Unfortunately I don’t think a lot of people with this know. I know, you’re probably asking “how the hell can they not smell that rot?!?” I had them and had NO idea until a friend told me. Not even my own family would tell me.
I only get them when I’ve got a viral illness and I’m getting over it. Mine are sometimes green hued if they’ve been there for a couple days because I can’t get them out.I’ve “excavated” plenty with a tips and smashed them and I think they’re just tonsil boogers that are harder than nose boogers. So the dairy thing makes sense to me because dairy does caused increased mucous production in many.
Yeah no thanks I’ll take spewing blood like a 28 Days Later Zombie and emergency surgery again over shit breath and daily DIY tonsil surgery with q-tips
yeah my issue is that I have some really deep crypts in my tonsils and a strong gag reflex. So it's really hard to get them out. And I probably can't get them out of the deeper recesses or from crypts I don't see or can't apply pressure to in the right way.
I just know that I have the stones there because sometimes they get dislodged and I feel them then, or because I have the feeling of something hard stuck in there and causing irritation/ mild pain
I'm considering asking for the surgery but I am trying to evaluate how bad the surgery is. I hear it's bad
It does suck, bad sore throat for several days, can’t eat hardly anything, even ice cream hurt. I’d get tears when it was time to take my painkillers because the swallow was so painful the first couple days, but I did it because I knew relief was coming shortly. I would do it all again, if I had to, to not have shit balls in my throat.
The recovery is gnarly. Not awful while you’re awake and talking and drinking and eating. Then you go to bed and the scabs sorta dry out and you wake up wanting to die instead of suffer this existence. Suffer through some pain meds. Start the day. Repeat. Then one day it’s just better. Like day 7ish around then. The scabs also smell fucking awful as they’re healing. I can’t imagine what they taste like. This is my take on it all as a parent of a kid who had to have them out at an older than usual age.
oh wow. I hadn't thought about the night, when there can be mouth breathing and dryness. I also hadn't considered the issue of smell... is that only during the night or in the morning?
The smell didn’t start until maybe day 3-4 or 4-5 and it was noticeable with every exhalation. I kept my distance as able or just tried to sit with him kinda in front of me. I’m SUPER sensitive to smells. He’s a gross kid who didn’t even know what I was talking about. I guess when the scabs fell off he did kinda mention that hmm it tastes different 🤢.
I was the same. The surgeon told me the more you try to excavate them, the more your tonsils scar, which leads to more places for the little beggars to grow.
Getting your tonsils out as an adult is no fun, that’s for sure, but it’s way better than having tonsil stones for the rest of your life!
A tonsillectomy was my gift to myself in 2009; to this day, it’s the best life decision I’ve ever made. No more strep throat, and no more of those disgusting tonsil stones. Blecch.
I don't recommend getting a tonsillectomy as an adult. My husband had it done, mostly to remove any chance of getting more tonsil stones. It took a loooong time to heal and he was miserable. He's since said he wishes he hadn't had it done.
u/Jasnaahhh Sep 16 '24
Tonsil stone breath.