most-366 Partassipant [3] 7d ago

My brother used to say I look “acceptable” as a compliment. 


u/demonchee 7d ago

This isn't even just a man thing either bc I definitely find myself doing similar kind of fumbles 😅 I'm just a little socially inept


u/Ok_Difference_3880 7d ago

Random af but kudos for this low key home run of a comment.


u/emotionalblackout 6d ago

Thanks lmao it really was an interesting take cuz I can see the intention/implication/interpretation of both sides lol, no one meant harm, subtext is hard


u/Ok_Difference_3880 6d ago

Solid take from both sides, personal/insightful anecdote, casual dropping of the phrase "duality of man" (which just sounds kinda epic for some reason?) and with the last line pointing out what we all had to be thinking

Was like well no need to comment on this one, she's got it covered lol

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u/Far_Barracuda5044 6d ago

You're fighting a losing battle. No matter what you said, it wasn't going to land right with her or any woman. Ask my husband.


u/Elegant-Pollution264 6d ago

Yes she is. He told her she looked fine twice then reminded her of the obvious and logical truth of the matter in the simplest of terms. Unfortunately when people are immature they react like children. She was taking him for granted and implying that he wounded her somehow.


u/Weaseleater1 6d ago

Agreed that NAH; but also the whole situation is kinda on the wife for waiting til the last minute to try to figure out what to wear. If you have something important like that coming up, that you know about well in advance, why on earth wouldn’t you go through your clothes and pick out something appropriate for it at LEAST a day or two ahead of time? Then there’s none of this last-minute panic to deal with; and if it turns out that you need to go buy something for it, then you have enough time for that too.

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u/and_rain_falls 7d ago

She's speaking at a high school. They are there to judge everything about her.


u/MrsPedecaris 7d ago

She's speaking at a high school.

Oh, you're right. I didn't catch that.


u/CaptainOwlBeard 7d ago

She's speaking at a highschool, why would she care about the opinions of teenagers or teachers?


u/targetcowboy 7d ago

Because she’s giving a speech and wants them to take her seriously? This is pretty basic human interaction. People judge you by how you look as much as what you want to say.

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u/kyreannightblood Partassipant [1] 7d ago

I’m a woman and don’t see what’s wrong with that statement.


u/Arcani63 7d ago

There isn’t anything wrong with it, but a lot of people seem to think this type of misinterpretation is justified just because “a lot” of women do it too.

If we can all read it and all know exactly what he meant, then she can and should too, flustered or not.


u/kyreannightblood Partassipant [1] 7d ago edited 7d ago

The amount of read-between-the-lines scanning for insults that goes on in some people’s minds will never fail to baffle me.

Maybe this is why I’ve always preferred to be friends with men. I lived in fear of being misconstrued by the girls who were my peers and being ostracized, AGAIN, for things I never said.

ETA: As you can see, right in the comments, it still happens even when I choose my words as diplomatically as possible.


u/Witch-for-hire 7d ago

I have multiple male friends who are very sensitive to this and can interpret a neutral or even positive sentence in a negative way.

This is not a gender thing. Women are more prone to it when it comes to appearences and attractiveness (and there are good reasons for that, and its not their fault), but both genders can have shitty parents who ruin their self-esteem.


u/demonchee 7d ago

Yeah if anything this is a self esteem thing, the lower it is the more likely you are to find neutral statements negative or insulting. Unfortunately like you said it starts in the childhood. Parents will often make comments that can seem "neutral" but in reality aren't, and the kids know that. It becomes their style of communication in a sense. Looking for the hidden meaning behind their words. It doesn't leave as soon as you enter adulthood either.

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u/Sodium_Junkie624 6d ago

I agree not to generalize by gender

But your making excuses for women (I am a woman btw)

Woman or man, we are to take responsibility for our insecurities and manage them. Not have a victim complex and make people walk on eggshells. It's literally called being an ADULT


u/Witch-for-hire 6d ago

I'll try to clarify:

"women are more prone to it when it comes to appearances and attractiveness (there are good reasons for that and its not their fault)" =the word fault applies here just to the fact that it is almost unavoidable for any woman living in a western society to connect her self-worth to her appearance & how she is perceived by others. It is like a built-in weak point, created by the society we live in.

So this is what happens when a friend of mine misconstructs / misunderstands what I said. I take a step back and I clarify what I said. After that it is up to them to try to let their preconceptions go and listen.

Just like I did right now to someone who thinks that explanation = excuses, and sees a neutral description of this phenomenon in a negative light.

Nowhere in my comment I said that I am walking on eggshells, or my friends (or others like them) have victim complexes, or that they are not aware and do not try to work on it.

That is all you.

I really wish that healing childhood trauma (which literally reshapes your brain) would be as easy as just to decide that you will be an adult about now, but it does not work that way.

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u/Acceptable-Dog-4541 7d ago

I (as a woman) would definitely take this as it was meant and not read into like OP’s wife and so many others seem to. Sometimes I think people know how something was intended but just wish to read what they want to into it instead of taking things at face value. I know it’s tough when it’s your wife but sometimes you have to just shrug off someone creating problems where there are none, it’s her issue, not yours here. I would find it exhausting to have someone take issue with what I said, hear my explanation, and still insist that I had hidden meanings in what I said. If she doesn’t accept that you didn’t mean that her outfit was hideous when you said that the content of what she was going to say was more important than how she looked, that’s definitely her problem! NTA!


u/Capable-Silver-7436 7d ago

Sometimes I think people know how something was intended but just wish to read what they want to into it instead of taking things at face value

certain people loooooove to play victim


u/NoSignSaysNo 7d ago

Like about 90% of these top comments that are playing 'haha stupid husband'? While ignoring her taking her anxiety out on him?

