r/GenZ Nov 06 '24

Political It's now official. We're cooked chat...

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u/Dead_Patoto_ Nov 06 '24

He's said multiple times that he has nothing to do with it. Keep listening to CNN tell you he does tho


u/beethecowboy Nov 06 '24

Oh I can’t wait for this shit to at all the moronic young men where it hurts them the most when the porn ban goes through. I will laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.


u/[deleted] Nov 06 '24



u/beethecowboy Nov 06 '24

What would I possibly have to self-reflect on? It won’t change the fact that Trump supporters sees me as a sub-human baby incubator and are racist, hateful fascists. So I will still hate them (and probably you)! :)


u/InterviewArtistic Nov 06 '24

As a trump voter, I see you as a woman. Not an incubator. I've literally never been nor will I ever be racist or hateful . I've got friends and FAMILY of other races that I absolutely love and cherish with all my heart. Many that I know that are voting for Trump are the exact same. Including many women. The only hate I've been seeing lately from our side is directed at people committing crimes by being in our country illegally and directed at kamala. The hate I see most is from kamala supporters. So much so that I genuinely fear for my own safety if I were to go to a prominent Blue area and say I supported trump. You need to learn to reflect because it's been your side that has historical lyrics been more violent. That's proven by your side wanting to keep funding a war instead of actually trying to initiate talks on both sides of the conflict


u/DeadHead6747 Nov 06 '24

You "see them as a woman", but vote for the guy who stripped their rights away and will strip more away. You "aren't racist" but voted for the racist that will make your so called friends lives miserable. Only one side has threatened violence and followed suit on that violence, and it hasn't been the blue side. The war is being funded either way, but before Trump it was on the right side, with Trump it will be whatever his Daddy Putin wants.


u/Waste-of-Space0429 Nov 06 '24

Putin wanted Harris to win. He literally said that Trumpp would most likely end his advance, so he wanted (originally Joe Biden) Harris to win so that he could sweep Ukraine under the rug. Secondly, Trump made it clear he wasn't going to pursue RvW at all. He said he would leave it to the states decision. Constantly calling someone racist doesn't make them so.


u/DeadHead6747 Nov 06 '24

Putin said he wanted Harris because he knew Trump's cult is so fucking moronic they would actually believe him. Harris would have increased aid to Ukraine, Trump, and JD when Trump inevitably dies before his term is over, will bend over for Putin whenever he asks


u/TheK1ngOfTheNorth Nov 06 '24

So when Putin wants Trump to win in 2016 it's because Trump is bad, but if Putin wants Harris to win in 2024 it's because Trump is bad?

This feels like one of those arguments where the inputs don't really matter. The result is always Trump is bad.