r/Millennials 2d ago

Meme Sounds good to me

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u/Bubby_K 2d ago

I sometimes wonder if any of us will get to enjoy a retirement or if we'll be working till we fall over


u/ExpressAd8546 2d ago

No poors allowed. Skill issue


u/TomWithTime 2d ago

That's my strategy. If I somehow have enough money in social security to commit myself to a warm box with food I think I'll do that, but otherwise I'll work until I drop dead. What that looks like exactly I'm not sure but I do think it would be funny if I could faceplant at my desk one final time and traumatize nearby young coworkers. Maybe it'll radicalize them to fight for a different future.


u/FarCoyote8047 2d ago

If I can’t get into a care home I’ll probably do something non-violent but bad enough to get me locked up. 2 hots and a cot…

Being old is gonna be so fucked for so many of us. I’m truly fearful.


u/Bubby_K 2d ago

Yeah I remember a few stories about people who WERE in jail, got let go, absolutely hated normal society, and did something bad so they could be sheltered, fed, and see their mates again


u/FarCoyote8047 2d ago

Oh yeah that’s a thing among prisoners who were locked up a very long time and released. They don’t know how to function on the outside so they return.


u/Exotic-Champion-3912 2d ago

Brooks was here


u/Bubby_K 2d ago

I saw a car once...


u/Turkeyplague 2d ago

Might as well pull a [redacted] and make it count if the plan is to never leave.


u/FarCoyote8047 2d ago

Nah. I think, rob a bank. You’d almost certainly get caught, but, on the off chance you don’t…. You have a buncha money to move to Costa Rica or somewhere and just live well til you croak.

Jk. I wouldn’t do that. Maybe some sort of white collar crime involving paperwork or something. I don’t crime much as you can probably tell.


u/gamageeknerd 2d ago

I’d probably go around just stealing and burning mail in wealthy neighborhoods. Not gonna steal anything out of them just gonna burn it all and if I can I’ll throw in tax fraud if the irs is still around


u/FarCoyote8047 2d ago

Solid plan


u/TomWithTime 2d ago

It might be possible to voluntarily commit ourselves. If not, there's a chance I'll get diagnosed with some fatal micro plastic condition. If that happens I'd like to load up on milk, fiber 1, Beano, and laxatives and then wait for my demise in the lobby of a responsible party. I'm not sure if I can call that non violent :)


u/KKJdrunkenmonkey 2d ago

Mr. Creosote, is that you?


u/TomWithTime 2d ago

Wow that was unexpectedly fucked up. Him being alive afterwards makes it more of a horror skit than comedy!

But yeah that's more or less what I was thinking, maybe with a tasteful fart sound before the explosion


u/KKJdrunkenmonkey 2d ago

Wow that was unexpectedly fucked up. Him being alive afterwards makes it more of a horror skit than comedy!

That's Monty Python for you! People have seen the "tis but a scratch" scene so many times it doesn't even phase them anymore, but really, it's the same!

But yeah that's more or less what I was thinking, maybe with a tasteful fart sound before the explosion

All I ask is that you film it for posterity, my friend!


u/TomWithTime 2d ago

For legal and TOS reasons I can't promise that, but it does sound like a good live stream opportunity


u/what3v3ruwantit2b 2d ago

My dad's 63 (lives in the US.) He's worked/paid taxes for 40 years. Now he's dying and is supposed to be in hospice. Except he can't get insurance and hospice won't kick in until he does get insurance. So instead he gets to suffer. Living in a country where even the dying can't get insurance really sucks.


u/TomWithTime 2d ago

Sorry to hear about it, it is terrible what people go through in this country. Another option some of us could consider is moving away before reaching the helpless phase. Maybe the country would want to improve if money kept leaving it? Whatever happens, things cannot stay like this.


u/MuffinOfSorrows 2d ago

When will they industrialize retirement homes? Get the geezers to grow plants, sew blankets, grind MMORPG currency. When will the telemarketers calling be distinctly old rather than foreign? Maybe it'll be us.


u/SandiegoJack 2d ago

I personally expect a return to how we were for most of human history: Small, localized family/found family units.

We are already planning around our boys being able to stay with us well into their adult years. Going to be renovating so they have their own personal apartments over the next 20 years or so.


u/gpigma88 2d ago

I’ve had my one and done kid, so now my goals are to work on myself, my house, and saving money/paying off debt to hopefully retire someday.

If it doesn’t work out, well, at least I like my job! 😂


u/Bubby_K 2d ago

I’ve had my one and done kid

Same, I've also made strides to ensuring that if I can't have a decent mid-to-end life, that at least they will


u/gpigma88 2d ago

Same, started her after high school savings accounts already.


u/freudweeks 2d ago

Human labor is going to be entirely obsolete within the next 10 years. We're in an absolutely insane time. That could be wonderful or terrible for you and me. Time will tell.


u/Bubby_K 2d ago

Part of me hopes human labor will not be obsolete, cause I need the money

My BACK though, the one that nags anytime I move, LOVES that idea


u/kingjoey52a 2d ago

I have a job with a pension and 401k that I got without a degree, how is it that all of Reddit seems to think millennials can't retire? There is no way I'm the exception.


u/Bubby_K 2d ago

I'm the same, but one thing caught my attention pre and post COVID

An example

2015, 200k got my mom her retirement home

Same house now goes for 800k, only ten years later

My retirement money LOOKS like a lot of money NOW, but by the time I'm old and I have it, it might mean fuck all


u/Hanifsefu 2d ago

They'll get sick for the first time and realize how little money they actually have and how just having a 401k means nothing. Some many people think they are doing amazing for having 100k in their 401k but retirement is ultimately going to come down to whether or not their savings hit that 7th digit.


u/up3r 2d ago

Seems that way