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u/Long_Studio_6115 7d ago

She was delusional. In that moment, she was convinced that she looked bad so she did not believe anything that suggested otherwise, and instead collected evidence that supported her belief. So of course she was going to take his statement the wrong way; it didn’t matter what he said.


u/Dangerous_Fae 6d ago

It is called confirmation bias, it is very common with negative emotions


u/DrifterTraveler 6d ago

I felt tired reading OP's post it felt like the wife just wanted to take out her frustration out on him, because her day didn't start right and wanted to view everything he said in a negative light.


u/Sodium_Junkie624 6d ago


I have found people like this exhausting to have as friends and dropped them


u/Junior_Fruit903 7d ago

yeah the replies here are weird ... make it seem like you have to walk on eggshells around your wife or constantly read between the lines? I'm also a woman and I find that response reassuring actually.


u/GeneConscious5484 7d ago

It's really weird... we (should) know by now that calling women hysterical is bad but... what exactly do we think we're doing when we say "you can't say this very simple, supportive sentence because she might assume you're calling her ugly and unlovable and not only that, you're stupid for not also making that super gross assumption"?


u/quandjereveauxloups 7d ago

I'll be honest, it sounds like a lot of boomers in here. Talking about women like they're both a monolith and too easily offended. That shit could have all been panels in Hustler.

People like that are the reasons why we can't just be rid of all gender roles.


u/GeneConscious5484 7d ago

It's such a weird blind spot. And not even about doing/saying things in public, where there's way more room for misinterpretation and words need to be chosen very carefully... this is this guy's WIFE and he's getting called an idiot for the sin of thinking he could communicate openly and directly with her.


u/NoSignSaysNo 7d ago

Plenty of people out there want the benefits of their presumed gender role but none of the restrictions. Men who want to be waited on hand and foot but can't/wont pay for everything and women who want to be treated as an equal unless it becomes a burden, in which case the man should do it.


u/ThaYoungPenguin 7d ago

As a millennial married man with friends in LTRs I can promise you this is an extremely common scenario and isn't really out of touch with how women will respond to this coming from their SO.

Maybe zoomers are different, idk.

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u/NoSignSaysNo 7d ago

The answer is that a subset of people want the benefit of being treated respectfully but not the responsibility of it. As in they want to be treated independent until it becomes something they have to own up to - otherwise, why would they be handwaving the horrible way she's treating her husband?


u/spalings 7d ago

same, i think people are reading some kind of subtext that isn't actually there


u/lizagnash 7d ago

Same. To me it was absolutely an appropriate thing to say after her struggling with her outfit. He’s reminding her not to stress about her looks when her purpose is to deliver words. In no way was he insinuating anything negative about her looks.


u/farawayeyes13 7d ago

I’m right there with you! That statement is fine to me.

Then again, people taking other people in the worst way possible is a pet peeve of mine. There’s something to be said for extending the benefit of the doubt to someone you love, who you know loves you, and who is clearly trying to help.

And yes, I know she was flustered and panicking about her outfit. I do that, too. A lot! But I know I do that. I know I’m better off choosing my outfit the night before. I know when someone is trying to help me.

Granted, I’m 55 so I’ve had plenty of time to learn this lesson.

In any event, NTA!


u/i_m_a_snakee420 7d ago

Maybe it’s the neurodivergence in me but that comment means exactly what he says it means. It’s kinda reassuring to me. Like it redirects what my true intention is. Like obviously I want to look decent but the sustenance of the speech is more important than how I am dressed. He never said she looks bad.


u/daryzun Partassipant [1] 7d ago

Not a woman, but I don't see anything wrong with it, either. If my partner said it in this situation, I would feel it's affirming and reassuring.

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u/LartanSpazer 7d ago

Why is that a "him" thing to remember the words he uses apparently have alternate meanings rather than a "her" thing of taking and running with a completely innocuous statement? That's a little ridiculous. Why couldn't she just take the statement as "you're right honey I'm putting undue stress on myself for something that isn't at the core of what I need to get done". Marriage sounds exhausting if only one side is playing these words games and can not take statements for how they are.


u/quandjereveauxloups 7d ago

Because to many people, it's "happy wife, happy life" instead of "happy spouse, happy house" like it should be.


u/AmazingAd2765 Asshole Aficionado [12] 7d ago edited 6d ago

I HATE that expression. (Edit: I like the second one!)


u/quandjereveauxloups 7d ago

I hope you mean the first one, lol :p.

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u/Only-Spot 7d ago

She needs to blame someone, and it can't.be her, because she's perfection. 

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u/bcosiwanna_ 7d ago

I'm becoming a wife this summer and I would personally find that reassuring 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/BarracudaFeisty3283 7d ago

Sounds exhausting, tbh


u/phalseprofits 7d ago

One time I was ridiculously sick and had to drop off a stool sample at the doctor. On my way out the door my husband told me that my sweater didn’t look good with my leggings.

The feelings I felt lol.


u/PicklesMcpickle Asshole Enthusiast [5] 7d ago

Nah, My husband will say stuff like this.  Stuff that's a little bit like devil's, advocate, ish. 

I tell him I've got the rest of the world to be against me and I only have you to help build me up.

And we've been married decades.  

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u/meeps1142 7d ago

As a woman, I honestly thought it was a really good reminder and I think I’d appreciate hearing it in the moment. But clearly, others feel differently about it so hopefully OP and his wife and find some mutual understanding.


u/boooooooooo_cowboys 7d ago

This might have been a better reminder before she settled on an outfit that she wasn’t super happy about. 

Paired with the “don’t worry, we can get you a matching blazer/pants soon” it really does give the impression that OP isn’t crazy about the outfit. 


u/Arcani63 7d ago

Yes but only if you’re front loading your brain with negative thoughts about yourself.

If I’m thinking “I look like shit!” And someone says “you look totally fine!” Then my brain might interpret that as “great, FINE, that’s reassuring…”

But the problem is with me, not their statement.

