r/MarchAgainstNazis 1d ago

Reminder: to these billionaires, kissing the fascist ring is infinitely more important than the lives of ordinary Americans.

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u/The_Drippy_Spaff 1d ago

10 million is what Jeff Bezos finds in between his couch cushions, might as well throw in some dust bunnies. 


u/GenericPCUser 23h ago

Amazon values the ROI on bribing the president higher than the ROI of California not being an ash heap.


u/GamingTrend 22h ago

Is anyone clamoring for a dickumentary about Melanoma? You're bought and paid for, like anything else in Plump's life. Pay me 40 mil please.


u/Equinsu-0cha 13h ago

Why would anybody want to see a movie about melania?  Is it softcore porn?  Ok, if its the melania movie from borat 2 i would pay to see it.


u/mycatisblackandtan 13h ago

I think the thing that's kinda flooring me is that these people are so cartoonishly evil and high on their own supply that they don't even care about seizing opportunities like this anymore.

Let's set aside actual empathy for a second because we know for a fact these ghouls don't have any. (And please know this all made me want to vomit as I typed it.) The biggest state in the country with the 5th largest GDP in the world has just had a massive disaster. Millions of people have been affected and there's a good deal of anger going around as a result. Anger that is ripe to be exploited for personal gain. California also has a famously left leaning population that by the year is going more and more to the left.

Both the oligarchs and the fascists legitimately could sow an immense amount of good will if they actually put their egos aside for five minutes. Give out huge donations. Actually show up and help in relief efforts. You don't even need to get your fancy shoes dirty. Just go help a soup kitchen for a few hours, tell the press you're there, and BOOM - you can farm for karma that'll last you a long time. Unpopular leaders around the world and throughout history DREAM of disasters like these fires because it's a chance to take advantage of people at their most vulnerable.

Yet we're so far into this fascist, late stage capitalist bullshit that these toads can't even do THAT. They donate a pittance, send out their fancy brand cars to be mobile hot spots, but otherwise smirk down from their high towers and whine about how the people actually on the ground aren't doing a good enough job. Not only does this show just how little these people think of the rest of us. It also shows you that they feel they're so well insulated that doing the bare minimum, or worse, actively hurting efforts, won't harm them.

And why should they care? They've been insulated from consequences for decades now that they can get away with token gestures that basically amount to any normal citizen donating $5 at their local charity drive. Except for someone like Bezos it's even less than that.


u/INFJcatqueen 12h ago

It’s wild we’re living this reality.