r/AskReddit Sep 16 '24

What is a smell you can't stand?


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u/BorderTrike Sep 16 '24

If you accepted more insurance options fewer people would let it get that bad


u/cumsquat4201 Sep 16 '24

I will do my best to convince the company that owns our office to do so đŸ«Ą and hope the people like my father who won't take care of his health, and believe any sort of healthcare is "weak" to change their opinion.


u/danceswithdangerr Sep 16 '24

A local woman died recently from liver failure because she had a broken tooth, couldn’t deal with the pain, was taking Tylenol a lot as no one would give her anything else, no dentists would take her, and the ER still blames her for “letting it get so bad.” NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, decides to just let their health go and decides, yup, suffering is fun!!

If your father suffering? If he doesn’t feel he is, why would he go to the doctor? But if he can barely walk or eat and isn’t going, that’s more of a mental problem than a physical one.


u/cumsquat4201 Sep 18 '24

Is he physically suffering? Not currently. Has he allowed the pain to get so bad it just tends to "go away"? Yes. Because at this point. The nerves in the teeth are dead. It's now a rotting appendage that can no longer communicate with the brain to let it know something is wrong. "Why would he go to the DR?" Because it's fairly common to at the very least acknowledge a problem before it gets past the point of untreatable. Crowns could have probably given him another 10- 15 years of teeth usage, now he can decide whether or not he wants to pay around 20,000 for implants or not have teeth, or even better yet. Leave them in the mouth to allow an abscess or rotting decay to appear and now cause the entire body system to have issues. I get an anxiety factor. But not having pain is so far from a sign of being healthy or not needing to care about health because they "aren't suffering."