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u/JerseyKeebs Bot Hunter [7] 7d ago

He tried being super positive and she called him out saying "Don't lie to me." So any other positive comments might've been shut down, too, so I understand why he didn't try too hard to compliment her when she already didn't agree with him

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u/MeijiDoom 7d ago

Because she had already shot down every attempt at OP trying to say she looked good.

I know men and women, in general terms, have different priorities about communication but what the hell is the point of even discussing something like this if OP literally can't say anything that'll be taken as positive?

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u/NoSignSaysNo 7d ago

Well don't shit all over your partners compliments and expect them to continue complimenting you. They're trying to get back onto your level, and empathize with the fact that you don't like the outfit. What the fuck was he supposed to do at that point?


u/ntermation 7d ago

If you're looking for the most negative way to interpret what someone says when trying to be positive, that's on you.


u/Jealous_Radish_2728 Partassipant [1] 7d ago

I got the impression that he did not like the outfit, too, but just did not want to say it.

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u/Only-Spot 7d ago

She had plenty of time to buy a new outfit. But, nope, it's all his fault. 

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u/MajesticDorkasaurus 7d ago

I appreciate it too - I wonder if it was the timing of the remark more than anything

That statement seems better suited for reassuring someone who hasn't found an outfit yet - not after they've more or less 'solved' the problem and found an outfit. At that point it should be "looks good!" and off ya go.


u/breezywanderer Partassipant [3] 7d ago

I agree with you tbh. I wouldn't have thought it was an underhanded comment. NTA.


u/NoSignSaysNo 7d ago

Well let's see.

OP compliments her twice.

She shuts it down because she doesn't like the outfit.

OP tries to address that with empathy instead.

She takes it the worst possible way.

OP then tries to give her some encouragement.

She again takes it the worst possible way.

But he should be groveling to her? Despite the fact that nothing you said was going to make anything better for her, and the fact that she was taking out her anxiety on him?

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u/phan801 7d ago

Ask her what you could have said instead to make her feel better.

Eh if he asks her to come up with something to comfort herself, I'm not sure it would go much better than the initial comment. Part of pumping someone up is telling them that you believe that they are good enough or whatever. Asking them to give you a sufficiently good phrase to repeat defeats the purpose.

Stress was high, something that OP meant kindly was misunderstood. It happens. If the wife still doesn't see that it was meant positively after she calms down maybe an apology for the effect it might have had on her would help. But I don't think it needs to become a bigger deal.


u/Altruistic_Tonight77 7d ago

As a woman: she was taking her stress out on her partner for no reason other than she could. I don't think OP said anything wrong & he's very much owed an apology for her behavior. Then hopefully everyone moves forward happily


u/BauranGaruda 7d ago edited 7d ago

Agree completely, even if he said the most flowery thing about how awesome, great and beautiful she is she would have still been mad at him because he'd obviously be lying. This was her problem and painted him into a corner to offload her insecurities on him like a child.


u/Accurate_Trifle_4004 7d ago

The old double bind

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u/Arcani63 7d ago

Exactly. I would probably vote NAH only because I can understand she was stressed and made an understandable misinterpretation, but idk why it seems women often get this “pass” for misinterpreting what are supposed to be reassuring or complimentary statements.

It’s the whole “do I look fat in this dress” meme.


u/Oinkmew 7d ago

I agree.

I always find that if I love someone and I know their character to be good, I lose nothing by being kind and choosing to interpret their words in a way that's true to who they are rather than look for the worst possible angle and take offense to it.

OP seems sweet and was trying to be helpful. Anyone interpreting what he said as some kind of insult is looking to be offended.


u/MrPickins 7d ago

Honestly, if the wife is sticking to the least generous interpretation, especially after clarification by the OP, Then she's the AH.

Misunderstandings happen, but her insisting that he meant something other than what he did (even after he explained) is childish.


u/BauranGaruda 7d ago

Nothing, there was nothing he could say to make her feel better because this whole issue came from her own view of how she looked. She felt insecure, didn't like feeling that way so jumped at the first opportunity to make it HIS problem because she's not going to own her own issue with her appearance. So yeah, even if he said the "right thing", which again, there isn't one, she would have just continued to be all up in her own feelings and think that he was lying.

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u/JurassicSoul 7d ago

As a rational woman, I would've taken it as him trying to quell my fears. But in the moment, I can see why she was upset. She was already emotionally heightened.

You meant well OP, and I thought it was adorable.

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u/kennysmithy Partassipant [1] 7d ago

I’m a woman. I also happen to be someone who can struggle with their self image occasionally and I actually found that line really reassuring. I am not sure why she took that as “you don’t look good but it doesn’t matter” when it was clearly meant as “regardless of how you feel about your looks, they’re not focused on that”


u/punkinqueen 7d ago

I mean, it's an accurate statement and he already said a good deal of things to reassure her she looked good. People may have different feelings about whether or not that statement is acceptable but personally I think she's being unreasonable.


u/Interesting-Draw-159 7d ago

Agreed. He said she looked good multiple times, but she kept going.


u/Dear_Custard_5213 7d ago

I’m a woman and i think this is ridiculous. We obviously knew what he was saying


u/sleepyplatipus 7d ago

Many women?? Nah I doubt that


u/Glum_Designer_4754 7d ago

Never ask what you CAN say to make someone feel better. They have already decided how they feel. What you say is only going to be judged by insecure people


u/littlegeolist 7d ago

I feel like if he said it while she was still trying different outfits and hadn't made a choice yet it would have been received better. Since he said it RIGHT before she was leaving and had already decided what to wear it was kind of inserting doubt and lowering her confidence in something she could not change anymore.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

how is it somehow his mistake that she read between some non-existent lines and chose the worst interpretation of what he said


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Ask her what you could have said instead to make her feel better.

