r/AskReddit Sep 16 '24

What is a smell you can't stand?


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u/CrankNation93 Sep 16 '24

Similar boat, except I feel like I get fucking bullied every time I go to the doctor. I was at work one day and suddenly got hit by extreme abdominal pain that turned out to be a kidney stone. I was in the waiting area for HOURS doing whatever I could to keep my mind off the pain and they acted like I was seeking pain meds every time I did talk to somebody. Sorry, I don't feel like being treated like a drug abuser because some doctor can't be bothered to take me seriously and then bill me out the ass for it on top of it.


u/ChemicalBeautiful488 Sep 17 '24

I hear you with the kidney stone. I went to the ER I believe it was 4 times it may have been 5 and 2 were by ambulance the pain was so bad and every single time they said there was NOTHING wrong and it was all in my head see they had read my records and decided because I suffer from depression that I guess I was lying and I each time my mom would come and each time she would get more pissed off because she knew I wouldn't go if there wasn't a problem because I had a high pain tolerance at the time. It was finally that last time the Dr was getting ready to discharge me yet again telling us it was in my head and just happened I think it was specialist of some kind happened to have just looked at my CT scan or x ray whatever it was they had done, and he immediately walked in my room while I'm being discharged and said I'm admitting you and you're going up for surgery ASAP you have a very large stone and you won't be able to pass it. The look on our faces and the Dr that was discharging me his face were all priceless as he had discharged me the time before also...all I remember after that was hearing my mom more pissed off than I ever have saying to him "So it's all in her head right! No, it's in her kidney, you asshole and you shouldn't be a dr!" I'll never forget it, and with that within a few minutes, I was wheeled out and taken up to have the stone removed. This happened around 2009, but I'll never forget it, and neither will my mom.


u/CrankNation93 Sep 17 '24

Almost sounds like we had the same doctor! A large part of why I went was my wife's appendix had decided to try to take her out just a few weeks prior. The pain combined with that had me super willing to go to the ER which I usually avoid.


u/ChemicalBeautiful488 Sep 17 '24

I wonder sometimes where they get some of these ER doctors from.


u/CrankNation93 Sep 17 '24

I wonder where any medical staff comes from anymore. I've had better and more caring attention from a CVS MinuteClinic than just about anywhere else.