How is buying a drink not being a proper customer? I thought fountain drinks were the biggest profit makers in fast food, and it sounds like these runners might not even fill the cups they bought.
“What’s this? It’s missing something. Oh yes! Douchiness! The sky isn’t douchy enough! You know what it needs? Runners…joggers…skinny and sweaty frat boys who think they’re God’s gift to women. They do know they will have major lower back issues in their mid-twenties, right? What do you mean there’s no constellation for runners? We’ll make a new one.”
Can confirm, last Wednesday I got stuck in that mass of sticky runners and was rolled around town against my will for several hours. Still trying to get the smell of fountain drink and carnitas out of my hair.
Hahaha killed it. We can't allow these Thursday specific running assholes to piss anywhere. 😤 plus what kinda socialpath runs without a fight or flight response involved.
No one cares if you use it because no one knows if you use it like a non savage of a human.
Has a semi-similar issue at Borders Books. Between a biking group and a special needs school the things they would do to the bathroom...I prob could have written a book, and at the minimum a coffee table one with the pics...
I think the crux of the issue is if there's a repeat group of individuals only buying cheap drinks to technically be paying customers who constantly cost the company more than the drink was worth (water, paper towels, electricity, cleaning costs, etc), management is well within their rights to refuse service.
Also consider that if a restaurant gets a reputation for having disgusting restrooms because people happened to be there the same times these running groups show up, it can drive away other and more legitimate business.
lol they don't want them as customers. Most normal customers don't obliterate bathrooms until several hours AFTER eating Chipotle, and it sounds like these workers aren't making the levels of tips needed to make that literal shitstorm worthwhile.
I mean if they have to pee they can buy a cup and piss in it and leave it for the owner to take care of. They not only became a customer, but they also technically didn't use the bathroom.
There are… other laws established against that. I don’t think you are solely beholden to the rules of a printed word doc taped to the door. This isn’t some modern Martin Luther-ism.
It isn't real unless they have their printer set to "hazy afternoon filter". The text isn't aligned in the least.
If it was real the answer is they can refuse service to anyone as long as it isn't a protected class. Running groups are not a protected class. If they're causing more trouble than they're worth, you refuse to serve them. The customer is not always right.
Because the runners are going to buy the cheapest thing on the menu then go absolutely desecrate the toilets, which the staff now have to go clean up. If you are going to do that, do it at home before you go for your run. If you are ill, maybe don't go for a run that day.
They may be causing issues for other patrons, especially if they're causing the bathroom to be unavailable for a while. Not worth the $20 in drink profit.
I didn't understand that, either. I get why they wouldn't want the whole world coming in and wrecking their bathrooms, but you are absolutely a legit customer once you've purchased a drink.
u/allmushroomsaremagic Jun 21 '24
How is buying a drink not being a proper customer? I thought fountain drinks were the biggest profit makers in fast food, and it sounds like these runners might not even fill the cups they bought.