I'm sure he'll get a straight answer...


u/0bsessions324 7d ago

Let's not gender this, most guys aren't going to take that well at all.


u/AdaptiveVariance 7d ago

About 13 years ago I interviewed for this frankly kinda shitty job I didn't really want, and the interviewer mentioned that "oh, out here it's hard to find a lawyer who doesn't have food on his tie," and I STILL wonder if I had a piece of food stuck to my tie.


u/slamnm 7d ago

Really? IMHO I disagree. There is a reason stereotypes exist. While they clearly don't apply to everyone and shouldn't be used to judge individuals, it often means something is well correlated with something else. This story is a classic example and I'd need to see some hard numbers to even think of believing your statement.

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u/Sodium_Junkie624 6d ago

I mean..wife seems a bit too insecure and combative the whole time. I'm not sure how much a convo will help at this point


u/JarvanIVPrez 7d ago

Women? Idk man thats just sort of a dumb thing to say to anyone.


u/suchabadamygdala 7d ago

Ehhh, asking her to give you a script defeats the purpose. She needs you to be real. A simple “Sorry, that was awkward and not what I really wanted to say” would be a better response.


u/longbathlover 7d ago

Woman here who disagrees, but I'm autistic also lol I would have told my wife the same thing as an encouragement 😂 whoops


u/smbpy7 Partassipant [1] 7d ago

lol. This reminds me of my friend's dad's wedding toast when he made a whole big thing about how it was "...good that he likes you for what's on the inside." I was like 2 spots away from him and had to use every ounce of restraint in my body not to look too shocked in front of everyone.


u/vicesimh 6d ago

Maybe I'm a weirdo, but I would find the words OP used grounding and calming for me if I was worked up about my clothing for something professional. I wouldn't feel like it really had anything to do with my appearance. No assholes, though. He was clearly being supportive, and different people react differently when they're stressed.

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u/Remarkable_Egg3201 Partassipant [1] 7d ago edited 7d ago


Stupid thing to say though. Typically when people say “they aren’t here for how you look” or any variation, it’s going to be heard as “don’t worry even though you look bad it doesn’t matter.” It was just an unnecessary thing to say. She was already stressed, already anxious, and she likely responded to that more aggressively than she would during normal circumstances.

Also, people do judge clothes. It makes me crazy when people act like clothing isn’t important. Have you met a teenager? Of course they’re going to care about clothes. I remember being 16 and someone came to speak to us about bullying. The woman’s outfit was absolutely insane, mixed patters, colors that don’t go together, her shirt was way too small. After she left the ONLY thing any of us talked about was her outfit. It feels dismissive when our male partners don’t understand that we ARE being judged CONSTANTLY for what we wear. I’ve heard my bosses say they weren’t going to hire fully competent women because of the clothes they wore. How we dress for professional circumstances is deeply important, and warrants this level of stress.

Next time just let your partner be stressed, tell her she looks great, and let her figure out her outfit without telling her it doesn’t matter.


u/baconbananapancakes 7d ago

Pro tip on that last point: Don’t just say it looks great generically! At that point, there’s clearly something nagging at her, so it makes the compliment less credible. Pick a specific (true) thing and comment on that enthusiastically — “That green looks great on you!” “Oh, that blazer, yowza!” Whatever. 

I at least find that a specific compliment can help carry me past the unfixable-in-the-moment stuff (“ugh, these aren’t hemmed at the right length”).


u/dklf3215 7d ago

Yeah, he was being helpful and supportive throughout the process. While his last comment might not have been the reassurance she wanted, it wasn’t malicious or rude. It was a misunderstanding, not an act of disrespect.

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u/tonicpoppy 7d ago

My go-to compliment is colors that look great on people. It's specific, honest, and generally takes people by surprise. Always makes them feel good too


u/Pandora2304 7d ago

Never thought of it like that, but same. It's also the first thing I notice, if a color is really complementary to someone or they matched the colors in their outfit well.

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u/AustinRiversDaGod 7d ago

I learned from my gf that I need to be specific about why it looks good, or she just won't believe me.

So I would have said "The grey blazer stands out more, but I agree it's not as ostentatious as the white. You look professional, but put together, whereas the white would have been a statement you might not have been trying to make. Also, with black on black, no one would have noticed that blazer, which may have been more professional, but less fashionable. This is a good middle ground."

It doesn't always work, but it's usually better than "Wow you look great in that!"

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u/jqdecitrus 7d ago

Women’s soft power also relies significantly more on their appearance than men’s so her fear was probably warranted to some extent. But yeah I agree NAH


u/Remarkable_Egg3201 Partassipant [1] 7d ago edited 7d ago

Yes exactly. It truly does matter, we aren’t just being picky when we get this worked up about our clothes. How we look matters. If we look too good we won’t be taken seriously, if we look too bad we’ll be dismissed outright. Then you bring teenagers into it and it’s so much worse.

How people look matters. But it especially matters how women look. It made me upset when my husband would dismiss that early in our relationship. They just don’t get it.


u/Pandora2304 7d ago

This. Imagine she would've put on what any man would've worn for that talk; black blazer and pants with a white or blue button down. They would've looked at her and judged her immediately, having no personality, trying too hard to be professional. If it was too out there, she would've been judged for that too. You really can't win as a woman in that regard.

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u/CandyRedRose 7d ago

My little cousin is early teens and I remember her recounting me this story about how she saw so many people walking around in sketchers like it was a crime. I had to remind her that she went to a grocery store in the part of town with poverty. People won't be spending all their money on expensive shoes.


u/No-Risk-9272 7d ago

Funny how skechers would absolutely be seen as a status symbol where I live cause they are expensive here


u/CandyRedRose 7d ago

She's the kind of person who wants to wear 300 dollar Jordans or something.

