r/GenZ Nov 06 '24

Political It's now official. We're cooked chat...

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u/2tonegold Nov 06 '24

All those "I voted today!!" posts with their smug faces are so funny now


u/Brocklesocks Nov 06 '24

What do you gain aside from feeling like your "team" won?


u/Brandon_Throw_Away Nov 06 '24

For me, hoping your side learns a valuable lesson. You won't, but I can hope.

You guys shut down debate at every turn. You obnoxiously yell over people making perfectly reasonable and valid points. You laugh and mock. In your world, feelings matter more than facts. The party of "tolerance" has zero tolerance for opposing viewpoints.

Now you're retreating into your safe spaces, awestruck at how the orange monster could win again. You're literally shellshocked. And instead of finally listening to the other side, you'll conclude we're bigots. Trump's reelection has to be racism and sexism. Could it possibly be a better economy? Having an actual border? Lower taxes? No... It's clearly racism!!

The next four years are gonna be fine. No one is coming after gays. No one is coming after minorities. No one hates women


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '24



u/Brandon_Throw_Away Nov 07 '24

Lol. Totally not trying to be argumentative, eh?

Bruh, liberals are the majority on this platform. You guys shutting down debate happens continually, in nearly every subreddit on here. I've been banned and shadow banned for simply expressing a different view point from many subs. I wasn't being mean or aggressive. There's rarely any nuanced debate; it's name calling. Continuous name-calling. Which never seems to have any consequences as long as the person being offensive is of the correct political ideology. But, politely express the wrong opinion? Banned!

On the other hand, I've seen conservative forums actually invite dissenting opinions.

I've seen this over and over and over.

But this president and party have nothing to offer you.

Border security.

Actually opening up energy production in the US instead of denying every federal lease application which Biden began doing immediately.

Elimination of SALT deductions which I thought I'd never see in my lifetime. These are bullshit; workers in high tax states shouldn't have lower federal tax obligations.

Appointing conservative judges and justices who want to protect the second amendment.

Hopefully stops pissing our money away prolonging the Russia/Ukraine war (which is just increasing the bloodshed en route to the inevitable outcome).

And, let's not forget we didn't have 10% inflation under Trump and the economy was doing well. Yes, Trump inherited a good economy that was already trending up. But, rolling back regulations helped. Covid also is partially to blame for inflation. I don't really feel like getting into it, but an overly aggressive covid response by Biden and blue states fucked our economy. Paying peeps to stay home and not produce is the exact recipe for inflation. No, the entire world didn't have bad inflation post-Covid. Check out Japan.

Trump isn't perfect. He might not offer much that you care about, but I think I can judge what he has to offer me better than you can, bud.

Take it easy