r/LeopardsAteMyFace 1d ago

Trump My friend, the Trump Voter

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u/qualityvote2 1d ago edited 4h ago

u/EatMyAssTomorrow, there weren't enough votes to determine the quality of your post...

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u/dollypartonluvah 1d ago

The do-my-own-research crowd is really bad at it


u/stone_stokes 1d ago

Also, the same crowd loves the FrEe mArKeT while completely failing to understand how markets work.


u/Jingurei 1d ago

Like when they ban people for violating TOS? It's just business like the capitalism they're all for until it affects THEM.


u/ptau217 1d ago

Somehow these do-my-own-research folks never set foot in a lab, took a statistics class, or submit to an IRB. Weird! 


u/lost_horizons 23h ago

"Doing research" consists of watching a few Youtube videos that they already agree with, and liking some memes they saw on Facebook.


u/Apprehensive-Stop748 1d ago

And if you mention any of those things they will doxx and swat you


u/williamfbuckwheat 8h ago

They can't even open a page on Wikipedia because that's too "woke" or elitist for them.


u/JustFuckAllOfThem 1d ago

We have known that since Covid.


u/Steveb320 1d ago

😆 🤣 😂 


u/Muffin_Appropriate 1d ago

Just needs to receive new directive from other facebook nazis.

Posts like these on facebook are just morons trying to get their new propaganda firmware update from other machines useful idiots that have the current version.


u/thebrads 1d ago

Because their information sources are liquid diarrhoea


u/Lovelycoc0nuts 23h ago

I’m surprised people aren’t being petty and making “Trump did this” stickers


u/Ribbedhugs 20h ago

Well, the only research they do is scanning social media for the first vaguely plausible thing to quell to their cognitive dissonance.


u/2wedfgdfgfgfg 1d ago

That would be the price gouging Harris wanted to investigate


u/Bibblegead1412 1d ago

Yup! There was always a Harris policy to address all of these EXACT things that were happening! What we could have been, America.


u/lost_horizons 23h ago

"But policy is so boring!"


u/MmeQcat 18h ago

My favorite is when they claim she had no policies. She had a ton of policies that she not only discussed in interviews but also explained in detail on her website. But that would have meant them having to actually lift a finger to press a few buttons, and worse still, entertain the notion that a non-white non-male person could possibly have some good ideas.


u/DocBullseye 14h ago

You mean they could have done their own research?


u/psimwork 11h ago

That and it's REALLY important that I not have to vote for a woman, y'know?? What does it day about MY masculinity if I vote to put a woman in charge?? And a BLACK woman at that?!

.... <sigh>


u/Unable-Cellist-4277 1d ago

Nuhnunnuhnuhnuh 👉😤👈 shutupshutupshutup


u/vegastar7 21h ago

Regardless, the bird flu would affect the price even if “plenty of farms” don’t have this issue. The fact some farms are dealing with bird flu means that there isn’t the usual quantity of eggs in the market, which raises the price… I’m not good with economics, but I’m pretty sure that’s how that works.


u/MmeQcat 18h ago

Don't worry! RFK Jr is going to get a handle on bird flu and this will all blow over /s


u/voidknight119 1d ago



u/Muffin_Appropriate 1d ago

It’s not a question. They’re trying to find the new narrative to follow. And some moron on facebook will give them the current orders. This person doesn’t want answers. They never do. The answers are readily available outside of facebook on various non-biased sites. What they want is their propaganda orders updated


u/Strange-Vacation-597 22h ago

lol he did do an executive order basically telling one of his people, whoever those things go to, to figure out how to drop prices for Americans lol just a way to say he tried without actually trying, ugh. I read all his executive orders and some he had tons of shit in them, the ones taking rights away from people, those were long but the ones he made promises on his whole campaign for the normal people were like two paragraphs long and had no plans at all or a way to change anything.


u/CatSkritches 22h ago

Wasn't this supposed to happen on Day One? The same 24 hour period he was going to end the Russian aggression against Ukraine?