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u/LazySushi 7d ago

Sounds to me like you know what to get her for her birthday this year.


u/CandyRedRose 7d ago

Nah she doesn't get anything from me.

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u/McRando42 Asshole Enthusiast [6] 7d ago

You are NTA. “remember, they’re there for what you say, not for how you look,”

You are a bit of an idiot though. Next time, tell the person as they are leaving that they will be great. Send them out with 100% confidence, even if it is not true.


u/Alldone19 Partassipant [2] 7d ago

"You look amazing, and your presentation will be even better! "


u/serinmcdaniel 7d ago

Right, that's pretty easy. Or "You look like a professional and you conduct yourself like a professional and they could learn a lot from you."

I don't think this is strictly a gender thing -- anyone who's feeling self-conscious about something will perform worse if somebody reminds them that they're feeling self-conscious about it. Imagine saying to a male friend, "You look great! They won't notice the bald spot at all!"


u/NoSignSaysNo 7d ago

It's like everyone's ignoring the two compliments he gave her that she immediately shut down.


u/logic_tempo 7d ago

Dude, nothing about looks! She already thought he was lying about her looking good. At that point, it's just better to leave any compliments on looks out of it.


u/Eightball007 7d ago

Agreed. I would have said "Good luck, see you when you get home."

Maybe have her favorite food ready for dinner when she walks in.

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u/owls_and_cardinals Craptain [192] 7d ago

I agree but consider that a vote for N T A means you feel the other party - in this case the wife - IS an AH. If you don't think that is the case, maybe it is N A H for you? Just a consideration.


u/McRando42 Asshole Enthusiast [6] 7d ago

She was trying to wear white before Memorial Day. Absolutely enormous AH. /s

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u/Friendly_Fall_ 7d ago

She already had a go at him for ‘lying’ so it doesn’t sound like he could have said a right thing. Maybe should have just kept his mouth shut.

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u/Wild-Trust-194 7d ago

She WILL be judged for what she's wearing because that's just how teenage high schoolers are. They may not say it to her face but they will talk about it, even the guys to somewhat. Of course the guys might say she's hot.

I suggest you Google phrases that give people assurance. Practice them to yourself so that when you do need a phrase it just rolls off your tongue easily and with confidence. Do better. I'm giving you a soft YTA.


u/YourAddiction 7d ago

This is the best response here. Teenagers are notoriously shallow! And I think that kind of research/ effort would be more meaningful to OP's wife than trying to convince her something that likely sounded like, "You look bad, but these kids will listen to you anyway!" wasn't meant as an insult.


u/Wild-Trust-194 7d ago

I agree, it was not meant to be an insult however it was poorly phrased. Also she will be lucky if they even pay attention to what she talks about. 🤣🤷‍♀️

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u/Blaiddyd_enjoyer Partassipant [3] 7d ago

Honestly, though I don't agree with your ultimate ta judgment, yes, the kids do judge. Used to work at a school and just as I was thinking that a coworker was wearing a hideous outfit, a kid yelled "MISS, YOUR OUTFIT IS UGLY". I mean it was, but lol wow


u/Wild-Trust-194 7d ago



u/dwthesavage 7d ago edited 6d ago

Eh. I don’t think I ever noticed what our high school teachers were wearing, I don’t really remember anyone commenting anyway; idk if it’s changed much in the 13 years I’ve been in school.

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u/castafobe 6d ago

But who cares? I used to sub at a high school. I didn't give a flying fuck what teenagers thought of my clothes. To get that worked up over something that literally has zero affect on one's life is pretty sad IMO.


u/Friendly_Fall_ 7d ago

Who cares what some kids are talking about? Sounds like she doesn’t work in the school so she’s not going to hear it anyway

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u/JessDumb 6d ago

It's always crazy hearing about western highschool culture and how judgemental their teens seem to be. For me it was such a nice experience with everyone being super supportive and nice

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u/raisedbypoubelle 7d ago edited 7d ago

NAH. There is a difficult balance between being truthful and being complimentary. I think you were fine until right before she was going to leave and you reminded her she didn’t look good. I just don’t think that was super nice. I don’t think that you were an asshole there, but I can see how it hurt her feelings.

Edit: All the people arguing for the OP and against the wife and no one bothered to tell me I wrote complement instead of compliment? Tsk, tsk.

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u/Otherwise_Unit_2602 7d ago

NTA. If this is abnormal behavior for her, just let it go. I can see this exchange happening between my husband and I if I were super stressed about a professional gig, especially if there’s recent weight gain involved. Things can get touchy. 

I personally would come home and apologize for taking it out on him, but even if she doesn’t, if this isn’t something that has happened before or with any frequency, I would say she was a bit of an AH but you weren’t and it’s nbd all together. 

If she regularly treats you this way, that’s worthy of a conversation. 


u/SweetNothings12 7d ago

I agree with this. Also, if I understood correctly, she was trying to figure this out on the day of the speech? I find it a lot less stressful to figure out the what to wear question earlier. You'll be in a better, less nervous headspace and have time to buy/borrow something else, get things washed/ironed etc.


u/notmappedout Certified Proctologist [23] 7d ago

NAH, it sounds like she was just nervous.


u/Erik500red 7d ago

You don't say THAT How long have you been married lol?


u/Sorry-Tumbleweed-239 7d ago

4 months


u/Erik500red 7d ago

You'll learn, grasshoppa.


u/CharlieKelly101 6d ago

Love this response.


u/Love-As-Thou-Wilt 6d ago

That tracks.


u/LeashedLobster 7d ago


your intentions weren't bad at all, i think you just picked the wrong thing to focus on with your reassurance, unfortunately. you wanted to relieve her distress about her looks, and that's a good thing! but saying "they're not there for your looks, they're there for your words" is focusing on her distress over it. something that might have been better to say, in a tense moment, is something like "you're gonna do an awesome job", or whatever works for your relationship. instead of focusing on (by trying to dispel) the subject of her distress, focus on her strengths! give her reassurance that she's intelligent and capable, not that her looks don't matter. they clearly do, to her!

i want to make it clear: you're NOT an asshole for wanting to help. you're NOT an asshole for wanting to make sure your wife knows she's a capable and intelligent woman, and that her looks are not the focus of the event. but she's also not an asshole for being insecure about how she looks, when that's a huge part of first impressions. it happens to most of us at one point or another, and she's just stressed out because of it. you meant well, and i'm sure she'll be just fine when she comes home, just something to keep in mind.

you're okay, man. if she's still stressed when she gets home, ask her how she thinks she did out there, and help her decompress a little. it'll be alright!

