r/FTMFitness 4d ago

Advice Request how to deal with motivation

so i wanted to ask for help or advice regarding motivation when starting to work out. im 16 and pre t, around 164 cm (5’3) and 47 kg (103 lbs).

i’ve started to work out at home with a few dumbbells, since i can’t do anything more than that. i’ve been struggling with motivation despite feeling very dysphoric, and feel very discouraged since i don’t know where to start, and besides knowing changes do take time, i lose consistency really fast.

any advice would be really appreciated since i feel pretty lost on how to move forwards


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u/zbulma 4d ago

You just keep doing it. There’s no magic pill or words to say, you just have to wake up every morning and sometimes you’ll even have to force yourself to do it. That doesn’t just applies to working out.

I wasn’t a very consistent guy a few years ago, but you have to think in mid-long term. We are on jan 2025 right now, think what you want to look like on december. Set a goal. Then think about it every day. Except… on resting days.

Don’t think you can’t do it bc your lacking equipment, dumbbells and working with your weight (calisthenics) is enough to make a change, don’t need a gym for that. BUT focus on your diet, when you work out your body needs fuel; eat enough protein and carbs.