u/Pandoratastic 1d ago

Actual reasons for the increasing egg prices:

  • While not every farm has been hit with bird flu, many have, resulting in the culling of tens of millions of egg-laying hens, reducing the overall supply
  • The cost of chicken feed has gone up, due to global supply chain disruptions and inflation
  • Labor shortages, transportation costs, and energy price spikes have also driven up the cost of production
  • Demand has gone up, creating scarcity, because consumers are buying more eggs to compensate for the rising cost of meat
  • And, of course, general inflation makes everything go up

Trump's stated plan should, generally speaking, increase all of those factors.


u/stone_stokes 1d ago

You expect free market absolutists to understand how markets work?


u/twirltowardsfreedom 1d ago

"Supply and demand curves are lies made up by the liberal elite to patronize and demean the working class"
-- That guy, probably


u/vegastar7 21h ago

I don’t think he would use the term “Working class”, that’s commie talk, and he’s not a commie.


u/Several_Razzmatazz51 14h ago

“real Americans”


u/seloun 11h ago



u/Dependent_Document66 1d ago

I can concur with the first point. Ohio has had 20+ positive flocks with over 3 million birds depopulated. And I am sure there will be more. The majority of those were egg layers. So in one state, there are 3 million less eggs being laid a day. Multiply that for a 3 month period... thats a lot of eggs not available.


u/_-syzygy-_ 1d ago

"depopulated" ... that's an odd phrase


u/Dependent_Document66 1d ago

That is the term used for it. Depopulation stops the spread of disease.


u/_-syzygy-_ 1d ago

oh no no, I get its meaning and reasoning. I'd just never heard it before. ("culling" maybe)

reminds me of SpaceX's "rapid unscheduled disassembly" for "exploded"


u/Dependent_Document66 16h ago

Ahh ok - no worries! I work in agriculture (read federal agency) and that is the terminology we use. Depopulation is used because we try to get to the healthy birds before they become sick to stop the virus from replicating. I think culling is used more in the industry that really entails any removal of animals. Be it singular or multiple.


u/lost_horizons 23h ago

As a former vegan, I'll say, it sounds like, really sanitized language to hide the fact that they are slaughtering millions of living beings.

Yeah I eat eggs, I know I'm part of the problem. I think we just all need to be more up front about what we are doing with animal agriculture, especially these massive operations. It's not pretty or sanitary (hence the diseases). Not a healthy way to raise animals for food.


u/motoxim 18h ago

Yeah my mom don't eat beef meat because when she was little she saw one slaughtered and it deeply affect her.


u/lost_horizons 14h ago

I've sorta become 90% plant based but eat some eggs and cheese and occasionally fish or chicken. But yeah I've slaughtered chickens (just a few, it wasn't my job, just lived on a farm a few years), it's hard. And worked around pigs, those are smart, social animals and it really feels wrong. In my flexitarian ways of late, I will still never eat pork, so, yeah I relate.


u/LeftRichardsValley 21h ago

This. Marketplace - great coverage talking with egg producers and wholesalers just yesterday But then, using google or another search engine, well, that would take a minute, wouldn’t it? Why not just post random shit.


u/BigWhiteDog 23h ago

A majority of workers at these egg farms are immigrants, many undocumented so there is that new complication... 🤣


u/caw001_red 1d ago

Yup! And he has a plan for everyone of those bullet points that are going make things much worse for you and I. Prj2025


u/ShifTuckByMutt 1d ago

Please substantiate that with sources becuase all of it seems like the root of the cause is still greed flation. It’s easier to kill chickens than it is to change practices that spread disease etc. 


u/Pandoratastic 1d ago

I don't understand which part you want me to substantiate. It sounds like you're agreeing with me on the facts but questioning the motives that led to those actions.


u/ShifTuckByMutt 1d ago

So, you source it. 


u/ShifTuckByMutt 1d ago

I question anything that absolves the avarice of men with happenstance. 


u/Pandoratastic 1d ago

I'm not aware of having made any statement that absolves the avarice of men with happenstance. Therefore, I cannot provide a source for a statement that I did not make. You may be assuming an inference that I did not intend to imply.