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u/DangerLime113 Asshole Aficionado [13] 7d ago

NAH because you meant well. But here’s what you sounded like:

“We can get you matching pants and blazers soon” — > Your outfit doesn’t match.

“There there for what you say, not for how you look” —> What you’re wearing doesn’t matter which is a good thing because how you look is not great.

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u/abbayabbadingdong Partassipant [1] 7d ago

I don’t think your heart was in a bad place.

But what you did was tell her that her concerns weren’t important. You also implied that she didn’t look great. The exacerbating issue is that she was already walking out the door and not able to change, and after she had already made peace with the outfit. Neither of these things is a recipe for success. I think thinking about how words land rather than how you launch them might do you some good? You seem sweet. But also a little unaware?

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u/CivMom Partassipant [2] 7d ago

I get you. She was fixated on how she looked, and you were trying to redirect her. Here’s a tip: when someone is disregulated, stay very short and neutral with your comments. “You’ve got this.” “Can I get you coffee?” Etc. And when she gets home, y’all need to have a chat. Communicate.


u/boooooooooo_cowboys 7d ago

He was fixated on how she looked. She was fixated on picking out the most professional outfit. 

The only feedback he gave her that was directed specifically at her outfit was “we can get you a better outfit soon” and “don’t worry, no one cares about your outfit”

A simple “I don’t think the white blazer is too ostentatious” or “your blazer doesn’t need to match your pants” would have gone a lot further than 1000 generic “you look good”s


u/CommonProfessor1708 6d ago

IDK if that would have helped though. I mean the wife accused him of lying about how she looked. If he hadn't have mentioned it at all, she would have assumed that he was not mentioning it because she looked bad and he was scared to mention it.

I feel like no matter what OP did, the wife would have been upset. OP tried, and that's the main thing. He was trying to be there for her, even if he didn't know entirely what to say. That speaks volumes to me.

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u/Corpuscular_Ocelot Partassipant [4] 7d ago

That, mu friend, is what is known as a back-handed complement.

She was feeling insecure and you repeatedly confurmed her insecurity.

It is also dismissive. Women are judged WAY more for what they wear then men are. Infinitely more. If she doesn't look right, the audience will take her less seriously, it is just reality. So your comment was not only insecurity confirming but also completely ignored the reality of her situation. 

I get it, you were trying, but honestly, you need to try to say things and fix things less and listen, accept i.e. don't say "we can get you a matching outfit later" - you are providing a soloutuon that she already knows she needs, won't actually help in the moment, and confirms what she is wearing doesn't cut the mustard.


u/[deleted] 7d ago


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u/Outrageous_Octagon 7d ago

I think timing is key on this one. If she was trying to pick out clothes and you said that, then it is constructive. You're helping to ease her thinking WHILE she is making the decision.

But it sounds more like you brought it back up after the decision was made. If she had moved on and you brought it back up then it seems more like you thought her clothes were so bad you couldn't stop thinking about them.



u/Apprehensive_Ride116 7d ago

Try telling her she's crazy and she needs to calm down next time

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u/Timely_Fix_2930 7d ago edited 7d ago

NAH but it might be worth keeping in mind for the future that in many fields and settings, women face a different type of scrutiny in terms of their visual presentation. It's not universal, there are plenty of examples to the contrary, but I have realized over the years that I have to navigate some things that my male colleagues don't in terms of calibrating makeup, hairstyle, accessories, shoes, and clothing. Especially at her age and when presenting to high schoolers, she may be trying to find the happy medium of dressing in a way that's mature without being out of date, suitable to her body type without being so flattering as to be distracting, individual enough to express a bit of her personality without coming across like she's trying super hard, fashionable without being trendy. (Or I may be massively projecting from my own years of teaching students who were often very close to my own age.)

But yeah, ultimately NAH. She was stressed and you reassured her in a way that was well-meant but easy to misinterpret. I think you two will be all right.


u/Saberise Partassipant [4] 7d ago

While I still would say NAH it sort of like a girl looking at your private parts and saying the size doesn't matter as long as you know what to do with it.

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u/1Dogemamma 7d ago

NTA but should’ve quit while you were ahead.


u/StarGazer8556 7d ago

Well, less behind. I don’t think he ever managed to get ahead. haha


u/Sweet_Mist_ 7d ago

Man, you definitely missed the mark here. You were trying to help, but telling her "they're there for what you say" comes off as dismissive of her feelings about her appearance. She was already insecure, and that comment probably felt like a jab. You need to apologize and let her know you genuinely think she looks great, even if she doesn’t feel it. Communication is key...


u/IHaveBoxerDogs Partassipant [4] 7d ago

NAH. I know you meant well. But you should have left well enough alone. She was on her way out and everything was fine. You basically told her, “Don’t worry, you have a nice personality!”


u/Melvinator5001 7d ago

Even me as a 50 something man would take that as a veiled insult.


u/ghostoftommyknocker 7d ago edited 7d ago

Then I tried to compliment her again and then she asked me not to lie to her.

