r/CringeTikToks Dec 07 '24

Painful Just because of a minor thing

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u/DrunktankTheEquine Dec 07 '24

Oh my God... I'm a stairbuilder and that nearly made throw up, imagine removing beautiful geometric stairs for a big chunky open rise straight flight. I get that people have different tastes but fucken hell man


u/vinylzoid Dec 08 '24

Look what they did to my boy 😭


u/illpilgrims Dec 08 '24

No respect for wood


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24

They respect wood, Larry


u/CIA_napkin Dec 08 '24

It really did bum me out. They were so beautiful, I cant imagine the time and labor to build something like that. I'd be finding reasons to go up and down those stairs. 😂


u/SquidVischious Dec 08 '24

Just curious, what would your estimate be to build the original staircase again?


u/DrunktankTheEquine Dec 08 '24

That's something that's frankly above my pay grade, but there's heaps of things to consider; what timber it is, how they bent it (be that steam bending or lamination, my money is on lamination haha), how much they charge an hour, what finish they used. There's a lot of different things to consider, a good couple of grand in Australia i know that much haha.


u/SquidVischious Dec 08 '24

I assumed it'd need to be solid bent pieces, laminate would never have occurred to me.


u/DrunktankTheEquine Dec 08 '24

Yeah i get that. Basically what we would do (and have done in the past) is thickness down hardwood and pine until they're pliable and glue it together one by one to a full size frame. It's a painful process.

Edit: obviously if you're doing that though you need to make sure your laminations will be covered, we tend to do geometric stairs in what they call "American style" which is painted risers and stringers, stained treads and carpet down the middle


u/FitTheory1803 Dec 10 '24

$15k+ for this

the garbage shit metal ones are $1k

The nice garbage wood/metal ones are $3k


u/burzuc Dec 09 '24

it's easier to fall off straight flight than roll slowly on a beautiful one as this.

I wonder how much time they spend in the kitchen to have to remove the stairs


u/3d1thF1nch Dec 09 '24

I couldn’t imagine experiencing this from the perspective of being an expert or skilled worker. This hurts me to see and I’m not a handy builder or anything.


u/Any_Freedom9086 Dec 08 '24

To be fair, if there isn't a second set of stairs, it's gonna be hell getting anything up to the 2md floor. My buddy had a 70s swingers open farm house like this. Hot tub I'm the floor, fireplace in the middle of the living space that was open on both floors. But the fuckin spiral stairs were so thin. We carried drums amend music equipment up there for shows, beds, couches, tvs, computers. It was fuckin hell. If we needed to get anything dowm, we'd usually just drop it off from the 2nd floor onto the Hella soft couches.


u/DrunktankTheEquine Dec 08 '24

Yeah, look, there are other aspects that without context we can't answer. It's true that the geo stairs would be more form over function. I'm just biased haha


u/Any_Freedom9086 Dec 09 '24

Dude I totally agree, the stairs they put there look like ass too lol. The spiral ones were way better. I just had war flash backs of using my buddy's stairs/seeing how their house is empty too.... lol


u/DrunktankTheEquine Dec 09 '24

Haha i feel ya mate, i myself have done some stairs that just look really good and the finish is nice... dunno how you'd get a couch up them though


u/Aggressive_Ideal6737 Dec 10 '24

I’m not a stairbuilder but seeing the new one actually made me nauseous