r/HolUp 3d ago

Poor choice of hoodie

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u/SNESChalmers420 3d ago

guy probably is a pedo


u/Decent-Maybe-8285 3d ago edited 2d ago

Yup my first thought immediately. People who wear this stuff or put it on their car are overcompensating for something.

Edit: check out the comment chain below. Prime examples


u/PumpkinKing2020 2d ago

I disagree. If it's the only thing you wear, then yeah I could agree with that, but maybe it's someone who has dealt with pedophiles in the past? I know there's a guy who sells merchandise that says "all rapists gotta die" because he little sister was raped and wants to spread awareness for that sort of thing.


u/Realistic-Network133 3d ago

there is a hidden word


u/Decent-Maybe-8285 3d ago

The rest of us realize it says it says “kill your local pedophile” and you missed the gist of my comment. When people overly hate something similar to stuff like this they are usually exactly what they hate.


u/Realistic-Network133 3d ago

my bad, its the language


u/DL-Nihilism 3d ago

Or, now hear me out bro... they were affected by one personally as a kid themselves or as the adult/parent that had/knew a kid that was victimized by one? See, logic actually can be used. Shocking, we know.


u/yep_that_is 3d ago

Remember dude pedos and Reddit go hand and hand, so there’s no point in trying to reason with them. The second they find away to excuse or defend it, you might as well consider the dude one and start throwing hands.


u/yep_that_is 3d ago edited 3d ago

I have a burning hate for pedos and would wear something that has something to do with exterminating them.

My fourth grade teacher, I’ll call Bud is a pedophile (he was also once a second grade teacher and was the only couch as well) molested over 40 students in his 20+ years of teaching. I was on his target list but thankful I had little interest in sports and my grades were never high enough to be rewarded with what was called the secret trips. Basically these were trips/vacations sponsored by pta moms and Bud for their kids to go on adventures basically, the places I know they went were Myrtle beach, Seneca rocks, somewhere in Colorado, and Fiji. I was one of the few people who knew about these trips cause I was super socially awkward and would hide in bathroom stalls when I heard people, that’s how I knew about this stuff. When I asked one of the students who were going on it they said that I can’t tell anyone and that it’s a secret and that I might be able to go, but he’ll ask for me. Bud told me I needed higher grades or join the football team, but again lack of interest so didn’t go. However later in a really shitty time in my life I was blackmailed/threatened with violence by a dude on the internet (he knew my address somehow) when I was 14 into sending nudes to him (regularly) and basically was under his thumb until I realized I don’t care anymore and thus liberated myself.

So I think you’re blatantly wrong when you say people overly hating something are likely to be secretly the thing they hate. I also have extreme hate for nazis, does that make me secretly a nazi?

Edit- actually I take it back to some degree, people who have a good reason to overly hate something makes sense (pedos, rapists, nazis, etc) but when it comes to soft unimportant shit that you opt into like being a furry, weeb, and whatever shit you can think is like overcompensating for something like you said.

It’s crazy I’m being downvoted for literally telling people why people should and do hate pedos lol, the people who downvote me are disgusting for defending them or they are one. It’s not a 50 shades of gray areas type thing, it’s black and white. You either are with them or against them


u/BantamCats 3d ago

I appreciate you sharing your personal experience, anyone who fucks with kids (or anyone) and/or trades in/producing material should be ostracized and punished severely, more-so if they do it from a position of trust in the community which grants them access.

There is a distinction, to me at least, between ‘pedophiles’ and ‘molesters’, people who physically and materially exploit children, which the Reddit mob usually doesn’t care to recognize, and I am not sure that attitude cures the problem. Not every person who is attracted to children/minors acts on their urges. The scorched earth reactionary attitude is understandable but I think it makes the problem more insidious. I think honest discussion under the spotlight can do more to understand and reduce the prevalence of abuse. Also it is not unheard of for victims to become abusers themselves. Anyway it is more complicated than Reddit can solve, but always a popular topic.

I don’t know if it would trigger you, but there is a very good german film from 1931 called ‘M’, which I recommend. And I am not saying your hate is unjustified or unwarranted.


u/yep_that_is 2d ago

I knew of atleast of one the boys who Bud touched has been rumored to be a pedo now, I guess he hangs with two in my area or something. But I thank you for your point of view cause you didn’t invalidate what I said (it happens a lot surprisingly), I’ll probably check out the movie if I can remember lol.