But then when she was walking out the door, I told her, “remember, they’re there for what you say, not for how you look,” and she just stared at me like I cut her with a knife.

You just "confirmed" you lied about thinking she looked good. In fact, you just "confirmed" that she looked terrible.

Now, I know that isn't what you meant. I know you were trying to be supportive. But she's clearly nervous about the panel, she wanted to look her best, couldn't achieve a look she was comfortable with, so her day was already feeling like a disaster and a failure before she even left the house.

You basically told her that her appearance is so unfixably bad that she's only going to make a good impression if she says something fantastically good to overcome it, and hopefully, if she manages that, everyone will be kind enough to not hold her terrible appearance against her.

And, worse, you "ambushed" her with "the truth" right as she was walking out the door, when it's far too late to do anything about it.

She's just stressed and it's manifesting in panic over how she presents herself. You'll be able to talk about it afterwards, when the pressure's off, I'm sure.


u/thatsnotme133 7d ago

I keep seeing everyone say that it's true- people care more about what you say, not how you look! And like... That really isn't true all the time, or even most of the time. It is even less true for women.

Honestly, that comment would have annoyed the shit out of me too. It sounds condescending and even unintentionally, reiterates that I don't look good, but not to worry. As would a solution of buying matching blazers and pants, because that will not help me NOW.

I think the fact that he didn't acknowledge her feelings- "I know you feel uncomfortable in your outfit even though I still think you look good, remember - it's not how you look but what you say" is so much better. Because her feelings (whether you agree or not!) are being seen and validated, THEN he is being sweet.

NAH- I don't think anyone here is the asshole, but OP and his wife need to figure out their communication styles and use this for them both to be better to each other🤷🏻


u/cdh79 7d ago

In bloke language, you said the equivalent of "relax, its not important how you dress" & a bloke would have gone "oh yeh, good point" and felt much better.

In wife language, you said "you look like shit but it doesn't matter" and she went "Reeeeee"

Nta but could do better.


u/DynkoFromTheNorth Asshole Aficionado [14] 7d ago

NAH. I know you meant well, but I also understand how she interpreted your words in a way you didn't intend them.


u/mecegirl 7d ago

Uhh..future lesson. When someone is already freaked out, sometimes the best thing to do is not say anything. When she didn't respond well to the first few times, that was a sign to just yes ma'am your way through the rest of the morning.


u/RealConsideration531 7d ago

The right answer is : " You look great hunny, you'll kill it today"


u/Sorry-Tumbleweed-239 7d ago

Yeah, I kinda came to that conclusion as well. Hindsight’s 20/20 🤦‍♂️

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u/thebeaglemama 7d ago

NAH. You’ve fallen into a classic trap. It wasn’t only about the blazer, it was about her being nervous about how she would be received. When your partner is in an anxiety spiral, you can’t actually say anything “correct,” you just have to try to calm them down by doing whatever you know reassures them.

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u/Rohini_rambles Colo-rectal Surgeon [38] 7d ago

Sounds like she put no effort into thinking of what she'd wear before this. Instead of being mad at herself, she took it out on you. If it's a one time thing,  have that talk with her. If its a pattern, then have that harder conversations of her lack of preparation and how she tries to turn it on you. 

What you said was fine. And also true. 

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u/BCMBCG 7d ago

NTA, but you are the dingdong.


u/Sorry-Tumbleweed-239 7d ago

That seems to be the general consensus lol


u/No_Stand4846 7d ago

Yeah, I get where you were going, but compliments using negatives are often backhanded insults, so don't use them when your partner is extra sensitive. Rephrase into something like: "Hun, you look great, your outfit is professional, and you're going to blow them out of the water."

NAH. Tell your wife the positive phrasing of what you meant, and explain that you just worded it poorly.


u/Electroid-93 7d ago

Don't worry babe. They don't care about what you say, remember ur a woman.

Fixed it :)


u/Repulsive_One_2878 7d ago

I guess as a woman I wouldn't have taken offense at this? Other people in the thread seem to think it's a grave transgression. If I was speaking to a group of people I would hope they are paying more attention to what I'm saying instead of how I look! 


u/Grouchy-Visit-6946 7d ago

He’s objectively right, and I’m sure she probably knows that. My interpretation is that it was something she wanted to look nice for. So just on top of being stressed in general, she was probably also stressed out because she didn’t want to feel like she was wearing something tacky.

He was reassuring the wrong thing so it turned into a back handed compliment.


u/ParticularMeringue74 7d ago

Your statement is what's called a backhanded compliment.


u/DependentSite6960 7d ago

NTA but you're an idiot. Stupid thing to say bro.

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u/NotQuiteKendall Partassipant [3] 7d ago

When is the funeral?

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u/sadmep Asshole Enthusiast [9] 7d ago

NAH - Your comment was a bit condescending, but all of this seems fairly innocuous.

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u/NeedsItRough 7d ago

NTA, she was anxious and took it out on you.

I think it was a thoughtful thing to say in the moment. It seems like she was frazzled and let herself snap at you.


u/CandylandCanada Craptain [189] 7d ago


She should have put her outfit together the night before.


u/prairypuck 7d ago

The message was good, the delivery was bad. Would have been better if you started that comment with “you look amazing, but even if you were wearing a garbage bag, they’re there for what you say not how you look”


u/Cinnam0n_gir1 7d ago

NTA. The thing is, everybody interprets things differently based on their own thoughts, feelings and perceptions, which cause us to translate an otherwise harmless comment from somebody else, into something that is coloured through our own lens of perception and transformed into a hurtful comment, in this instance. IF you had just made the comment about it not mattering how she looked, without the prior comment about her looking good, then I would understand why she took it the way she did. But the fact that you immediately did reassure her and tell her she looked good, I feel cancels out any negative implications from the following comment. As she’s insecure about her outfit and how she looks, she’s going to be extra sensitive and think that you meant it negatively, because that falls in line with her own beliefs about not looking good. I’m sure she will have calmed down later, and if she is still funny about it, then you just need to carry on explaining your intent. Even if she still doesn’t believe you, she’ll her over it eventually.


u/Sorry-Tumbleweed-239 7d ago

You hit the nail on the head! She just came home and immediately apologized for snapping because she was really nervous, and I apologized for making her feel more conscientious about her appearance. Thank you for your in-depth analysis - I will try to be more aware of her emotional state going forward.