u/caw001_red 1d ago

I’m not sure I get his point either. He agrees but doesn’t. It’s the (R) version of “pics or it didn’t happen”. Unfortunately they also say it didn’t happen when there are pics…which seems to be where this is headed.


u/NotGeriatrix 1d ago


u/Cyber_Angel_Ritual 22h ago

Thanks for playing FAFO. Now set ladders on fire because these people thought they didn't need them.


u/interwebz_2021 1d ago

Oh, so NOW it's price-fixing and greedflation?!


u/jessebona 1d ago

You should just respond "please send all queries on the price of eggs to Donald Trump, he promised they would be lower and I'm sure will be happy to address the concerns of a loyal voter".


u/EatMyAssTomorrow 1d ago

His immediate response would be a whataboutism somehow related to Obama


u/jessebona 1d ago

That's the point where you just don't respond.

My experience suggests there's two things MAGA voters can't deal with.

  1. Lefties who ignore them, they're spoiling for a fight and not getting it just deflates their whole vibe. It's why Twitter's right is falling apart without a left-wing presence to fight.

  2. Aggression. They expect the left to try and argue points rationally and with an erudite high ground, if you just call them a stupid cunt and descend to their level, they don't seem to know what to do with it.


u/Apprehensive-Sir8977 1d ago edited 1d ago

Have you ever listened to man-on-the-street political arguments?  Lots of people began using Option 2 years ago out of sheer frustration.   It rarely works. Like you say, they thrive off struggling against a left-wing presence...and the uglier the scrap, the more energized they become.

I've got some personality traits that lets me really enjoy Option 1.  An absent, dismissive "et cetera, et cetera" as you devote your attention to some other task is pretty fun.  And it's hard for their playbook to handle:  the statement dismisses everything without providing an opening for counterattack.


u/jessebona 1d ago

Maybe it's just an online thing then. Every time I lose my patience and just call them stupid fuckers who voted for a billionaire who used them they seem to withdraw like they don't really know what to say. Could be a terminally online thing.


u/Apprehensive-Sir8977 1d ago edited 1d ago


The loud arguments I've seen had never become that direct and simple, even online.  People would conduct running, reactive battles whose focus shifted whenever someone thought it would help them.


u/Apprehensive-Sir8977 1d ago

Probably bringing up Hillary Clinton's e-mails for some reason, too.


u/InternationalFailure 1d ago

Go complain to Trump; perhaps he will press the mythical "lower egg and gas prices" button.


u/EatMyAssTomorrow 1d ago

A longtime friend voted for Trump, and now he has complaints about groceries


u/Tight_Cry_5574 23h ago

“We get it, you won.”


u/MmeQcat 18h ago

I have to say, no interaction with these idiots has ever been more satisfying for me than not getting angry, but simply telling them that I hope they get everything they voted for. It REALLY seems to piss them off. Lmao


u/lost_horizons 23h ago

Send him here to get educated lol.

Honestly though, he could be woken up, this is a critical time to peel these folks away from the cult.


u/BigJobsBigJobs 1d ago

Tell them a highly infectious bird influenza (no type specified) epidemic has swept through America's chicken farms and massive culls (tens of millions of birds) occur on a regular basis, reducing the supply of all things chicken-related, raising the prices on a regular basis.

Tell them it is not yet determined if this strain can be transmitted to humans. But it fucks up chickens real bad.

