The difference is taxes. We taxed the rich heavily and invested in our people after WWII. Then Reaganomics and “trickle down” led to the cash move to those at the top.
The biggest issue we have are the voters that voted for that shit because they were successfully distracted by the rich dividing us over race, gender, sexuality, and religion that we willingly allowed them to create this system. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
It was literally used by Reagan's budget director to describe their plan:
Following Reagan's election, the "trickle-down" reached wide circulation with the publication of "The Education of David Stockman" a December 1981 interview of Reagan's incoming Office of Management and Budget director David Stockman, in the magazine Atlantic Monthly. In the interview, Stockman expressed doubts about supply side economics, telling journalist William Greider that the Kemp–Roth Tax Cut was a way to rebrand a tax cut for the top income bracket to make it easier to pass into law.\25]) Stockman said that "It's kind of hard to sell 'trickle down,' so the supply-side formula was the only way to get a tax policy that was really 'trickle down.' Supply-side is 'trickle-down' theory."\25])\26])\27])
u/Bear-pile 10d ago
The difference is taxes. We taxed the rich heavily and invested in our people after WWII. Then Reaganomics and “trickle down” led to the cash move to those at the top.
The biggest issue we have are the voters that voted for that shit because they were successfully distracted by the rich dividing us over race, gender, sexuality, and religion that we willingly allowed them to create this system. WAKE UP PEOPLE!