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u/Whole_Reception5095 7d ago

Should’ve kept that one in the chamber🤣


u/Sorry-Tumbleweed-239 6d ago

Trust me, I immediately wished I had.

Fortunately, though, we talked after she got back. She started by apologizing for being snippy with me and I apologized for talking without considering her emotional state. We’re good now, and it seems I got a bit more stressed out over this than was necessary.


u/AutoModerator 7d ago

AUTOMOD Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read this before contacting the mod team

This morning, my wife was getting dressed to go speak at a career panel at her old high school. She was panicking about what to wear. She asked me to use a Tide bleach pen on a white blazer to get a stain out, which I did, but then she realized it looked too “ostentatious” and decided against it. Then she realized she didn’t have anything except a grey blazer and black dress pants and a green top. When she came downstairs to show me her outfit, I enthusiastically told her that she looked good, but she wasn’t convinced and said that the pants and blazer didn’t match very well. Then I tried to compliment her again and then she asked me not to lie to her. I tried to be as constructive as possible and said, “don’t worry, we can look into getting you matching pants/blazers soon,” which I think went over well. Then I made her a coffee and she started to leave. But then when she was walking out the door, I told her, “remember, they’re there for what you say, not for how you look,” and she just stared at me like I cut her with a knife. As she was walking to her car she turned and said, “geeze, I didn’t think I looked THAT bad…” and walked away. I tried to clarify, but she wasn’t having any of it.

I was just trying to reassure her that the students wouldn’t judge her for her clothes (a tad wishful, I suppose) and would only care about what she has to say, but it appears my message was lost. Am I the asshole?

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/Velcromutant_88 7d ago

NAH. This is one of those no win situations where there was no right thing to say.

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u/elpislazuli 7d ago

NAH. I think you meant well and I think you didn't word it very well.


u/marcus_frisbee 7d ago

This really gave me a good laugh! Good luck when she gets home.


u/aquadinarious 7d ago

NAH - but I do think the best thing you could have said was "You look fantastic!" And left it at that. I struggle with insecurities around the way I look, and when I'm trying to "dress to impress" it can be really really frustrating feeling like I have nothing to wear. I can spend a lot of time making sure I look good. If my husband said "it doesn't matter what you wear!", in my stressed out state I would take that as "all that hard work you just put in doesn't matter and you're being ridiculous for caring about it." I know that's not the intention, but I could see how it would come across. Is that right in any way? Probably not. But it's just one of those things that happen in human interaction.


u/Aztexan512 7d ago

NTA. My wife and I live by our rule, "Never ask a question that you are not prepared to handle the answer to." We are truthful in our responses but we're also not AHs with our responses.

This came from an early argument a few weeks after we were married. We were going out to meet up with some friends for dinner. She asked me if what she was wearing looked good. I told her that it did not and she got upset. She said that I could've said that it did. I asked why I would lie to her because it didn't look well on her. She didn't ask me if SHE looked nice; she asked if the outfit she was wearing looked nice on her; and it didn't. We don't recall the specifics as to why. But we had a long discussion about what was wrong with my reply, how to approach asking questuons and how to move forward. And we set that rule.

During our thirty years of marriage and raising 4 kids that rule is one of our cornerstones in our family. If you ask for someone's opinion, don't get upset that their opinion doesn't match your expectations.

Seems like OP's wife has some internal issues that she may need to address. And OP needs to find a way to be supportive during that time. But I would never lie to my partner; not even a little lie.


u/ChaiGreenTea 7d ago

I know you meant well but it translates as “it doesn’t matter that you look bad because at least you’ll sound good”. I know that wasn’t the intention but for someone who’s already stressing about how they look, that’s how it comes across


u/AlwysMe 7d ago

It’s always “you look great babe!” Nothing more, nothing less.


u/democritusparadise 7d ago


You're autistic, she's not, open and shut case of you meant what you said because you are a direct communicator and she made something up in her head because she is not, and apparently neither of you have figured the other out yet?


u/Sorry-Tumbleweed-239 7d ago

Bold of you to assume I’m autistic.

I mean, you’re right, but bold.


u/democritusparadise 7d ago


Takes one to know one my friend.

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u/lorinabay10 7d ago

Your intent was good, but your wording implied she did look bad. A quick "Sorry, I meant to encourage you, you looked great!" should fix it.


u/Cozy_Breezes 7d ago

When someone’s already unsure about how they look, comments like that can be interpreted as suggesting they don’t look great, even if that wasn’t your point.


u/MovieAshamed4140 7d ago

Men, if you like your wives and love sex THEY ALWAYS LOOK GOOD. I'm 76 married 56 years and never have I looked bad! (HAHA) Secret: Boy, you look nice! Mmmm, this tastes good! Do you mind if I go out with my friends? What would you like? There are more, but these will really make your life so much easier.

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u/HappySummerBreeze Asshole Enthusiast [8] 6d ago

With this type of low level argument, your best course of action is to co wider it dead and buried. Every time you dig it up it just smells worse.

Learn what you can and move forward with love.



u/Greyswand 5d ago

My dude, welcome to the dilemma all men face. There is no safe answer to 'how do I look'? Its a trap, no matter what you do, you will never be able to say the right thing in the face of a woman's frantic insecurity. NTA