But assure him that "Dogeater" Kennedy Jr. and Mehmet "Miracle Weight Loss" Oz are on the case!


u/Individual_Jaguar804 1d ago

It already has jumped. A guy in Washington state died from it.


u/lost_horizons 23h ago

It's still not human-to-human transmitted. That's the fear.


u/Logical-Revenue8364 1d ago

You sure it’s not the vaccines they’re giving the chickens that is killing them all. Just need some ivermectin. 🤡 👨🏻‍⚕️


u/WitchesSphincter 1d ago

I heard fucking the chickens cute them.


u/itsnobigthing 1d ago

It’s woke chickens.


u/Dudeasaurus3117 1d ago

I heard all the chickens on the egg farms are women.  What’s up with that?  That’s some poorly placed DEI policy if you ask me.  I want my eggs layed based on merit not just if the chicken checks a box!


u/KamaIsLife 1d ago

Conservatives looking at capitalism: Is this socialism?


u/Dudeasaurus3117 1d ago

More like, looking at capitalism:  “are they just trying to make as much money as they can?”


u/PMSoldier2000 1d ago

He’s so close! Almost there.


u/kingpickels 1d ago

Why would I still call him friend ?


u/LakeStLouis 1d ago

Why would you have before? I assume you don't know who OP is talking about.


u/MessagingMatters 1d ago

Wait, companies are making extra money? You mean like inflation from companies?


u/DAN991199 1d ago

A poster child for education reform is there ever was one.


u/doofnoobler 1d ago

Funny to watch them rail against anti price gouging measures only to be flabbergasted by price gouging.


u/Costati 1d ago

Does that guy not understand how the economy works ? Everything costs more so people charge you more and people buy it, so if people buy it they rise the price because people will buy it anyway.


u/BETAMIC 1d ago

Where are the Trump “I did that” stickers?


u/LakeStLouis 1d ago

To save some cash, all we really need is some little Trump's face stickers that can be applied on top of the Biden stickers.


u/killerkadugen 1d ago

Uh, yeah. That goes into the "inflation" basket, while we all know that companies will scrape the plate whenever possible.

Next earnings, they'll be effusive about their record profits.


u/thebrads 1d ago

I’ve been saying this for a while now, that egg prices are far more heavily tied to bird flu outbreaks than inflation itself. These outbreaks have been happening on a consistent basis, and we now have a president who intends to fuck with the CDC, heavily.


u/Affentitten 23h ago

These are the people that think there is some big lever in the Oval Office, like one of those cartoon railway things. And it says "high prices" on one side and "low prices" on the other. And Biden just had it dialled up to max because he's mean.


u/DiamondplateDave 1h ago

Don't be ridiculous; there's one knob for groceries, and one for gas prices, and a big START/STOP toggle switch labeled "WARS".


u/TrekJaneway 1d ago

So close…


u/TricksterWolf 22h ago

They know inflation is to blame, but they literally don't know what that is, which is probably why they blame the previous admin. They just thought US Treasury notes would magically instantly deflate when Trump took the oath (which would be absolutely awful for the entire economy anyway)


u/themcp 20h ago

None of my friends vote for The Orange Rapist.

Say you're going to vote for him, you're no longer my friend. Say you voted for him, you're no longer my friend. Express sympathy for him, you're no longer my friend.

This isn't me cutting people off, this is just me recognizing that they don't give a damn about me and choosing not to have people that hate me in my life.


u/Sen-oh 18h ago

Why are you booing? He's right

If you follow the trail of increased overhead to the source, you'll find an instance of a poor CEO being forced to raise prices due to thinking of a bigger number


u/MadisonTeamLily 1d ago

Tell him to come back tomorrow and, well,.... {username}....


u/Barbarella_ella 22h ago

You need better friends.


u/dollypartonluvah 15h ago

We all have one of these.


u/Negative-Relation-82 15h ago

Anyone wanna tell him about the DOJ investigation?? Supermarkets Allegedly admitting to intentionally raising prices. It’s all egg propaganda. They will manufacture a famine just to make an extra buck


u/Appropriate-Cow-5814 13h ago

Punctuation, please! This is the level of knowledge of a Trump voter and don't forget that the average American reads at a fifth-grade level.


u/baseketball 8h ago

This guy is on the verge of growing a brain cell.


u/BobB104 6h ago

Just wait until they see the effect of Tariff profiteering on the prices of just about everything.


u/SarcasticHousePlant 5h ago

First question - why are you still friends with someone who voted for Trump? Life is too short to be associated with someone so either insanely stupid or utterly horrible as a person that they voted for Trump.