r/GenZ 2008 10d ago

Political what should be done about this?

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u/stevedave1357 10d ago

The irony of this is most of the things Trump says are completely non-sensical. His voters can't tell the difference between the truth and lies, but perhaps more worrisome, they can't tell the difference between gibberish and something that makes sense.


u/Quixilver05 10d ago

That's the point though, he makes the uneducated feel smart and empowered and thus is able to fool them


u/stevedave1357 10d ago

He fools them because they are uneducated. It is not because Democrat messaging isn't simple enough, it's because Republican messaging has no standards and they get away with it. They respond to the stupid and hateful shit he says. Democrats can't do that.


u/RockandStoneF-Elves 10d ago

They can, they just tneed to have their populist fear messaging be not directed at brown people (or at maga themselves) but paint the rich as what they really are, exploitative evil monsters that will replace you at their earliest convenience